Taken with my crappy cell phone camera, but I got a purty new digital camera for Christmas. (These photos were taken pre-present opening, sadly.) So we’ll see if my photos get any better. If not, we’ll know that there is something very wrong with my new camera.
See that look? That pretty much sums up Banshee Girl’s entire personality. A stinker, as we withered crones like to say.
Original Banshee didn’t pose for this but I got lucky enough to catch this moment where she paused and looked so pretty and wistful.
Okay, clearly, this sucks as a photo. I cropped them out of another photo and that made it even blurrier. But I couldn’t resist Elder Nephew’s smile and that sweet sweet look on Piper’s face. That’s her heart you see on her face. LOVE that girl so much.
Beautiful kids