8 things

Missy tagged me with a meme. And I’m actually doing it! It’s called 8 Things about Me. Why 8? I have no freakin’ idea.

1) My birthday is the same day as Harry Potter’s and J.K. Rowling’s. Yet I get no spillover benefits, either magically or financially.

2) I was an extreeemely shy child. Pathologically so. My face turned red if you spoke to me or I had to speak to you or if a dog barked at me or a tree branch waved at me. I was basically red-faced my entire childhood and was forced to coordinate my wardrobe around these special skin tone challenges. So how I ended up as my 4th grade’s class president, I’ll never really know, but I’m pretty sure it had something to do with all those puds in my class wanting to see me blush so they could then exclaim en masse: “YOUR FACE IS TURNING RED! YOUR FACE IS TURNING RED!!” Uhm, duh, wieners. My face feels about to explode in a giant mushroom cloud of embarrassment. If I’m lucky it WILL explode and this horrifying moment of public exposure will end with my blasted brain bits clinging to your shiny perfect hair. Not that I’m bitter. Praise Jesus!

3) I have kinda small feet, size 5 1/2 or 6. Can I get me one of those handicap signs on my car now?

4) I like red peppers; I like yellow peppers; but I do not like those gross green peppers. (Oh, and tell us how you feel about peppers, Dr. Seuss?)

5) That last one should count as 3.

6) *I prefer to double-bag the ol’ boobins before a trampoline workout. They say you achieve split-second weightlessness at the top of the bounce. Yes, and the balloons do tend to go floating away unless properly tied down.

7) Once in high school, this guy whose affections I did not return, became all pissy and called me a “homo sapien.” I am still traumatized, of course.

8) For 15 years now, I’ve been using the same black stretchy headband to hold back my hair when I wash my face. It’s strangely comforting to me. And yes, it gets washed regularly — please remain calm.

* Uhm, what???

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