oh, hurry now!

There’s still time to participate in The 2007 Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Contest! Hahahahaha.

Here are a couple of pictures of last year’s winner and runner-up:



Okay. Laugh if you must, but I am eating this up! I think it’s fun and creative and amazing. I mean, just look at the detail on these two gowns — all from toilet paper! I love it. Plus, I know Nightfly’s getting married soon and I don’t want him to miss out on an opportunity.

And, uhm, may I say congratulations on your spectacular toilet paper cleave, Bride #1.

More photos here.

Contest closes July 31st.

And you thought TP was just for flushing. Sillies.

9 Replies to “oh, hurry now!”

  1. Well, yeah, but…considering that it’s something you’d (hopefully) wear only once in your life…maybe I’m over practical and a Bitter Single Girl to boot, but I don’t think I could quite countenance spending a couple thousand dollars (which is what some wedding dresses go for) on something so ephemeral.

    Or maybe…maybe in a couple hundred years there will be folklore attached to this:

    “The more perishable the dress, the more lasting the marriage.”

  2. Now there’s one time you definitely don’t want to be standing on the bride’s train.

    It reminds me of another contest–3M sponsors a tape prom dress competition. Those are some wild creations.

    (Shurl Crowe would have a fit if she saw all the “wasted” squares of tissue. . .)

  3. That second girl looks like she’s checking to make sure part of her dress isn’t stuck to the bottom of her shoe. =)

    Seriously, I think they’re impressive, but I want to live to see my wedding – so I won’t be suggesting anything to the Ladybug, for what it’s worth.

  4. Tracey – member that site I found with dresses made of maps? It’s just unbelievable, people’s creativity!! Like the little half-shell fluted design at the bottom of the second dress in your post – followed by little rows of ruffles. Just so pretty – I love the mind that thought it up and figured out how to execute it!

  5. sheila — Ooh, I remember that site! So amazing. I just love to revel in — yes, you said it — the MINDS that think this up! How these are just meant to be appreciated and admired. The point is the creation, the creativity, the expression. I just love it!

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