tracey claus suggests ….

….. Stocking Stuffers!!

Sheila posted some of her favorite product recommendations the other day and through the comments section there, I realized that a product I’d always loved but thought went away is still around!! And, by the looks of the website, even better than ever!!

O, happy day!!

From Bath and Body Works ….. their whole line of Antibacterial Moisturizing Lotions. A 2-ounce tube is $4, BUT they offer a deal if you buy 3 — 3 for $10!! Awesome. No, really. You will love these. Hand sanitizers can make your hands feel puckered and tight, like you just soaked them in bleach, so I always loved that these will clean AND soften your hands. AND make them smell yummy.

For all your girlie, OCD, germaphobic needs!

I think for my three I choose ….

Freshwater Cucumber, because I have this in a light body splash and it is just SO fresh. You smell like a brand new day that’s crisp and pretty and saucy. I love it.

Here’s Pink Grapefruit, which sounds scrumptious to me. Because of my acidic nature. And because I’m addicted to the scent of this grapefruit candle from Williams Sonoma that I have in my kitchen and I want to rub it all over my body but I don’t want to be waxy. So this is the perfect solution.

Brown Sugar and Fig …. haven’t smelled this one yet, but it sounds warm and delicious and I want to eat it.

Other luscious-sounding scents:

Midnight Pomegranate
Japanese Cherry Blossom
Warm Vanilla Sugar

Go check ’em out. Tell me which ones you want.

Perfect in a stocking.

THANK you, Tracey Claus!

13 Replies to “tracey claus suggests ….”

  1. Yeah, the trash compactor-thingy at my old apartment (that I shared with the hag-roommate) made me reach for the antibacterial moisturizer every time I had to touch that nasty door handle. I see they don’t make the apple one I have in my car anymore–which coincidentally I did get for Christmas from “Pop-Pop Claus”–I’m thinking 2+ years in my car probably renders it little more effective than a moisturizer, whaddya think?

    I’m surprised to see the Moonlit Path scent still around; that’s one I like too. I’m not as fond of the food-smelly ones. But my ultimate favorite is the aromatherapy Jasmine Vanilla. Have you ever tried their sugar scrub? It makes my skin feel awesome, especially in winter. . . oh, that’s right, you don’t get winter out there. 🙂

  2. I don’t use antibacterial products, but I will say the regular line of “Brown Sugar Fig” (like the body wash and such) smells really really nice and is very Christmassy.

  3. Yankee Candle has a wonderful new scent, ‘Greenhouse”. I’m all about the fresh, snappy green/blue fragrances.

    The last super-cool little thing I bought: a silicon basting brush that you can run through the dishwasher sans its wooden handle and it actually gets clean.
    Unlike the old school bristle brushes – ewww.
    Now I need to go roast something…
    About $3.50 at W-Mart.

  4. Kate P — I think one of my students once gave me a tub og the warm vanilla scrub or something like that. It was verrry nice.

    sarahk — But the bugs are being drowned in lotion, see?

    cindy — Is pear berry a Bath and Body Works thing? Sounds yummy.

  5. I think Sal just gave ME a stocking stuffer idea for my mom. Perfect revenge for the year she gave all us kids salad tongs in our stockings b/c somehow she wound up in the restaurant supply store. Heh.

  6. Kate: SHUT. UP. She did not! Were your mom and mine separated at birth? I get the most dreafully-awful, awfully-dreadful, inappropriate gifts. SOOOO beyond crappy.

    And all this talk about sugar scrub is making me cringe. My skin is so dry right now in all this drought and cold that it’s cracking apart. I have to wear latex or rubber gloves to make dinner or wash up dishes. At this point, I’m basically greased up like a channel swimmer. A PREGNANT CHANNEL SWIMMER! Don’t get any oogie mental pictures, pervos! 🙂

  7. Yeah, not so much crappy as just off-the-wall and what-am-I-going-to-do-with-this? kinds of gifts. Although I must say the emergency radio (that would be Christmas 2002, notice the year) picks up the AM station that plays Sinatra on Sunday better than my stereo.

  8. sorry for the delay tray….was working out of town this week. yes…pear berry is one of their classic scents and bath and body brings it back twice a year. a few days after christmas and then in the summer for a short while. i think it can be purchased on line all year long though.

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