
MB always has these epic, sweeping dreams that he remembers in acute detail. Oh, and then shares with me when I am barely awake and grumpy. So there’s that. Plus, I don’t remember any of mine, unless they’re deeply shattering in some way best forgotten. So, okay, maybe I’m jealous. Because of all that, the recounting of his epic dreams is now a joke between us. “So I had this amazing dream last night!” “Sighhhhhh, grrrrroan, oh, nooo, here we go, how can I go on, it burrrrns, etc.”

This happened the other day. That same exchange. Poor man. He is abused. There was brief silence after my anguished, dramatic mooings, then he said:

“That’s IT! From now on, I’m gonna password protect my dreams!!”

So, uhm, if he gives some of you the password, you’ll give it to me, right?


11 Replies to “dweams”

  1. We’re on the same page. Brian remembers all of his dreams, I hardly ever remember one of mine. Like you said, it has to be shattering for me to remember.

  2. Oh my! I love that he’s password protecting them now!!!

    I can’t remember the last time I dreamt…must be all the sleep deprivation. That should be changing though…I just moved the youngest out of our bedroom and in with her sister. Don’t know if I’m excited or sad about it yet though…..

  3. I remember mine, alright. In fact, it’s like going to the movies every night. I just don’t inflict them on others. He’ll do this occasionally- they’re always ‘weird’. At least to him.
    “Password protected”? Ha!

  4. Tef and MB are in ca-hoots, girl. He is Mister Epic Dreamer. He had one once where he infiltrated a POW camp; rescued the hostages; got them to the US Embassy; and then got the heck outta’ dodge by catching a passing submarine bound for Thailand.

    I WISH I had dreams that fun. I had a scintillating dream the other night about dusting the house. I also tend to have dreams where I am trying not to pee, hugging random men, and sorting kittens into rain barrels. Whyohwhy can’t I be POW-Rescue-Lady?

  5. WG — I dunno. All those topics you just mentioned made me laugh. I want to hear about the sorting kitties into rain barrels one.

    MM — What is with the pee dream and why are you all having it?? Does anyone know what that means, in dream analysis terms? I have never had that one.

    I have one recurring dream where I’m in college and I ditch a particular class for most of the semester and then show up for the final, trying to ace the course. Sad.

  6. OH SNAP – I just noticed how old that post is. I’ve been working on the Mother Of Unfinishable Stories for THREE YEARS?!??! That is IT. I am finishing that thing by the end of the year.

  7. LOL! The “trying not to pee” dream means you’re LITERALLY sleeping and trying not to pee the bed.

    I’ve heard about the “late for an exam” nightmare from so many people. I have never, ever had that dream. I never cared enough when I was in college to be anxious about exams. And I still graduated with honors. Weird. Wait: I have an English Degree. Never mind. That explains it.

    I’ve never had a flying dream, either. I’ve heard those are awesome. I feel kinda’ gypped.

    And incidentally: Who the heck dreams in black and white? Why does the topic of “color vs. B&W” always come up in dream analysis? It’s so irrelevant. Everyone dreams in color. Right?

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