the playahs: the best thing ever, america

Okay. Here’s our final list. Images will be up for your Thing sometime tomorrow, Thursday. I’m still searching for some of them!


1) Alexander Hamilton — sheila

2) The Constitution — Cullen

3) ‘NSYNC — sarahk

4) Baseball — Lisa

5) The Liberty Bell — Kate P

6) Old Glory — Sal

7) Opportunity — ricki

8) Jazz — Katie

9) Gene Wilder — Brian

10) Mark Twain — nightfly

11) American Idol — Maggie May

12) Google — Sarah

13) Denzel Washington — Kathi

14) Dean Martin — WordGirl

15) PostSecret — red fish

16) Paul Bunyan — Anita

Stay tuned to be assigned to your U.S. Open Player. The tournament hasn’t progressed that far yet, but we are prepared!

16 Replies to “the playahs: the best thing ever, america”

  1. Oh darn. Now I’m questioning my ‘NSYNC resolve. Because I forgot THE GRAND CANYON! My very favorite place in the whole USA. ::sneeze::LOSER!::sneeze:: ‘NSYNC is funnier, though. I’m always going to question my decision, trace. Thanks for doing that to me.

  2. Cullen gets the WHOLE Constitution? Not fair. I would argue that people should be allowed to select particular sections or amendments that they particularly love.

    Oh, all right.

    I’ll pick “opportunity.” As in – you may have been a poor farmer from Ireland when you immigrated here, but a few generations later, your descendants are going to college and are in positions considered upper-middle-class. The fact that, at least in some cases, class is something you can transcend…we don’t have a caste system.

    I’m not saying this well and I’m sure there will be someone who will bring up some horrible example of how I am WRONG, WRONG and it’s only people of euroanglo descent who get the opportunity. But whatever. Part of MY family arrived here with basically nothing but the clothing on their backs, and 4 generations later, the family has engineers and professors and ministers and stuff in it.

  3. Ricki-
    I was thinking of that one, too. I think you phrased it very well.

    As my old economics professor said, “This is a pretty amazing country, seeing as how it was populated by the dregs and outcasts of other societies.”

  4. nightfly –

    Great minds think alike. It took me forever to decide between Mark Twain and jazz. I seriously almost went with him.

  5. Nobody went with Jimmy Stewart… I’m sad for you, Sarah. Then again, nobody picked John Wayne, either. I’m kind of kicking myself over that. Oh well, Twain’s fine. Could you imagine the Duke’s boo-bye speech, though?

    I didn’t come into this contest to get picked, mister. I didn’t come into this contest to be liked. I came here to do a job, and by God I’m gonna do that job, and it don’t matter whether ya notice it or not. Ya got what ya asked for, and good luck to ya. If you’ll excuse me…

    For full effect, hum “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” while you read it.

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