
These are rough sketches for some new mixed-media pieces I’ve got in mind. I’ll be transferring the sketches onto the canvas with graphite paper.

So it would seem I am currently in a windy phase. Yep. Apparently, everyone’s hair is blowing all the time in my little corner of the world. Indoors? Your hair is blowing. In the shower? Your hair is blowing. Standing in line for 7 hours at the DMV trying not to slit your wrists from sheer ennui and frustration? At least your hair is blowing and you’ll look hot in your license photo.

Basically, if your hair isn’t windblown, you are dead to me.

So I guess she would be the West Wind

And this would be her sister, the East Wind

I’ll post the actual pieces once they’re finished or once my hair stops blowing, whichever comes first.

(images copyright Tracey/BTP 2008 — do NOT copy!)

7 Replies to “sketches”

  1. “The Sisterhood of the Windswept Hair.” Major props for showing work in progress–I don’t usually have the guts, for either artwork or writing.

  2. In the shower? Your hair is blowing. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Or: INVISIBLE WIND MACHINE.

    For me, though, it’s the eyes that have it. Those eyes are so wonderfully shaded and expressive. You have a real gift, Tracey.

  3. Lucky for the sisters, their hair isn’t so long that it totally obstructs their views of the world…and they’re not wearing lipstick for that long hair to get stuck to and really annoy them.

    Wasn’t that the message? 🙂

    I really love your drawings, Tracey. I’m so glad you’re sharing them with us. You’ve actually nudged that creative part of my brain a bit. And I thank you. Keep sharing. It’s good for us.

  4. I’m late jumping in here, but perhaps not too late. The eyes, agree are wonderful, even a little haunting; but the mouths, the sensitive lips almost speak out loud. These drawings are absolutely beautiful.

  5. Somehow I missed these earlier. I want to meet West Wind. I see an ethereal gentleness about her. She is at peace.

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