comfort is lavender

Today, a little old lady came into The Beanhouse, plopped her shopping bag on the counter and requested, in a faint, crackly voice, a “small dark roast, please.” As I handed her the coffee, I spied something fuzzy poking out of her shopping bag and just had to ask.

“Whatcha got there?”

A huge smile crinkled as she unveiled the fuzzy thing.

It was a big floppy lavender bunny.

She stroked one of the ears. “Feel it,” she cooed.

I did, sinking my hand into its velvety plushness. Suddenly, I wanted my whole life to be covered in this silken softness, my clothes, my sheets, my chairs, my floors, everything.

“It’s so soft,” I murmured. I was just about to ask her who it was for, assuming a granddaughter or a niece, perhaps, when she seemed to read my mind:

“It’s for a friend of mine who hasn’t been feeling very good.” She paused, briefly uncertain.

“Do you think she’ll like it?”

Was she kidding? I wanted it. In that moment, stroking the bunny’s soft lavender ear, I longed for my little girl bed, for my bears and my Eyeore and my stuffed dog, for their constant, cushy comfort, for the long ago days when that was okay. And here was this tiny wrinkled lady bringing it full circle, making it okay again.

“You know what?” I said. “I think she’s gonna love it.”

She smiled again and gently pushed bunny back into the bag.

“Okay. Good. Thank you.”

She teetered out the door on her sensible old lady heels, lavender bunny a quiet secret in the bottom of a bag.

16 Replies to “comfort is lavender”

  1. Okay, *THIS* is why you got the job at the BeanHouse. Power studies, short anecdotes, thoughts and character sketches. You can title it, “BeanHouse: Thoughts and Observations of a Certified Barista.”

    But I want credit.

    And yes, comfort *is* lavendar. 😉

  2. As I read your discription of your little girl bed, I felt choked up. How great would it be to plop down in my little girl bed again! What an escape that would be. It’s been a stressful mommy day for me so far!
    My own little girl has a bed full of squshy animals that have to be lined up across and around her body each night as she goes to sleep. I know it is a bed of security and comfort for her. That lavender bunny sounds so nice. I bet it is nice to encounter customers like her! What a sweet lady!
    Thanks for sharing your day!

  3. WG — Okay. You get credit.

    Rachel — I know. Those beds when we were little were such a retreat, weren’t they? Ah, the sleep of the innocent! Your daughter’s bed sounds wonderful. Do you ever sneak a nap there when she’s not looking? I sure would!

  4. This is like Waiter Rant only from a Barista’s point of view. I like it!

    I can imagine just how soft the little bunny was. Comfort thy name is “stuffed animal”.

    I gave my grandmother a stuffed bunny for Easter a few years ago and she still proudly displays it. Makes me feel special whenever I see it. 🙂

  5. Sherril — Thank you. You are kind to say that. And you know who knows how to do that hyperlink thingie? Dear reader Cullen. He’s a smart one, that guy.

    I sure dunno how to do it!!

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