But I was alone yesterday and weird bad suff happens when I’m alone and, well, I threw my back out. My side back. My side. Yeah. What is that? My lats? I pulled a lat. Is that how you say it? “Yo. I pulled a lat, mannn.” And it kinda hoits. I was moving a large bookcase by myself — because, of course, MB was not home and I do weird and/or stupid things when he leaves me, like a puppy that shouldn’t be left alone or something — and, anyway, all was going well and the bookcase does look better where it is now, but an hour after that, in minute 26 of my trampoline workout, to be precise, something went Uhm, OWWWWW! and I was hobbled and crippled and collapsed in a bouncy sweaty lump on top of the mat. So now I’m lying here on the sofa hopped up on Doan’s back pain pills — which really must be just for the BACK back because they are doing nothing for my SIDE back, my lats, yo, and really, the picture on the Doan’s box of the topless dude holding his painful painful back doesn’t inspire much hope. “Take these pills and grab your back in sudden, clutching pain. Also, be constipated. GOOD LUCK, yo!”
So since I’m on a whiney roll here and MB is gone again — after having given me strict orders that I’m allowed to do nothing, absolutely nothing — may I vent, please, about some recent niggling incidents and comments at Boheme? Because it’s always the small stuff that pushes you over the edge.
All right. Commence venting:
The other day, I was bringing an ashtray out to the patio for one of my regular customers. So, you know, thank you, and words like that, right? Nope. He looked at me and said, in front of the whole table, “Oh. I see more grey in your hair now. Is this job that stressful?”
I just stared at him. A not-nice stare, actually. A glare. I could feel it in my eyebrows. And I couldn’t think of anything to say. I think I always expect people to behave better than they do and I’m perpetually shocked when they don’t, so it paralyzes me. Or something.
Finally, I said, drily, “Oh, gosh. Thank you for noticing.” I plopped the ashtray down, turned on my heel, and got back to work.
The next day, Ginger Pervy — remember him? — who witnessed this exchange attempted to apologize for his friend, because Ginger Pervy is a Southern gentleman from Georgia with that smooth molasses drawl they have and oh, besides, he “doesn’t want to die an ***hole.” So he says to me, “I wanna apologiiize for my friennnd. I don’t thiiink he meannnt to be offensivvve about your haaair. It’s not noticeable at all in the shaaaade, but it’s realllly noticeable in the sunlight.”
Oh, gosh, Ginger Pervy. Thank you for that apology. I mean, it really means, well, absolutely nothing to me. First of all, I think that people should make their own apologies; just not a fan of apologies by proxy. Also, dude, that wasn’t an apology. I mean, why dontcha, while the knife is still in there, go ahead and give it a nice ginger-gentlemanly twist?
Continue venting:
Dude came in, ordered a parmesan bagel, toasted, cream cheese AND butter. Fine. There was only one parmesan bagel left because they are yummo-licious and MB and I eat most of them, frankly. (There’s that ol’ business sense of mine rearing its ugly head again.) So this last lonely parmesan bagel had the pastry tag stuck in it, a little metal pronged dealio with the name and price attached to it. Because that’s the way the reeeal classsy places do it, you see. And when I took the bagel out, I took the tag out, and the bagel had two teeny holes, as if it had been bitten by a bagel vampire, but no big deal. I mean, I did not wipe my nose with the bagel or shove it in my armpits or my underpants, tho’ I do fight that temptation daily. Still, the dude looked at the bagel, wrinkled his nose, and said, “So you’re gonna give me the one with the holes in it?”
“Well, most likely. It IS the only one left.”
“Do you still want it, holes and all?”
Heavy sigh.
And end venting, for now:
See the little rat dog in this picture?
(Never mind the long-haired dude squatting down with the dog; he’s not the dog’s owner and I prefer never to speak of this person. Although I’m sure I will at some point. Blech. BLECH.)
But the little devil rat dog is now regularly POOING out on the bamboo patio. Yup. Leaving tiny milk dud dookies out there, amongst the bamboo — which her owner does not clean up. No, he leaves them behind for us to discover, like last year’s Easter eggs, all shriveled and brown and stinky.
We hates her and her owner.