I love paper!

Wow. This is so great.

When we were in Thailand 3 summers ago, I bought this huge, colorful, hand-drawn map of Bangkok full of nifty little details. I saw it, fell in love with it, had to have it. Today, doing some searches, I stumbled across the artist’s site for these very same maps. Now I see she has one of Chiang Mai — where we spent most of our time — which I simply must have, too!

Just take a look at a little corner of her Bangkok map. It’s fun and gorgeous and alive. (Oh, she has some fabulous greeting cards, too.)


Neato-japeeto. I want her to travel everywhere — everywhere, I tell you! — and draw maps so that I may buy them and look at them and fondle them.

a tasty yarn

A little story about Chloe and Alex:

Chloe made quite an impression in her favorite dress on her first date with Alex, the vegan.

Never mind the tiny scoops; it was her maraschino cleavage that made Alex fall for Chloe.

Chloe slaved over their first Thanksgiving together. When Alex stared at the table and said, “Uh, babe, I’m a vegan, but I still eat food,” and Chloe just said, “Don’t worry, hon! It’s tofurkey,” he knew right then it was over.

In the aftermath, when Alex was gone and her cheeseburger dress was missing, Chloe sat by the glow of the tv and comforted herself with an old childhood favorite.

when I’m ready

I know I haven’t written anything about the final days of B*heme. It’s been 10 days — (well, it was when I first started writing this and now I don’t want to do the complicated math) — and I’m still processing it all. I will write about it, just not yet. I’m all over the map emotionally right now. I mean, honestly, I’m wiped. Whupped. Whipped. Whapped. Whopped. And whepped, really, most of all.

So let’s talk about something else.

How ’bout Ponce de Leon playing off the whole Fountain of Youth thing as a joke?

The whole thing was made up, a little prank. Seriously, like when I was searching, I was doing it all silly and cartoony, and I’d do a funny accent. I was just trying to liven things up for everyone. Like this one time I screamed that I had found it and everyone came over to see, and it just turned out to be a weird shaped rock with water coming out of it. And a few days after we all had drank from it and nothing happened, I was like, “Gotcha!”

a cool new toy!

It’s a dictionary. It’s a thesaurus. It’s a cool new TOY!

Oooh. Another one.

Here are my phrases and, uhm, pomes (I refuse to call them poems — why insult poetry?) created shoving around little magnets from the Antonin Artaud (Hi, Theatre of Cruelty!) Magnetic Poetry Kit:

This pome is called “Changed” because that was the magnet closest to my pome cluster, so I took it. Guess that’s just how I roll, holmes.

Everything is copyright me, 2007, of course.

blood limbs reckoning
martyr consenting
life bursting sordid
electric skeleton

Cheery, no??

I think this is what I will read — if forced — at the inauguration of (*shiver*) President Hillary Clinton. Take that, Maya Schmaya Angelou. You can say “simply very simply, with hope, good morning” ALL YOU WANT, Peaches, but have you checked out my blood limbs reckoning, my life bursting sordid? Now THAT’S an inaugural pome, lady. Artaud would agree with me, I’m sure.

You know, forget what I said earlier about insulting poetry. Clearly, I didn’t know I was about to be gobsmacked by inspiration and brilliance.

Also, these are mine, copyright 2007:

inspiration blankets judgment …

This one turns out to be called “Laugh Absolute” — see reason above, ‘mkay, except I rilly swung out and used the closest two magnets. How many magnets did you use, Schmaya?

moral enchantment
simple judge looks last
broken theatre
questionable years

Wow. WOW. That is even better than my very best pome ever. It was called Silver Lake, written in 4th grade, but WITHOUT the assistance of Antonin Artaud poetry magnets.

It was about a silver lake.

I mean, if you want to be all literal about it and stuff.

So now I challenge you to take up the magnets, be gobsmacked by brilliance, and post pomes over on your blahhgs.


okay, see for yourself


(SUGGESTION: Watch the trailer before reading my thoughts below. I don’t want to influence your experience of it.)

A few things catching my eye here:

I think it LOOKS great. I do. I said that already. I love Alan Rickman, Johnny Depp. I SO want to love this movie. You have no idea. Still …. I can’t help but notice ….

It’s a 2 1/2-minute clip and there is virtually NO singing. We hear Sweeney singing the bit I mentioned before, “I will have vennnnngeance; I will have salvaaaation!” but nothing else. I mean, did I miss something?

There was none of this:

Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd.
His skin was pale and his eye was odd.
He shaved the faces of gentlemen
who never thereafter were heard of again.

There was none of this:

Mrs. Mooney has a pie shop.
Does a business, but I notice something weird.
Lately, all her neighbors cats have disappeared.
Have to hand it to her!
What I calls,
Poppin’ pussies into pies!

There was none of this:

Do they think that walls can hide you?
Even now I’m at your window…
I am in the dark beside you,
buried sweetly in your yellow hair!

There was none of this:

Pretty women
Sipping coffee,
Dancing… pretty women
Pretty women
Are a wonder.
Pretty women!


No one’s gonna hurt you, no one’s gonna dare
Others can desert you,
Not to worry, whistle, I’ll be there!
Demons’ll charm you with a smile, for a while
But in time…
Nothing can harm you
Not while I’m around…

NOTHING. NUH-THING. I know I got swept away there but, damn, Sweeney just SOARS with great music, great lyrics. I mean, them’s just the tip of the ol’ iceberg, there.

When you make a movie of a musical — one that is generally considered the most operatic of Sondheim’s work, no less — how can you make a trailer with only ten seconds of singing?? The show is almost entirely sung!

This, I think, is an ill omen.



I sat here after watching it a few times and asked myself, “Why, Tracey? Why would they create a 2 1/2-minute trailer for ‘Sweeney’ and wildly de-emphasize the singing?” and I came up with the following three reasons.

1) The moviegoing public, in general, doesn’t like musicals. They’re a hard sell these days. So why not just market the movie as a dark and violent revenge tale featuring Johnny Depp? Everyone loves Johnny Depp. He can open a movie, no problem. Get the butts in the seats and let ’em find out about the music later. By then, the butts will have already plopped down their ten bucks. This seems like a short-sighted solution, but maybe that’s it.

2) The singing isn’t good. This will be bad news for lovers of musicals and Sweeney in particular. The rabid, crazed, can’t-see-straight fans like me. So just market the movie trusting that the crazed fans (like me) will show up anyway (I will!) on the hope, the blessed, shining hope, that the singing will be good. Maybe even, uhm, great. Let ’em find out the truth after they’ve plopped down their ten bucks.

I will pray every night between now and December 21st that this is not true. IT IS NOT TRUE; RIGHT, GOD??

3) The music part of this musical has been drastically cut back, because the caliber of the singing isn’t great. Seriously, it needs to be GREAT — in my opinion — for Sweeney. It is a DAMN. HARD. SHOW. TO SING. My voice has never worked as hard as it worked for Sweeney. I’m not sure my voice could even SING those notes again. I swear. It is a WORKOUT.

Anyway, I notice, watching this trailer, little bits of dialog added that I know aren’t in the original script. This makes me wonder if music has been traded for dialog. If this is true, it’s a HUGE bummer to me. I know I’m an obsessed, rabid fan and maybe people just write off the ramblings of obsessed, rabid fans. (Actually, it goes beyond that for me. Whatever level is beyond obsessed and frothing is what I am, I suppose. That’s just how it is and I can’t help it.) Still … I do know this: Everything you need to know to follow the plot of Sweeney is revealed in song — brilliant songs, dark songs, hilarious, moving songs. If you know the soundtrack, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Some of the most bloodpounding, beautiful music you’ll ever hear. To sacrifice it for more dialog is a crime to me. Flat-out wrong. I hope I’m wrong on this one. I hope I’m wrong on these last two, actually.

I desperately want to be wrong. Please prove me wrong, Sweeney.

(Oh, wait. I forgot: Uh, what is WITH the Elfmanning of the music?? I don’t know what that is for the first minute and a half of the trailer, but it ain’t from the original Sweeney. I’m sorry. I smell an Elfman and I want him to go away.)

the clip I saw of johnny depp’s singing

All right. I’m watching “Access Hollywood” right now. Don’t judge me. They’re promising a clip from “Sweeney Todd” with Johnny Depp singing.

So let’s wait a moment, shall we? Here it comes ….. waiting …. waiting …. drat! Okay. They’re going to commercial, playing a teeny clip BEFORE they show the actual clip.

And I have to say — in between sobs here — that it does not sound good. Oh, please sound different when you come back from commercial. Please sound like Len Cariou, mmkay?

All right. MB just looked at me and said, “I’m starting to get scared about Johnny Depp.”

Back from commercial. They introduce the scene. It’s a tiny bit from “Epiphany,” which — and I know it’s hard to tell from the title — is Sweeney’s turning point number. I have to say, the clip LOOKS amazing. That dark, sinister Burtonesque feel totally works here. We see Sweeney imagining himself accosting random, well-dressed gentlemen and demanding,

Alright! You sir, you sir, how about a shave?
Come and visit your good friend Sweeney.
You sir, you sir? Welcome to the grave.

I will have vengeance.
I will have salvation.

That first bit — through “welcome to the grave” is spoken, shouted. Sweeney has snapped, basically. He is gone. He was, oh, just a tad edgy before, but now, NOW there is NO HOPE. This song sets the rest of the show in motion, ramps everything up a giant notch. It just might be my favorite song of Sweeney’s. And I have to say, Depp gave me shivers with this — this tiny bit. I’m not surprised, though; I love Depp as an actor and that’s what he’s going to have to rely on as Sweeney because …. wellll .

… the second bit “I will have vengeance; I will have salvation” is sung. The problem is the part of Sweeney is bass-baritone and I just don’t hear that coming from Depp. The little bit he sang here, those two lines, his voice was thin, more hissy-fit sounding than vengeance sounding. Not the voice I want to hear singing Sweeney, but pretty much the voice I expected to hear from Depp.

Still, it was a 10-second clip and it GOT ME. I was thrilled to be watching even this tiny bit. The room hushed; the blood pounded. So maybe Depp can’t really sing, but he CAN act.

And I remain undaunted in my wiggly anticipation.

I know you’re all worried

Did Tracey survive the landslide DISASTER in tony little La Jolla yesterday? Were she or MB crushed in the rubble at the HORRIFIC scene? Most importantly, were any puppies that Tracey could potentially kidnap and call her own injured in the TRAGEDY??


Well, I am relieved to tell you MB is fine, there were no puppies injured or kidnappped (drat!) and I, too, am fine because, well, I don’t live anywhere near lahdipooh La Jolla. Actually, if I’m honest, ‘tho, I must say that all the stress from the horrifically disastrous tragedy caused me to eat 2 WHOLE CEREMONIAL DOUGHNUTS yesterday. One with sprinkles, to signify the random rubble, and another with coconut, to signify coconut.

You know, I blame my carbo-binge on the newscasters who kept insistently blaring at me all afternoon that this was a DISASTER. A TRAGEDY. THE MOST HORRIBLE THING EVER TO HIT SAN DIEGO. Never mind that all the wealthy homeowners in the area were warned of an imminent slide, told not to sleep in their homes Tues. night, and NONE of them complied.

One or two homes were lost. Several more damaged. The horror! The HORROR! Rich people were DISPLACED! Maybe they had to stay at the HYATT! I’m not sure, all I know is that I’m really stressed about it. I probably need to have another ceremonial doughnut. Maybe a chunky apple fritter, to signify the damaged lumpen earth.

Well, I’m trying to do my part, okay?

I will keep you updated on this rapidly changing disaster.







Recipe? Here? Hahahaha. No, not here. Over at Jayne’s. She’s got a killer recipe for Roasted Garlic complete with close-up photos that make me ache with stinky delicious garlic longing.

Give it a try. Then invite me over.

I mean, ’tis the season to eat lots of garlic so no vun vill suuuck your bluuuuud, right?

posters — sweeney todd, the movie — but first, I go on a tangent

Oh, man. Oh, man. OhmanohmanohmanohmanohMANNN! The movie version of “Sweeney Todd” is coming this Christmas and I am literally wiggly with anticipation. But fretful, too. Like smelling-salts fretful, Auny Pittypat fretful. Like I’m not sure it’s gonna be done RIGHT. And, yes, it is a VERY BIG DEAL to me.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before — well, not suure, but mostly sure — but I did a production of “Sweeney Todd” in Seattle years ago. It was a joint production of the Seattle Light Opera and The Seattle Repertory Theatre, so there was a general tingliness in the Seattle theatre community over this upcoming production. At the time, I was a young and feckless college graduate — with a Bachelor’s in Theatehhh, no less. I mean, I was an actress with a piece of paper that proved it, goldurnnit. I was also deeply in love or something with The Weirdo who would later be Fiance #2 and one of our main pastimes — ahem! — was listening to the soundtrack “Sweeney Todd.” Because, basically, lounging around crappy apartments and listening to angsty soundtracks is all part of the initiation rite into the brotherhood of actors worldwide. You dare not call yourself an actor unless you’ve done this, repeatedly, with others, spontaneously singing the parts uproariously together OR spontaneously ignoring everyone else in the room and doing your own thing to the music. This, my friend, means you are a theatre geek, you are ON YOUR WAY, you have earned your right to start treading the boards. Oh, and I had done that. All of that. Obsessively, with “Sweeney Todd.” And all of this added up to an overall fatheadedness that made me brash enough to think I could just mosey on down there and audition.

Uhm, I’m getting far afield here. I’ll save the rest of that story for later. I will! This post was supposed to be about these posters. I want y’all (I am Southern! See my acting??) to tell me which one you like best, mmkay, and I will shove my opinions down your throats.

Sweeney #1
While I like the atmosphere of this one — the huge sloping window, the portrait in the background, the austerity of the room — I don’t like Sweeney’s pose here or the blood on the floorboards. Ooooh, people are being killed here, oooooooh! Ya think? There’s a lyric in Sweeney Todd that goes like this: Sweeney was smooth, Sweeney was subtle, Sweeney would blink and rats would scuttle. Yes, Sweeney WAS subtle. Sweeney was a killer, but he was careful about it. “Set a sort of a scene, he did.” So I don’t care for the blatant look-at-my-crotch pose. It doesn’t work for me. Not subtle, too forward. To me it says, “I am Johnny Depp. Notice my crotch, my chair, my razor. Pay no attention to my Edward Scissorhands wig with the Bride of Frankenstein white streak.” And if Sweeney would blink and rats would scuttle, then I can only imagine that this spreadeagled pose could singlehandedly (singlecrotchedly?) cause the mass migration of the entire rat population of London.

Sweeney #2
This is the one MB and I recently saw in the theater. I prefer this misty Sweeney, walking away from us, razor dangling from his hand. It’s more subtle. More mysterious. Quietly menacing. I feel like if you don’t know Sweeney, you’d look at this image and say, “Who is this guy? What’s that in his hand? What’s he up to?” I like that. I love the mood. Sets a sort of a scene, it does. BUT for me, they ruin it with the giant BEWARE at the top of the thing. I feel the marketing here. I can hear the bunch of guys in suits sitting around a table and saying, “But lots of people don’t know Sweeney. We want them to KNOW they should be scared, that they will want to be SCARED. If they’re not strongly BEWARED, they won’t come and that would be bad and ACK! ACK!” Whereupon, all the besuited dudes start sweating and pulling at their ties and the decision is made.


BEWARE, goobers!

But that’s just me. What do y’all think? (Okay. Please. Someone just hand me the Oscar, already.)