“best thing ever” days away!

Okay. Wimbledon started TODAY at The All-England Tennis Club, pippa. So that means that The Best Thing Ever: England will be under way within mere days. For anyone new to the blog and therefore new to the game, there’s a dizzy — and ditzy — explanation of the game here.

So. To give you some time to think of what your entry will be, I’m giving you this year’s theme now.


This year’s theme:

The Best Thing Ever England: British Movies.

Meaning: Movies made in Britain or about British people or both. Basically, I’m not going to be too particular here, but if the movie is dripping with British accents, then, BINGO! It qualifies, okay?

So start thinking now. I’m not taking entries now, just giving you a heads up. Also, please remember: The Boo-Bye Speech. I’m very big on the Boo-Bye Speeches. If your player/best thing is ousted from the tournament, please post a Sad Boo-Bye speech in the comments. Be as bitter and snarky and petulant as you need to be. Quote lines from your movie. Whatever. We’ve had some awesome, hilarious speeches in the two years I’ve done this. It’s one of my favorite parts of the game. Giving everyone free rein to be horrible bad sports. I love it. If you don’t feel you can do this, then you don’t have to place an entry. It’s a little more interactive than just sitting back and watching the fortunes of your player/best thing.

Also: Talking smack is not only encouraged, it’s basically required. Beware Sarahk. She is adorable and precious but she is also the devil incarnate and she skeers me.

I will take EIGHT entries — first-come, first-served, as usual. I’ve done 16 in the past and it was too hard to stay on top of it. (Haven’t decided if I’m doing the men’s or ladies’ draw yet. Rafael Nadal isn’t playing, so no hope of a Nadal/Federer match-up. Ladies may be more interesting this year — both Williams sisters and Maria Sharapova. I’ll decide on that shortly.)

And, yes, I have a prize. A completely ridiculous prize to be revealed later. It’s glorious in its stupidity!

So, again, don’t post entries YET.

This is just a chance for you to think about what your entry might be.

Get ready!!

14 Replies to ““best thing ever” days away!”

  1. I have never participated before and now I think I want to Sooooo – questions. Is it the first 8 entries period? Or the your favorite first 8? Or the first 8 that best fit the category? And as we are speaking of the Brits here – and there ARE many many films to select from… is this films only or do mini-series count?

    I’m just trying to make sure I understand the rules so I don’t blow my attempt to get involved! 😉

  2. Marisa — First 8 entries. That’s the most impartial way to do it. Mini-series are fine. Do they have British accents? They’re in! That’s my extremely strict criteria. 😉

    I think this year I’ll give a heads up on when I’m taking entries. Something like, “I’ll be taking entries starting Friday (date) at 3:00 pm PST. FIRST EIGHT ENTRIES.”

    Something like that. So people know to have their entry comments ready.

    And, yeah, if it blatantly doesn’t fit the category — say someone wants to enter the movie American Graffiti for the British Movie theme, uhm, yeah, I’ll nix it. But beyond that, I prefer to let the criteria be a little loose. Within reason.

  3. I’m ready to go! These truly are the best things ever. I have to be careful though because I’ll be visiting my family out of state in a few days and I don’t want to miss the entry time!

  4. Eeeeee! The devil incarnate has been checking your blog morning, noon, and night, just waiting for the announcement. Eeeee! But oh, crap, what if I somehow miss the announcement? I am afraid.

    Also, wow. This is going to be hard! What to choose! Question: Do all the characters have to be British, or is one British character in an otherwise American-ish movie sufficient? This will help with my decision.

  5. A’ight. I ordered a movie from Amazon yesterday (it somehow went missing from my DVD collection years ago, and I’m so glad to have an excuse to buy it again!). I’m ready. I plan to watch my movie a billion times so I have it down perfectly.

  6. I’m just observing this time, but will be rooting for whoever picks the one I’d have wanted. I’m trying to guess what everyone’s choice will be…

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