
Oh, yesssss!!!

Winter Olympics Opening Ceremonies — TONIGHT!!! The glorious, whirling SPECTACLE of it all!!

Wellll …. okay.

Much as I LOVE ’em, I believe there are some possible monkeyshines going on —

— because I’m STILL bugged by that archer fellow back in Barcelona 1992. Does anyone really believe he LIT the Olympic torch with that flaming arrow? NO WAY! NO FREAKIN’ WAY!!

AND — what about that ski jumper who allegedly LIT the torch in Lillehammer in 1994? NO FREAKIN’ WAY!!

Did they REALLY light those torches or was someone behind the scenes just turning it on, like a gas fireplace? I want to know!! I think about it every opening ceremony. The possible monkeyshines.

All these years later and I STILL WANT TO KNOW!!!

On the other hand …. is it really a spectacle if you can always believe your eyes?

(Still …. someone better tell me, someday. Monkeyshiners.)

mad, post-eating blog!

Been having some technical troubles around here. My blog is hungry, apparently, and its food of choice is my posts. Probably nothing new posted until the weekend or until I figure this little problem out — whichever comes first.

Bet on the “weekend” part of that, though …


I love dance movies. I don’t care how cheesy. They just make me happy.

LOVE ’em.

And now — coming SOON — there’s this one with Antonio Banderas, no less. It seems like it’s some kind of hip-hop ballroom type thing.

Ooooohhh! Can’t WAIT!

parade of kooks and malcontents, scene 3

(There is language in this post that may be offensive to some. I am quoting when I use it. I thought about how best to post it and decided to spell out the word fully. It is for the emphasis of the moment as it actually was.)

If you are a guy who’s 25 years old or younger, according to My Beloved, you are a “Little Dude.” This is NOT a compliment. It is not an endearment. It is always uttered with disdain, a shake of the head, a curl of the lip.

How to tell a Little Dude? You can’t go just on looks. You might think you can, but you really can’t. This is how you will know you’re in the presence of a bona fide Little Dude:

He will think he is brilliant when he is actually deeply, desperately stupid.

I now work with several bona fide Little Dudes. They are some of the most idiotic boys I’ve ever known. Yesterday, one of the LDs — having just attained the ancient sagacity that comes from being 20 — was venting loudly:

“I was so STUPID when I was 17!! These tattoos are so LAME!!” He thrust out his arms, palms up, so I could see the tattoos snaking down from his upper arm to the underside of his forearm. I’d noticed them before, but they were always partly covered by his sleeves. He continued:

“I mean, LOOK at this one!”

I did. It was not an image. It was simply words: “Never Forget.”

“‘Never Forget,'” I read aloud, my heart swelling a little. “Is that in reference to 9/11?”

His look had such disdain, such HATRED. He seemed to swagger.

“NO WAY! FUCK 9/11!!!”

The look in his eye did not fade as he stared at me and I stared back.

Oh, you stupid, STUPID Little Dude. You picked the WRONG person to blast with that little phrase.

Inside, I was smoldering. My body felt instantly hot. I actually think I could have turned his phrase around on him, substituting “YOU” for “9/11.” It was literally the closest I’ve ever come to saying that to another person. Somehow, though, I kept my gaze steady on his as I said, with the most careful enunciation I could muster:

“Well, you may feel differently if you ever have family members killed in an act of terrorism — as I have.”

I couldn’t breathe, but somehow these words came out.

He slumped right before my eyes. The swagger was gone. His head hung down and his gaze went with it. He would NOT look at me. I have no idea WHAT I looked like when I said this, but if my face was as blazing as my insides, well …. I may have looked a little scary. I was utterly still. I just looked at him. Finally, he spoke, looking at me, looking away, looking at me, looking away. His voice was barely audible, a mumble:

“Ohhh …. God ….. uh …. I didn’t know …… I’m …. sorry …. uh ….. sorry.”

I said nothing.

The Little Dude tiptoed off, boxers hanging out his pants.

I just stood there, trying to breathe again.


Today is our wedding anniversary. And yes, it’s also Groundhog Day. I know. And yes, that movie is one of “our” movies because who doesn’t love Bill Murray? BUT also yes, our wedding pre-dates (slightly) the movie “Groundhog Day,” lest any of you think we got married on that date BECAUSE of that movie.

We didn’t.

Actually, it was the only date within a limited time frame that my husband’s brother and his wife would be able to fly over for the wedding from Sydney, Australia.

I just remember trying and trying to get them here, if at ALL possible. First, a date in January. Then another date in January. Then a date in later February. Then, finally, February 2nd. It never even occurred to me it was Groundhog Day until months later, when a wedding vendor inquired, “Why are you getting married on Groundhog Day?”

I just stared at her. “What?”

“Groundhog Day,” she repeated. “February 2nd is Groundhog Day.”

I was dumbfounded because, well, that’s what planning a wedding does to you. I literally had not ever thought of that, not for one minute.

“It IS??” I said.

“Yeah. You didn’t know that?”

A slowly dawning light.

“Well, I knew it, but I didn’t KNOW it,” I cleverly said.

She looked at me with a glimmer of pity. Poor stupid bride. Poor stupid groom who’s marrying this poor stupid bride who doesn’t even know that February 2nd is Groundhog Day.

“At least you’ll always remember your anniversary,” she offered.


Poor stupid bride.

But …. Groundhog Day it was. And is. And Groundhog Day has been very, VERY good to us. It almost seems as if Punxsutawney Phil has never seen his shadow.

So Happy Anniversary and Happy Groundhog Day, My Beloved!

Here’s to many more years of early springs.

parade of kooks and malcontents, scene 2

This was just today.

Me: Would you like room for cream in your coffee?


Old Man continues to rave like this as I pour his coffee, my back to him. Then I turn to him with his damn cuppa coffee with NO ROOM — NO ROOM — FOR CREAM. It is only some mysterious act of God — like when He held back the Red Sea or something — that keeps me from throwing it on him, screeching, “ROOM FOR CREAM WITH THAT, SLAPPY??!!”

Instead ….

Me: Sir, I’ve been here two weeks. I’m just the new girl. Cut. Me. Some. Slack.

parade of kooks and malcontents, scene 1

It’s been 2 weeks at Joe’s now. It is, truly, a parade of kooks and malcontents. Allow me to present some random scenes.


Um …. I hate to say this, but in order to get the right tone of the man’s voice here, you must imagine a — God forgive me — uhh — okay. He sounds like Jack from “Will and Grace.”

Man (demanding): Are you new here?

Me: Yes, I am.

Man (sniffily): Oh. I just HATE new people.

Me (looking at him, he’s “new” to me): Me, too!

Man: NO. I mean, they seriously FREAK ME OUT!

Me (he’s so bizarre, I just play with him): I’M FREAKING MYSELF OUT!

There is …….. a pause.

Man: I don’t …. know what to say.

Me: I know what. If it makes you feel less freaked out, I won’t talk to you when you come into the store. How about that?

Man (horrified) : NO! Don’t do that! That will FREAK ME OUT EVEN MORE!

Me: Okay. Well, how about the opposite? (extending my hand to him)

Hi. I’m Tracey.

(And I’m going to hell.)

Man (extending his hand – in slow motion, unsure): I’m ….. Tom.

Me (smiling): Nice to meet you, Tom! Now we’re not so new to each other anymore.

His mouth takes several seconds to spread into something like a smile. We are shaking hands. He doesn’t look at me directly. I just keep smiling.

He shuffles off.

Me: See you next time, Tom!