the negotiator loses his mind

Another installment in the ongoing saga of my relationship with my new nephew, aka Banshee Boy, aka The Negotiator.

ME: Yes?
BB: Please to remember how I sed I vhas not moved by all your do-inks?
ME: Yeah, I remember.
BB: Vell …….
ME: “Vell”?
BB: Velll …………..
ME: “Vell,” what?
BB: Vell, I tek it all back! I eem VEDY moved by ALL your do-inks!
ME: Oh? Really?
BB: Yes, YES!
ME: That’s great, kid.
BB: I eem keptivitated by you!
ME: Oh, okay, good to know.
BB: I kennot control myself!
ME: Wow. Okay.
BB: I tink I feel de luf for you! I tink my head will splode vit de joy!
ME: Uhm, really, wow. This is getting embarrassing, Banshee Boy.
BB: I just speak de troot! Tee Tee! I luf you! I eem full of de luf for you!!
ME: Sheesh, kid. Get a grip.
BB: I do not vhant de grip!! Hold me, Tee Tee!! Please to hold me!
ME: Uhmm ……….. yeah, where’s your dad?
BB: Tee Teeeeeee!! I vill never not to feel de luf for you!!!
ME: (muttering) This is so undignified.
BB: Tee Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

5 Replies to “the negotiator loses his mind”

  1. Heeheehee. This whole series with Banshee boy is so cute! He really does look like he’s under a spell in that pic. Priceless.

  2. Chekov from the most recent Star Trek movie! Yes, that is the voice I hear. I know he’s Russian and this is probably more Germanic but it’s what I hear.

  3. The arms! The arrrms!!!

    Brian — Hahahaha. Yeah. Honestly, I don’t know if it’s Germanic or Russian either!

    Kate P — Aw, thanks. He’s a crack up. After three nieces in a row, he seems VERY testosterone-y. VERY different from them. He’s freakishly strong for 5 months, for one thing, and I nearly lost my knuckle to his teething jaws of death the other day.

  4. Oh, I have the opposite situation going on! Maybe in a few months I’ll be reminded what it’s like to have a baby niece. (But I wouldn’t complain if it’s another baby nephew!)

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