matchups for wednesday!

Okey-dokey. I’m actually almost certain I’m on top of this!

Quarterfinal matches for tomorrow. Here we go.

Staring one another down we have ……

The Liberty Bell (Jelena Jankovic SRB)


Gene Wilder (Venus Williams USA)

ALSO …..

PostSecret (Svetlana Kuznetsova RUS)


Alexander Hamilton (Agnes Szavay HUN)


Google (Anna Chakvetadze RUS)


Paul Bunyan (Sahar Peer ISR)

Good luck and good matches, everyone!!

(And keep scrolling for other stuff …. like stuff I forgot … and new non-game related posting … and n*ked pictures of Boheme customers … no biggie.)

results — the best thing ever: america

Tonight, in late court action …….

*NSYNC (Justine Henin BEL)


Old Glory (Serena Williams USA)


Later in the locker room, Old Glory had been so thrashed, trashed, and “yo!-yo!-yo!”-ed that her blazing glory had faded to various shades of mealy gray and she had blown a ragged hole in her starry bloomers. Seamstresses summoned to patch the embarrassing tear in Old Glory’s unders were heard randomly whispering “oh, say can you seeeeeeee??” and “land of the freeeeeeee!!” and then dissolving into off-key hums and shrieking giggles. Which is just really immature, you know, I think.

Sorry, Old Glory, about your loserhood and your unders and all. And that you lost to a boy band that probably doesn’t know all the lyrics to your famous song.

It’s just a real shame.

Anyhoo …. wave Boo-Bye, everyone!!

we interrupt this blog game to bring you …

…. pictures from our trip to Zion in July!

I didn’t take them — my brother-in-law did — so they will actually be lookable.

(I was gonna say “watchable,” but these are pictures; not TV, not a movie. So if moving pictures can be labeled as “watchable” or “unwatchable,” why can’t a still picture can be called “lookable” or “unlookable”? It makes sense to me, but I am simmering here in 357-degree weather, a shiny flesh dumpling, so I may be experiencing some impairment.)

But still, we remain undaunted in the midst our mental incapacity.


Allow me to introduce you to ….. Fearless Girl!

She climbs vertical walls of protruding rocks!

She wears sweaty helmets and races ’round in bloaty-wheeled contraptions!

She allows strangers to wrap flimsy straps around her little bum and release her into the sky — at 30,000 feet!
(Uhm, hello, parental neglect. Good LORD!)

She bursts with joy no matter what she does or how she is abused by those who claim to love her!

She wears pink and hold hands with wild Banshees who also wear pink to lull Fearless Girl into complacency before they strike!

She wears paisley kerchiefs and holds the hands of giants, melting hearts everywhere!


And she makes me blaze with love.

drat! i did it again!

I missed a result! What is wrong with me? Seriously, this match was nowhere to be found on the US Open site yesterday, and now — KAPOW! — it’s there and it’s OVER!!

(Stupid someone other than me.)

Okay. Well, so at some point in the recent past, ah ….

Google (Anna Chakvetadze RUS)


Denzel Washington (Tamira Paszek AUT)

Later in the locker room, a bewildered Mr. Washington was found staring at a wall, wearing nothing but his Pelican Briefs. (I hate myself.)

Boo-Bye, Denzel! Please autograph those briefs and send them to me, mkay? And even though you’re a loser, I still think you’re a pretty pretty pony.

the list of sad boo-byes

I know it’s a holiday weekend and all, so I’ll just list here the latest Boo-Byes we’ve had in The Best Thing Ever: America.

Dean Martin
The Constitution
Opportunity — who gave a great — albeit somewhat bitter — Boo-Bye Speech
American Idol
Mark Twain

7 down.

9 remain ….

I forgot to post some matchups! ack!

And now there are results already!! ACK!! ACK!!

What can I say? It’s 104 huuumid degrees here and I’ve basically become a giant beef dumpling, gently stewing in — let me look around a sec — onions, carrots, thyme and I think I saw a bay leaf floating around here, too.

So I am uncomfortable but tasty.

Still, who cares about THAT when there is The Best Thing Ever: America to tend to??

Okay. Uhm, so here we go, winners, losers!

In court action — apparently ages ago ….

PostSecret — (Svetlana Kuznetsova RUS)


Dean Martin (Victoria Azarenka BLR)

Later in the locker room, Dino enjoyed a post-match ciggie and was heard mumbling, “Well, Ain’t that a Kick in the Head.” Volare, Dino!!

In other court action ….

Alexander Hamilton (Agnes Szavay HUN)


The Constitution (Julia Vakulenko UKR)

The Constitution rolled off the court, pouting and whining, “‘Promote the general Welfare,’ my faded yellow butt! What about MY personal welfare!? Huh? HUH? What about THAT??”

Finally …..

Paul Bunyan — (Sahar Peer ISR)


Jazz (Agnieszka Radwanska POL)

Jazz be-bopped and scatted off to the locker room, joined Dino in a post-match ciggie, and was later found face-down drunk in a Bourbon Street brothel.

Hey, I just report the action.

Boo-Bye, Dino, Constitution, Jazz! I’m sorry!

Why, oh, why do bad things happen to good people and things? Why? Why?

more results — the best thing ever: america!

The latest, latest:

*NSYNC (Justine Henin BEL)




Later, though, they followed her around singing, Would you be my girlfriend? Would you be my girlfriend? Why don’t you be my girlfriend? which is just plain creepy and manipulative. Reel ‘er in, break ‘er heart, reel ‘er in, break ‘er heart. Sick, *NSYNC. SICK. Stop messing with the poor girl’s head.

Sorry, Opportunity.

Asked for comment later about their bizarre behavior, *NSYNC simply said, “Nah nah-nah nah nah. Nah nah-nah nah. Be together say Nah nah-nah nah nah nah nah.”

Which, frankly, we neither understand nor care to.

In another heartbreaker NOT brought on by *NSYNC …..

THE LIBERTY BELL (Jelena Jankovic SRB)


AMERICAN IDOL (Sybille Bammer AUT)


Poorla’s head was cracked in the process. Luckily, she sustained no damage.

Our condolences, but sad Boo-Byes welcome, of course.

sad chairs


50 Sad Chairs, a project by artist Bill Keaggy.

I love this whole idea. Our relationship to chairs. How they seem without us. How they seem — yes — sad without us. How their loneliness makes us sad, too. Sometimes — actually, most of the time, I think — a chair is not just a chair. If you have a favorite chair, you have a relationship with it. Don’t laugh. You do. There’s an alchemy between a person and their favorite chair. A symbiosis. You are one, you and your chair. I mean, think of a chair you’ve loved. The chair that was the coziest. The softest. The most comfortable. The one that fit your particular lumps perfectly and soothed each and every one of them every time you sat in it, without fail. That chair. If you don’t have it anymore, you miss it. And if you still have it, it’s the place you want to be at the end of a troublesome day. Or any day. The place that welcomes you and holds you and makes you go “ahhhh.” That’s love. You love that chair, whatever kind of chair it is, however old it is, however old you are. You will always love that chair. Maybe even pine for that chair.

When I was 7 years old, for reasons I began to tell in this post and will probably never be able to finish, I began an intense, obsessive, needy relationship with our rocking chair. I mean, I wore that thing out. Probably tested every last spring it had. Maybe even wore out my welcome a million times over while it suffered in stoic silence. But I loved it so. I needed it so. It was a crushed yellow velvet creature with box pleats and was basically glaring and ugly. Actually, it was probably velveteen, now that I think about it. Probably not the real deal or I wouldn’t have been allowed to sit in it. We’d had it for several years and no one in the family sat in it but me. It was mostly considered a good chair, a guest chair, you know? And, well, guests would sit in it, awkwardly, struggling and trying to hide it, but I could always tell because I would watch them. Closely. I wasn’t allowed to sit there if guests were visiting — and that made me kind of antsy, really — so from my quiet swatch of carpet nearby, I’d sneak little anxious peeks at them. The way they squirmed. Their shifting positions. Their restless legs. Their furrowed brows giving it away: Do I sit still here? Do I rock in this thing? Do I sit on the very edge and pretend it’s not a rocking chair? Always, they struggled with it and that’s how I knew that they did not understand the chair. Maybe they resented the chair, even, for the anxiety it put them through. And let’s not forget, it was yellow and glaring and ugly. Stupid chair, I could almost hear them thinking.

But me, I never tried to figure out how to sit in the chair. It was a rocking chair. You rocked. That’s what it did; that’s what you did. I always felt like we understood each other. There was no awkward struggle, no furrowed brow. Just sit and do what the chair is supposed to do. Rock. Rock. Rock again. Simple. And for me, at that time in my life, that chair was a kind of savior. It always embraced me. It was always waiting. It never rejected me. It made no demands. It listened to me. And I swear, it understood. To this day, you cannot tell me that chair did not understand how terrified I’d become of life. Its soft steady rocking was comfort and sympathy to me. And, yes, it was yellow and glaring and ugly, but I always thought it looked like gold. A golden chair in streaming sunlight. Every day, after school, it was the first place I’d go. My brother would instantly charge outside to play. My sister would retreat to our room to do homework. And I would tiptoe to the chair and crawl in. Through the window beside the chair, I could see kids in the park across the street, playing, riding bikes, chasing each other. But I couldn’t do that, couldn’t bring myself to do that. No. I wasn’t ready. Not yet. When I came home after a whole day at school with all those kids who didn’t know how scared I was, what I needed most was to rock in the chair. What I needed most was a break from holding my breath and pretending I wasn’t scared. So the chair let me breathe. Stop pretending. Be a quavering mass of fears until the rocking calmed me down. Let me sleep. Helped me forget.

My family would mock me, call me lazy if I stayed too long in the chair when there was homework or chores to be done, but I needed things right then in that stretch of my life that I could not possibly verbalize. I didn’t have the vocabulary. I was 7 years old, for God’s sake. I didn’t even know the word trauma. What little kid does? I didn’t know what else to do with my mute fears, so I would slink to the golden chair near the big window and let the honey light pour through all the dark places. Every day. Over and over. And I did it all the way through high school. All my life, I’ve struggled to “get over things,” move on, be bouncy! resilient! I don’t get over things easily or quickly; I never have; I probably never will, and I imagine this is where it all started and why I needed that chair so much. I thank God for it. My chair. In the end, that chair knew me, knew things about me, all there was to know, without rejecting me. It knew me and endured me and healed me. That chair gave me grace. Like a savior.

I miss my chair and what we were together.

Because, really, a chair is never just a chair.

results — the best thing ever: america

The latest, up-to-datest, from The Open. Sadly, two of you have been boo-byed.

Sing it with me now:

And the rockets red glaaaare
The lobs bursting in aaaaair
Gave proof through the, uhm — — fiiiiighhhht
That our flag was still therrrrre …..

Yes, it’s true. The Star-Spangled Banner in triumph doth wave, for earlier today it was ….

OLD GLORY (Serena Williams USA)

waving boo-bye to

MARK TWAIN (Marion Bartoli FRA)

It would seem, on closer analysis, that Mr. Twain’s primary exercise regimen of “sleeping and resting” may actually have failed him here.

Alas and Farewell, Mr. Twain!

In other court action, we had …..

GENE WILDER (Venus Williams USA)

snatching a Golden Ticket to the Quarterfinals out of the chocolate-covered hands of

BASEBALL (Ana Ivanovic SRB)

Summer’s over, boys! Toodle-loo, Baseball!

Now …. let’s observe a moment of silence for Mark Twain and Baseball, valiant warriors each, apart from the not exercising and excessive chocolate eating. Still. They were each some kind of warrior here. Valiant/foolhardy. Potato/Potawto.

Any Boo-Byes, gentlemen?