the butterfly bra lives again

Remember the whole recent bra issue at Boheme? Well, Dave came in a couple of days after Mother’s Day with the coda to the story.

The poor man. He was aghast at the prospect of overnighting the butterfly bra to his mom. His face literally went white at the retelling of his trip to UPS.

“What’s in the box?” the clerk asked.

“Uhm, well, it’s … well, it’s a bra.”

“Uh-huh. Is there any metal on the bra?”

Dave was dying.

“Well, yeah. I mean, I guess.”

“Okay. Open the box, please.”

So poor Dave was forced to open the box with the butterfly bra in front of evvverybody. Forced to watch as the clerk thoroughly “checked it out.” Finally, though, the box was shut and sent off to mom.

His mom who has Alzheimer’s, you see.

So a few days later, Dave’s phone rang. His mom, exclaiming, “Ohhh! Honey! I got the bra you sent me for Mother’s Day! I can’t believe it. Thank you! HOW did you know my size?”

“Mom, what — what do you mean?”

“The bra! It’s just my size!”

“Mom ….. it’s your bra.”

“It IS?”


“No, it’s not.”

“Mom, I swear. You left it here, you called me, I sent it back to you.”



There was a pause.

“Hm. Well, it’s real pretty.”

shoes, eggs, no eyeballs

Again, with the cruppy cell phone cam. It is all too too exciting, I know, so please calm thyselves.

Part of the backyard patio at Boheme. Say hi to some of the coffee peeps.


Oh, I see what’s going on here with me and my lazy butt. I need to put these cups away but get distracted by the crossword puzzle. What if the owner catches you, Tracey? For shame.


The cups are in their spot. The peeps are on the patio. The puzzle has been finished. And now I really need to mull over the ugliness of my shoe. Please be silent whilst I do so. Thankee.


After that, I really need to think about the nifty stone egg in front of the museum. I mean, it’s an egg … made of stone.

A stone egg.

My very favorite stone egg.


After that, I scurry home quick like a bunny to post these bombshells right here, on my blog!

disaster planning

So my friend and customer M left today on a trip with a friend to Central America. She came in yesterday, chainsmoking her head off, panicked because she’s never flown, panicked because she can’t smoke on the plane, and panicked because what if I need time alone on the trip and what if it hurts my friend’s feelings and then what if she ends up hating me and such?

These are two women who’ve been friends for a long long time. Still, at one point, M paused, cigarette at her lips, and said, all morose, in her dry drrry deadpan:

“Well, baaasically … I’ve already planned on never speaking to her again once we’re home.”


butterflies do flutter by

At Boheme today ….. some of my favorite gay guys, raving about, uhm, periods and bras:

GUY 1: Oh, Gawd. Why was Rosie O’Donnell talking about PMS today?

GUY 2: Ew. I know. I was freaking OWWT.

GUY 3: Yeah. Why do women think we want to hear that, Tracey??

They all turn towards me.

ME: Well, uhh —

GUY 2: Yeah. Like my sister? She’s got these really big bo*obs. And she’s always talking about them, about her big stupid bo*ob problems. To ME. And I DON’T WANNA HEAR IT. T. M. I.

GUY 3: Oh, yeah. I know. Like when my mom (ed.: she’s about 75) was here — she left one of her bras in my guest bed. And I found it! Ugh! I was so freaked out. And she called me and she’s all, “Daaaave, I can’t find my brrraaa! My good butterfly brrraaa! (he flutters his arms, a butterfly) Will you look for it? It’s the only white one I have! If I don’t have that one, all I have are a bunch of black ones!”


GUY 3: I know. I know! My mom. In a black bra. My mind just shut down. So I tell her, “Yeah, Mom. I already found it, your butterfly bra (flutters his arms again). It was in the bed.” So she goes, “Oh, good! Will you send it to me overnight? I neeed it!” I can’t BElieve I’m going to the post office to overnight my mom some stupid $70 butterfly bra!

I was too busy wiping the tears of laughter off my face to say anything at all.

ah, witches!

My born-again Christian lesbian customer, M, who has her own cleaning business, continued her vicious tirade against witches’ houses today. She is just over them. I wish you could actually hear her diatribes, though. They are even more hysterical because of this dry downward deadpan she has. I cannot tell you how much I absolutely love this woman.

So today she came in, toddling in her ducky bike shoes, chainsmoking and gearing up for her big healthy bike ride. And she was just pissed OFF about witches again:

“Okay. So. There is just no way for me to tell you how horrible this witch’s house was. I mean, it was just brutally filthy. SO gross. I swear it’s like these witches become ONE with the dirt or something from all their woodsy demon rituals. You go into their houses and it is just filthy crappy pigginess. So this last witch? I go in there and I just want to DIE from the horror of it all. It is like a junkyard of evil. And she has this dresser and it’s covered with these little plastic bugs and little plastic dinosuars. And they are gross. So dirrrrty. Like, there is just mung everywhere. You know mung? Just disgusting MUNNNG. And you know how theses witches are — how they arrange things in certain positions as entry points for power? Well, I’m standing there in a freakin’ panic from the mung, putting on my gloves and scrubbing each individual plastic wing on these gross filthy bugs. And then it dawned on me, like, what the hell am I doing?? But I cleaned them because I couldn’t stop, but I didn’t know exactly where everything went when I was done because there’s literally just crap everywhere, so I just arranged them all nice, you know? So she came home and — let me tell ya — it was just a devvvastating moment for the witch. She was instantly all pissed off because I rearranged her devil arrangement or whatever. Like, just trying to clean her filth, I ruined her connection with evil or something. And that was IT. She was having a fit about plastic bugs and I was just done with her. This horrible old witch who’s dating some 25-year-old guy, by the way ….. and what the hell is HE doing?? Seriously. Hanging out with her. In THAT house. Having filthy mungy witch sex. Dear God. It’s the trauma of it. I am totally retraumatized. All that filthy filthy mung.”

And I was howling. Literally crying. I just could not take the word “mung” being uttered one more time. But then again, I wanted her to say it again and again and again. Mung. Mung. Mungy. I was howling so loudly that the Overlord came over from his deli and said, all tight and disapproving, “Um, I can totally hear you laughing.”

Dude, one word: MUNNNG.

I dare you not to laugh.

I have no idea

I can’t even explain this post …. I really cannot. Uhm, my finger hurts??

But in addition to the strain of my recent disfugurement and my looming head head, it seems that now, our massive espresso machine, known as the monster, has suddenly become sentient. And not like sentient wine cork sentient which would be truly horrifying, but sentient like that lovable HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey sentient.

Witness this proof:

The monster has stolen my image, my essence, as you can see, trapping me inside, slicing off my body, and covering my mouth with a metal plate. Ah, our little monster. So huggably malevolent. So squeezably evil. Basically, he’s morphed me into a silent floating head, but I really seem okay with it. So much so that I’m clearly distracted by …. oh, probably something shiny. Or Talking Timmy just walked in. Eek! Can’t reach stopwatch!


More dehumanizing plates and letters and numbers. But I laugh at them. Laugh at them!!



MB’s essence also stolen. Or, really, mostly his hair and forehead and rolled-up eyeballs. God only knows what ungodly things the monster can do with those rolled-up eyeballs. He’s a scamp, he is!


See how the monster continues to take and take and take? Numbers and letters replace rolled-up eyeballs. Metal plate replaces neck. But — thank God! — I see the nose is still intact.

Thaaaat’s right, monster. You can have my candy corn finger, but step away from the nose.


giving you the finger

Sorry. I don’t know how to make my cell phone pictures smaller.

Okay. I am officially the world’s biggest narcissist. Taking pictures of my hideous disfugurement. My self-fascination knows no bounds.

But I very possibly broke the end joint of my finger here, which, as everyone knows, IS the worst thing ever. It was 7th grade — a softball hit the tip of my finger — and the tip of this finger is swollen and purple and immobile just like softball finger so it makes me wonder. Poor Sam had a freakin’ piano fall on her and yet I CONTINUE to talk about my finger. I am disturbed.

And yet …. here comes even more:

One girl at Boheme gasped today when she saw it, because — and this is where the picture isn’t doing it justice, darnit! — my finger joints are actually colored as follows: purple/green/white. Like a long freaky candy corn, a parfait of disfugurement, a veritable sausage of pain.



heard at boheme today

Besides “!!?#@&!!@??!!!!!!!” about my now grape-sized and -colored fingertips, there was also this from Carla, our Intuitive Clairvoyant:

“Um, what’s with the n*aked pictures in the conference (Misfit) room???”

My business groups had been on a 2-week break and so they hadn’t seen them yet and Carla …. was NOT pleased. She said she’d be writing an email to the Overlord.

So stay tuned on all THAT.


When she was a toddler, Piper always used to say “owwwbie!” whenever she got hurt; an expression I always loved and would like to steal right now:


I am writing with one hand, peeps, because today at Boheme, I smashed my the tips of the middle and ring fingers on my left hand under a huge 10-foot umbrella. Rather, it smashed down on them — the tips, the tender baby tips! — and now they look like teensy little shovels, all flattened and steel-colored.

But I am basically two things which made me contributorily negligent in my disfuguring — (I won’t fix that typo, too much trouble right now, plus, I think I like the word “disfuguring”) — injury.

So — okay. The two things I am that made me Con. Neg. in this:

1) Too short to handle a very tall and heavy table umbrella

Annnd …

2) Grossly, hideously stubborn.

Basically, here’s the truth, the disfuguring truth — a 5’4″ woman married to a 6’3″ man becomes impatient waiting for his assistance. Oh — which activates the stubborn which activates the stupid which activates her decision to lift a giant heavy umbrella out of its little umbrella hole and depoof the unwieldy thing all by herself. Things go horribly awry. Can you see that all in your mind’s eye? The stubborn, the stupid, the smashing? Yup. I thought so.

Also of note: Just over yonder ’bout 5 feet away, stands a young, strapping Hispanic lad, watching the entire episode: huge cumbrous umbrella, stupid struggling woman, big smash-down moment. He doesn’t even move, but leisurely sips his vitamin water while stupid woman literally wails in pain, like a big blubbing baby. It’s like he’s watching a movie. Chivalry is dead, I swear. And, you know what? I DID swear.

So please — will you pray for my steel-colored shovel fingers? And for the person they’re still miraculously attached to — thank God — to become less stubborn and stupid and to learn more insults in Spanish?

Gracias a todos!

(Forgive any typos. Forgive me if blogging is light and one-handed and for the really stupid post in my drafts that I’m now probably gonna post. Forgive me if it chases you all off for good.)

But I am disfugured, you see. Inside and out.

there are …. developments

Well, I knew it would happen, I just didn’t think it would be so soon.

I have become a conjoined twin.

The reflection in the steam pitcher doesn’t lie. I got a gander at myself this morning after making Big Norm’s latte and that’s when it became clear. My newly conjoined status. My looming head head. You know, I think it was nice that Norm didn’t comment about it. That all he said was, “Oh, such nice foam!” That he didn’t inquire about the identical human head growing upside down on top of my regular head. He’s a sensitive guy, that Big Norm.

MB, however, started immediately snapping pictures, all proud and excited about the latest addition to the family. Someone else to talk to! Maybe someone better! Just someone who speaks English, for Lord’s sake! Stuff like that.

Unfortunately, I did not share his elation. Neither did my head head. See how glum we are upon learning of the other’s existence? Right after this shot, I downed, like, 137 Ibuprofen.


A few frames later, though, with a little encouraging patter from MB like look at you! so much taller! and hey! no more bad hair days, and well, men won’t stare at your boobs now we lightened up a bit, embracing our cross-eyed double-headed future together.


Now, let’s not get ugly here. Keep your jealousy to yourselves, please.