the long boo-bye

Over the next couple weeks, I’ll be posting a fair amount about the end of my wee coffeehouse, Boheme.

Eh? What’s that you’re talking about, Trace? Did I miss something here?

No, you haven’t missed anything; I just haven’t talked about it yet. But, basically, this has been in the works for a little while now. At the end of this month, little Boheme will be no more. There are myriad reasons why — all of which I expect to beat you about the head with at some point in this epic tale of woey woe woe, so do try to calm yourselves about all THAT.

Please don’t feel sorry for me — on many levels, I am and will be relieved.

On the other levels — well, let’s just say I’ve learned a thing or two.

More to come later.