“best anniversary ever”

A friend sent me this link saying she could picture us doing something like this.


And, frankly, I’m kind of jealous because I really really want the item in question.

5 Replies to ““best anniversary ever””

  1. Jenny has been cracking me up for a long time now… and that big metal chicken kills me. Even for the fourth time. I’m sitting here in this 8x12ft TV room and everyone’s asleep on the floor in here because it’s the only air-conditioned room in the house, and I’m trying like heck to laugh as quietly as I can, tears pouring down my face… gawd, she is so blazingly brilliant I can’t even see straight. I am sooooo glad that there’s someone else I know who loves her humor.

  2. Definitely one of those “truth is stranger than fiction” moments. And way funnier, I might add!

    So what would (your) MB tell you not to bring home any more of that you could sub a giant chicken for? (If you don’t know, start thinking. . .)

  3. Kate P — Well, but here’s the thing: That dude’s got nothin’ on me! Really. I hate shopping. I don’t bring anything home!

    I’m jonesing for that chicken, though.

  4. Nothing? Hmmm. You need something to get that chicken in the door.

    Well, all this talk of giant chickens reminded me of a hilarious cartoon (up at my place).

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