BANSHEE BOY: Tee Tee!!!! I tink I luf you!!! I KNOW I luf you!!! Tee TEEEEEEEE!!!!
BB: Tee TEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Say you luf me too!!!!!
BB: I tink of nuttink but you!! And de jars of de Gerber pears!!! Vell, I tink of you just as much anyvey!!! Tee TEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
BB: TEE TEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Please to say you luf me!!!!!! Please to say it!!!!!
ME: Well, you know, I think you’re very nice.
I’m beginning to wonder whether The Negotiator just has very specific and limited wardrobe tastes or you just took those pictures all at the same time.
GraD — It’s a mystery, I tell ya.
He looks demented and I love it.
Uhm, he is clearly almost cross-eyed with love for me.
I can almost smell the Gerber-pear-baby-breath. So adorable!
Oh yeah, he is totally smitten with you. And one day, it’ll break his heart when he finds out he can’t marry you! Awww!