MB had to journey up to the deep dark middle of nowhere this past weekend. To get there, you must drive through this teeny tiny town and see this — the largest building in town — the courthouse where Charles Manson was briefly incarcerated after his arrest. You can’t miss it. You drive right past it. And then you’re out of that town, basically. We always look at it and go “Eeek!” or “Owww!” or “Aaaah!” or “Helter Skelter!” or “You’re not gettin’ me, psycho nutjob!”
You know, something appropriate to the weighty horror of it all.
On a cheerier note: Look at the color of that sky. And with a cell phone no less! Aaaah!
Aw, that’s too bad. It’s really a lovely building. We’re kind of courthouse conniseurs.
Saw the newly restored one in Clarendon on our way to AZ. All four sides are different. And Charles Goodnight, of cattle driving fame, commissioned it from some guys in Denver.
Yes, we’re history geeks.