turkey trivia quiz!

SO much to learn about turkeys, you turkeys! WOO-HOO!

Take the Turkey Trivia Quiz!

To get the ball rolling, I will openly flaunt my ignorance here like boobins in a low-cut dress: I only got 10 out of 20.

I knew some of the more obscure ones, though. (Take THAT low-cut ignorance!) Uhm, also, I had a few lucky guesses. MB got 13 out of 20. (I hate him so much.) We were divorced for 10 minutes so I threw on my low-cut ignorance dress and hit the clubs where I had drinks with Alan Rickman and Tom Selleck and Mr. Darcy. WOO-HOO!

What’s that you’re saying? I seem a little off today? Oh, no, I’m fine. FINE, I say, for Pete’s nuts!

Just take the quiz and show off your brilliance in the comments. Just know you risk my wrath if you get more than 10. And we ALL know about my seething wrath.

23 Replies to “turkey trivia quiz!”

  1. I have two things to say.

    A) I am ashamed. Clearly I know almost nothing about Turkeys. It is very good that knowledge of the Turkey industry is somewhat less than vital in my day-to-day life.

    B) Dude. We SO have the same taste in imaginary boyfriends.

  2. …I think getting 10 right is pretty good.

    Totally off-topic, but some friends of mine went to a Trader Joe’s and picked up some dried mango for me to try, and I am now addicted. I just thought you’d like to know.

  3. Alas! If I had gone with my intuition on some of them I would have gotten higher than my 13. Please don’t rage at me. 😉 Fun quiz, though now I want mashed potatoes and gravy.

  4. Fun!

    I got fourteen. I missed the ones about turkey consumption, but got all the naturalist and history stuff right.
    We hunt them, that’s how I know. Unfair advantage?

    In the big middle of chicken construction, but the hen wing fabric has some nasty sizing on it and must be washed. As soon as the baby chick T’s finish their post dye bath second rinse cycle.

    All poultry, all the time.

  5. Marisa — On B), yes, our boyfriends. I feel there’s plenty there to go around, though, don’t you?

    SS — Oh, no. The dreaded dried mango addiction spreads! They are so freakin’ GOOD!

    SarahR — You leave me no choice. I must divorce you for 10 minutes. 😉

    Sal — Get outta here, you turkey hunter chick maker.

    Brian — Yes, what IS that? A turkey/duck/chicken dish? I’ve heard of it, but I’m not sure what it really IS. Please enlighten me.

  6. I got 10 out of 20 as well…good thing I’m better at cooking them than answering questions about them or my 24 guests on Thanksgiving would go hungry ^j^

  7. A Turducken is a partially de-boned turkey stuffed with a de-boned duck, which itself is stuffed with a small de-boned chicken. It is a close relative to the Osturducken, an ostrich stuffed with turkey stuffed with duck stuffed with chicken. With all this stuffing of birds I’m not sure where the stuffing of bread goes. Don’t make me buy Stove-Top!

  8. [clearing throat unobtrusively] 14 right.

    C’MON! Don’t throw things at me! I grew up in turkey land! We took field trips and learned about turkeys as a kid! My Mom and Dad’s house is surrounded on all sides by farm land and turkey houses… Am I entitled to low-cut, boozy, divorced boobins now? ‘Cause those would be fun to take out and meet Tom Selleck with.

    Oh, and the turducken is also usually stuffed with andouille sausage. So it’s a turkey stuffed w/ duck, stuffed w/chicken, stuffed w/sausage. It’s a Thanksgiving matrioska!

  9. Brian and WG — MB is totally drooling right now over the description of turduckenpig.

    I, on the other hand, cannot get past that it starts with the word “turd.” I am not a deep thinker.

  10. You’ll be pleased to know I got a 9. If I hadn’t second guessed myself so darn much, it would’ve been an 11.

    The wattle question–Ally McBeal, anyone?

    All I could think about with the boobins comment was the card my aunt sent my mom one year. Front: “When you’re cooking Thanksgiving dinner, do your giblets wind up in the gravy?”

    Inside: “Or do you wear a bra when you cook?”

  11. Ally McBeal, yes, the wattle thing ….

    And, seriously, what is WITH all you turkey experts?? Do you all own a turkey farm (ranch? bar? spa?) together?? BAH!

  12. There’s no way I could be a turkey expert. We hardly ate turkey when I was growing up–some weird postpartum thing my mom had. And with 3 kids it wasn’t practical anyway to have just 2 drumsticks on Thanksgiving. So we had 2 small chickens we called the “turkey twins” and gave them names like Vern & Ernest or Tom & Jerry!

  13. Er, sorry, I didn’t explain that too well. Apparently my mom wasn’t too keen on turkey when she was expecting my little sister, and the feeling didn’t go away for about two and a half decades. Until my nephew asked about turkey a couple of years ago. She’d do anything for him–it’s disgusting.

    Even today she was telling me she was most likely cooking 2 oven stuffer roasters (Rudy & Hillary?) and some turkey breast. For my nephew, of course.

    Crud, I just realized I have to go get polaroid film for the annual project I do with my nephew. Keeps him occupied and actually he’s pretty good with a camera.

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