george carlin on “the view”

“And these people with the fires and the floods and everything, they overbuild, they put nature to the test and they get what’s coming to them. That’s what I say.”

Later, he said, “And if you’re in tune with it (nature) like the Indians, the Hopis, especially, the balance of life, the balance, the harmony of nature, if you understand that, you don’t overbuild. You don’t do all this moron stuff.”

Thank you, Mr. Carlin. Another celebrity making it all better.


17 Replies to “george carlin on “the view””

  1. I can’t write the word I’d use to describe him in real life. And “jerk” doesn’t seem damaging enough. Imagine “jerk” is, like, the worst thing you could call somebody.

    “Shut your overinflated, windbag piehole MISSSSTER Carlin! You jerkin’ jerk-head jerk! JERRRRRK!!!”

  2. Like they used to say, if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Mr. Carlin, you are now officially part of the problem. Not the time, not the place for this kind of discussion. Shut your piehole and go hand out water bottles to the displaced people at Qualcomm stadium or something.

    You know, I wonder if these celebrities would appreciate an ordinary human being telling them that stuff if they were in the place of having lost THEIR home to a fire, or something?

  3. Right, buddy, nature’s taking revenge and these people got what they deserved. When the earth is your god, people just don’t matter.

    OTOH, it was probably a normal progression after they ran out of things to bash Catholics about.

  4. Touche, Kate. 😉

    Like Babs Streisand telling eveyone to line-dry their clothes to save California from Gray Davis in the days of rolling blackouts. Someone asked her if she would do it. “No,” was the unequivocal answer to that one. Surprisingly.

    And how many homes, jets, and superfluous shwag do celebrities (who are “in touch with the environment”) own? The only reason they’re not running for their lives and moving to a stadium to live in a tent is because they’re exempt from disaster. They’re too rich to be affected.

  5. Well, WG, I will say this: 46 players on the San Diego Chargers were forced to flee their homes this week, including star running back LaDainian Tomlinson and our quarterback, Philip Rivers. So they’re not necessarily exempt, it seems.

  6. Good old George hit it right on the nose. It isn’t just California though; it’s the whole country. People just don’t get it. We’re so damn greedy and just can’t see it. And then the little people, which would be most of the population, are just a bunch of followers. Advertisements, corporations, and government all dictate that we should work, work, work, and spend, spend, spend, and like earnest little Pollyannas we do just that. Then everyone speculates about why all of these tragic things are happening. Brush fires, school shootings, bombings, etc.
    Add to this the mild side of things, yet still insane, like paying money for free water (?), acting like it’s perfectly normal to stand in line forever in airports with our little baggies of measured out accessories, letting daycare centers and babysitters raise our children, putting up with half hour holding times on the phone for customer service people who end up not being of much service. Yet, we put up with all of this nonsense as though we can’t do anything about it, and work our butts off for absolutely no good reason except to prove that we are blanking brainwashed!
    George remembers the old days of what America was and still should – AND COULD – be, but because the majority poo-poos his guts to speak up about it, everyone else follows.
    You know…I’m proud to be an American, but somehow I feel as though I no longer live in America anymore.

  7. Why all these tragic things are happening:
    * Brush fires: Arson (or terrorism, speculation abounds)
    * School shootings: Wackos were nursed and patted (or simply ignored) because no one’s allowed to discipline them correctly or throw them out of school
    * Bombings: Because the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States has a clause like none other — we’re FREE. We can say and do what most other countries on the face of this earth cannot. We can worship, speak out, protest, investigate and live free. So free that we can work our fingers to the bone to have a moderately nice house in California and raise our children the way we see fit without fear of being dragged out of our homes in the middle of the night and shot. That’s why we’re getting bombed. Because we can live out lives the way we want.

    Americans insist on working not because someone tells us to, but because in America — there’s actually a reward for working, unlike in socialist regimes where work is simply expected for the “good of the common cause”. Or work is just not available and people starve to death waiting for change; or worse, they turn to crime or drug traffiking.

    America is so awesome, we have people pouring in over our borders to come live and work here — and not just for the money, but for the security and the FREEDOM they find here. Our enemies are trying to wipe Americans off the map so they can come in and take advantage of what we’ve built.

    So pardon the hell out of me for busting my ass to build a home and a better life in a location I’ve chosen, unaided by the hand of Big Brother Socialism to make sure my kids grow up in a country where they don’t kill Catholics for attending Mass and making the sign of the cross in public.

    I realize that by living this way, I’m just a big bullseye for a brush fire, school shooting or bombing. But I’ll take my chances here rather than any other country on earth, thank you.

  8. I dare “lisa” to come see the little apartment where I live and see if she still has the nerve to call me a greedy materialist. I take pride in my work and in a job well done–there’s no billboard commanding me to do that, and I have no intention of becoming a workaholic. I’m not “spend, spend, spend”-ing, but yeah, I am trying to make a better life for myself and I hope to give my future family what they need to live life to the fullest.

  9. Au contraire, Lisa. The economy does not cause brush fires any more than the economy causes sunspots or club foot.

    Are you so weak-willed that an ad forces you to rush out to the store to purchase things you don’t want and can’t afford? I know dozens of people who go to work because they love their family, and a smaller group who do it because they enjoy the work they do – I know exactly zero people who say “Well, I have to work late tonight, Proctor and Gamble told me to.” (Unless they actually work for Proctor and Gamble, in which case they get paid for going in, and not in toothpaste.) Some people may be motivated because they’re saving up for a particular car or something – but without ads, would they quit their jobs? Or would they suddenly not need a car?

    Corporations employ the ads to sell their products – but then who makes the products? Without the products (and therefore the companies and their ads) there would be far fewer jobs and far more want and suffering. You wouldn’t need fires then, you’d just have good old-fashioned grinding poverty.

    As for the government? Heh. How many entitlement programs are run on the federal, state, and county levels again? How much do we pay in taxes so that others can choose never to work at all? It’s a horrid life on the dole (and I know from experience, so no need to lecture me on the plight of the working poor). Yet some people decide that it’s in their best interest to live that way; others are trapped in moment-to-moment needs and can’t sacrifice their current position (however lousy) to get a little ahead; they’re barely self-sufficient as it is.

    So, yeah – maybe after 9/11 W did go out and tell everyone to keep at their everyday lives. Keep your jobs, keep domestic life going. The mostly-strong economy has helped mitigate a lot of the home-front privations that have historically accompanied war. Even gas, everyone’s favorite whipping post, is not nearly as expensive as it could be, considering that A) prices were level for 20 years or more and B) hostile powers currently control a significant hunk of the raw supply of crude oil.

    We don’t pooh-pooh what Carlin said because we’re brainwashed, we do it because we can think for ourselves, and have come to the conclusion that he’s full of biodeisel. If it was his house, he wouldn’t be on camera saying, “I offended the Great Gaia and have paid my due price. I’m donating the insurance proceeds to Greenpeace and living in Al Gore’s carbon-neutral commune paradise.”

    And if you still think we’re consumerist drones: most of your little peeves about bottled water, daycare centers, etc. are more than defensible. Just don’t immediately assume that we “put up with it all and work for no good reason” just because those things exist. You don’t have any idea whether or not any of us use any of those things.

  10. After looking over all this dicussion, I have to admit that Lisa has the right idea. I don’t want to make enemies, I’m just merely expressing my thoughts on all of this.

    George Carlin does beleive these victims have whats coming to them. But please also make note that he also doesn’t care about the environment. He beleives we should just leave it alone. His point is that we humans are a part of nature, and most of us forget that and so we feel we need to control nature by saving endargered species, and saving rainforests, and picking up garbage. Our intereference with nature is what eventually gives us these troubles and now unfortunately we humans are paying for it with our lives. Why is it that people build and buy houses in areas that have recurring floods every few years and cry when it ruins their homes? People do do that and its their own fault. They get whats coming to them!

    And as for the other issues floating around, I do agree with the majority of you that we get jobs to earn money to provide for our families. However, the level of consumerism is immense. If we truly are “free”, then use this freedom to question goverment and authority and do not roll over when you’re told and assume life here is good because the goverment says so. You’ll be surprised at what you find.
    The founders of this country also claimed to be “free”. But wait, weren’t they slaveowners who stole this land from the Natives and the Mexicans? Now that I look back, they killed them too. That’s the real “value of freedom” coming straight from the roots of our nation.
    And do you honestly beleive that people from other countries bomb us because we’re “free” and their jealous? Jealousy is not what it comes down too. They bomb us in retaliation for us interfering in their countries in what our goverment calls “an attempt to liberate their people”. Did they ask to be liberated? Do they want us there? I highly doubt that. Sure we took care of Saddam who deserved it, but there are others like him in other countries, but you don’t hear about them do you? Of course not, because the government is only interested in Iraq. Why is that? I’ll let you clever patriots figure that one outfor yourselves.

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