“swim skirts”

Oh, for the love of Care Bears. This is insane. But it’s Halloween weekend, so it all seems appropriately skeery somehow.

Now in the name of modesty, some companies are offering “swim skirts” to hide a woman’s shame.

Here’s one, pippa:


Uhm, how does anyone swim in that? How can you have any freedom of movement for, again, SWIMMING?? They do look very efficient, though, for that competent 9-to-5 look we all want at the beach. Oh, and please rest assured that this narrow skirt comes with attached pants for coverage. You know, in case those Great White sharks are lookin’ up your cool swim skirt like the relentless pervs of the deep they are.

But the holidays are coming and maybe you know someone who needs a new swim skirt to …. uhm, wear to work. Or maybe you just need a little chuckle. So don’t let me stand in your way. Here’s the website for all your swim skirt needs.

Seriously, if I’m going to cover myself up at the beach, I’d rather look like these girls:


Don’t they look cute? And fun?

Do the Modesty Mongers remember FUN??

Bonus for these girls: The bloomers keep the pervy sharks away.

16 Replies to ““swim skirts””

  1. Actually, Tracey, I really like this design. I enjoyed your modesty post very much as well. I think that most swimwear designs definitely go over the line for males AND females. We really need to at least make an effort to cover at least reasonably well. I don’t want to see Gran-ma’s size 7x butt fat rolls OR the local young lady’s boob job at the pool, thanks. Not that I am the one who decides where that line is… but modesty IS a good goal to have in mind so long as it is not rooted in extreme shame.

    The problem with the older swimsuits is that they would be quite weighty (cloth absorbs). Probably the skirt would let you move almost any way you wished unless you were doing splits underwater. (OK, probably even then.)

    But $72 for a swim “shirt?” They have a racket going on there. 🙂

  2. Mrs. C — /but modesty IS a good goal to have in mind so long as it is not rooted in extreme shame./

    Yeah. I agree. I do. My problem with the “skirt” is not the design, it’s the impracticality. It seems like it wouldn’t facilitate movement which is kind of necessary for swimming. The Victorian bathing suits in the last photo seem more practical in that respect. And cuter, in my opinion. This skirt looks exactly like a skirt you’d wear to work, not to the beach. It’s just a little … off. To me.

    On the other hand?

    “Going for a late night swim after work much like that girl in Jaws? Here’s a skirt that does double duty! From the office to the beach to the pervy shark’s mouth — we’ve got you covered.”

    I don’t know. I’m just grumpy on this issue.

  3. I think it’s the covering of the legs that’s getting me. This skirt has leggings or something underneath it. A tennis skirt length would facilitate better movement without stretching out the skirt, but no. BECAUSE it’s immodest to show that much leg — even with leggings covering them, I guess — they make a skirt that goes down to the knees.

    That’s the bug for me. I didn’t realize it before. Legs are a problem, so we must cover them with a longer than practical skirt. I’m a little surprised they’re letting that much leg show.

    I’m not anti-“modesty”; I’m pretty modest myself. And I’ve seen a lot more ridiculous things than this, actually. But I’m anti-shame. I’m anti-“women’s bodies are a problem.”

    This could be a shorter skirt with leggings, I guess. But legs are a gateway drug, so we need to cover them up.

  4. Nightfly, it could be “The Modesty Survey: Swimsuit Edition.” *snicker*

    I want to know if the boys over at Rebelution recommended this “swim skirt” thingy. If they haven’t yet, I’m sure they will. Except that in the water, it might become a bit buoyant, and show part of the leg above the knee which Must Remain Unseen.

    Personally, I think the swim skirt will only work if worn with the appropriate leggings circa 1900, an outfit that is “…two pieces being a gown from shoulders to knees plus a set of trousers with leggings going down to the ankles.”

    Sort of a swim burkha, actually.

  5. LOL I think you are grumpy on the issue, but you’re funny, too. I know the extreme you’re fighting against, is why.

    Though, really, I know people who specifically don’t go to public pools because men and women can’t be in the water at the same time no matter what they’re wearing. Which I understand because I see the extreme they’re fighting against, too. 🙂

    Am I the only person who thinks men ought wear shirts in public? Because I don’t think it’s modest for men to be parading about so. My eldest son is a bit more extreme than I am and no kidding, will not wear shorts even in summer. He doesn’t want people to see his legs. (Ok. At least he is consistent when he thinks ladies ought cover, if he does it himself.)

  6. Mrs C — /last I saw them about two years ago, briefly, after he had appendix surgery…/


    But I don’t understand something: Why can’t men and women be in the water at the same time? I don’t get that one.

    Lynne — Do you swim in it? Does it give you enough freedom of movement?

  7. I just want to say that I spend hours every year trying to find a decent swimskirt that is appealing as well… I am 28 and no matter what your opinions may be I do wear a swim skirt it is my belief and I can still look hot doing it! The things you say are very hurtful, how would you like it if you believed in something and someone was constantly bashing it! this was wrong of you, maybe you should take a quick look in the mirror and see if there is anything about yourself you can make fun of, im sure you will find a flaw somewhere!

  8. Jessica– Honestly, I don’t care what you wear at the beach. If you want to wear these, fine. But your comment is all over the map. What am I “constantly bashing”? Since this is your first comment, how can you label my post about these swimskirts as an example of my “constantly bashing” anything? And what is it that you “believe in” that people are “constantly bashing”? Modesty swimsuits?? I really hope your belief system encompasses something a little larger and more important than that. If not, you’re trapped in legalism over clothing, which is one of the things that bugs me about certain Christians. And I AM one.

    The things I say here are my opinions. That you take such easy offense over the fact that a total stranger doesn’t like swimskirts, well, hon, that’s your issue, sorry to say.

    And to say “this was wrong of you”? So it’s wrong of me to have an opinion? Boy, I’m sorry for you, hon. You do sound a bit like someone trapped in a patriarchal and/or legalistic system and that sucks for you, that kind of spiritual prison.

    By the way, is this really something that’s personally offensive and/or hurtful to you? My dislike of swimskirts? Come on. You’re 28. Toughen up. The fact that you find this so wrong and hurtful suggests to me that your identity is somehow tied up in this “belief” in swim skirts. Beachwear does not a belief system make. And if it does, it’s a pretty flimsy system. I’m sorry, but I didn’t know you were a Swimskirtarian.

    Jessica, you don’t know the context that caused me to write this post or the rigid legalistic church environments I’ve encountered lately that have made me wary of anything that smacks of the same, but, interestingly enough, you’re more than willing to jump in — outside of that larger context — and play the “I’m offended” card.

    (And did you miss my comment above where I conceded that there was one swimskirt that I might actually wear?)

    Good luck as we approach swimskirt season, Jessica. And since my opinion as a total stranger seems to matter to you: I’m sure you’re hot, okay?

    But, you know, I will do as you suggest and take a quick look in the mirror. One thing I know I won’t see, however, is a swim skirt.

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