more from the stadium

The whole scene at our stadium, the way it’s functioning, the images I see — it makes me feel kinda proud. There’s day care and grief counselors. There are massages and yoga classes. There’s free wi-fi and a place to recharge your cell phone. There’s acupuncture and organized games for the kids. There are insurance agents to start the rebuilding process. And there are literally piles and piles and piles of supplies. Even the national media here — let’s see, we have Katie and Matt and Al and Charlie Gibson — have commented on how well organized it all is and how impressed they were.

Katie Couric, though, did turn into Quotie McGee down there at the stadium, what with her Dickens and her Yeats. Which was nice, I thought, because nothing was brightening the somber faces of all those kiddos crowded ’round her until she started quoting from The Second Coming. Katie Couric — helping the hurting with a big ol’ dose of smartypantsitis! Thank you, Katie!

7 Replies to “more from the stadium”

  1. Katie Couric wants to be a bad impression of Oprah crossed with a Barbara Walters’ Special. She thrives on grief, crying, and sucking all the air out of the room. You can see the gleam in her eyes when she brings the maudlin. Makes me sick.

  2. What WG said. In spades.
    Had to leave the Continental Breakfast bar at the motel this morning- newshead kept badgering some fire-fighting higher-up about why they weren’t doing MORE!?!

    I don’t know- maybe because they can’t? With little things like physics and nature getting in the way.
    Technology doesn’t solve everything outside your soundstage, sweetcheeks.

  3. Well, if W would just get the hurricane machine back into action and point it out at SoCal, they could flood out all the forest fires. The question is, WHY DON’T THEY WANT TO? What are they trying to hide?!?

    (Hold on…. darn tin foil keeps slipping. I really need to fasten this better.)

  4. Sal — Exactly! There is SO much that IS being done! Please shut your joe-hole, Katie. I’m in no mood.

    NF- HA!

    sheila — hahahahahahahaha! one of the best sheila quotes ever!!!

  5. And oh, I could tell some stories about the KC we discuss here … but I will refrain! Because I don’t want to make me more enemies than I have!!!

    The Second Coming?


    Do not even try.

  6. Oh, no, she didn’t!
    Never, ever, quote one of Sheila’s dead boyfriends innappropriately.

    That is all.

    NF- I swear that was what that woman was getting at. You could almost see the thought balloon.
    You can duct tape that thing on, but it must be silver grey tape…

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