
So I was flipping through the channels last night and paused, briefly, on “Last Comic Standing.” I watched it a bit last year, but then got bored when they all started living spastically together in that cra-zaaaayzy house.

The guy I saw 10 seconds of last night basically said this:

Remember when you were in grade school and there was always that kid who was, like, 7 years behind the reading curve? And then he’d have to read out loud? The sentence would be something like “The bear licked the honey” and the kid would go like this:

The beee-aarrrrr? lyyyye-kud? the hoe-nee?

The beee-aarrrrr? lyyyye-kud? the hoe-nee?

The beee-aarrrrr lyyyye-kud the hoe-nee!!

And I really don’t know what else he said, frankly, because I became totally fixated on that. That one phrase. I mean, I fell asleep last night just repeating that to myself: “The beee-arrrr lyyyy-kud the hoe-nee, the beee-arrrr lyyyy-kud the hoe-nee.”

(Everything’s fine, I swear.)

One Reply to “hoe-nee”

  1. Brian and I were cracking up at that one! The other one that got us going was the ADD driver. There were some pretty darn funny people on there – and all we got to see were one or two jokes.

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