rain delays: “the best thing ever”

Drat! DRAT!! Rain delays in London today.

BUT — there is still news. FOUR more of you are now officially IN the game — randomly assigned a player who’s made it to the 4th round.

Check here to see!

ALSO: Winston Churchill/Tommy Haas (GER) has withdrawn from the tournament, suffering from a torn stomach muscle. Reached for comment, Winston Churchill said, “I took pain-killers in the middle of the match and they helped, as did the adrenalin you get from playing a match, but the ultrasound showed that there was a bad tear.”

Sure, Winston Churchill. Suuuure. All hopped up on pain-killers and adrenaline you are. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Really. I had no idea. “British Bulldog” my butt.

Anyway — No breakfast at Wimbledon for you. You’re off to Germany with Mr. Haas, I guess. Eat some strudel; you’ll feel better. Smush some more of those pain-killers in it.


Wait! I almost forgot this match-up! Apparently, coming soon-ish, in some unknown rain-free future, is:




Uhm, Mr. Shakespeare, sir, I’m worried about you — what with those stifling hose and stuffy breeches and that codpiece unnecessarily broiling your boys. I mean, you’re up against tea! TEA! A refreshing beverage! Enjoyed hot or cold! But cold — COLD! — it’s so, well, revitalizing and beneficial and all.

Please do consider, sir, letting your cod swing cool and free.

I’m just sayin’ is all.

7 Replies to “rain delays: “the best thing ever””

  1. Oh my! It’s like being the first one voted off the island! But Tracey, you could call Wimbledon for me. Tell them my stomach’s fine–brain’s a little messed up, though. That would probably end it any way. Well ok, pass the strudel.

  2. I have to admit that I never thought of Shakespeare’s “cod” before this very moment.

    And I have to admit, I hope to never think of it again.

  3. So, if I’m reading the website correctly, the mini cooper has beat out the Sex Pistols? That’s surprising! I would have thought that the Sex Pistols would pack more of a punch, so to speak.

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