I will buy this book just for the cover

I will. I swear. I’m gonna. It’s going on the ol’ Amazon Wish List pronto.

Because of the cover.

I don’t care if it deeply sucks. Because IF it deeply sucks, then I will just tear the cover off and frame it. Or else eat it. I may just eat the cover so that I may become part of the cover. Or, rather, the cover may become part of me — well, only temporarily, really, but nicely boosting my fiber consumption.

And I am not a (total) nutter.

ANND I’m not even hopped up on Doan’s because they didn’t do JACK.

(Stupid half-naked dude clutching his back pain. Now I know why you’re still all clutchy. Stupid lying dimples at the top of your implied butt calling out to me to purchase you.)

Okay. So who’s with me? Who will stand — or sit, just SIT — no, lie down, lying down is best — in solidarity with me? Who will go to Amazon — and I would link to the book on Amazon but, uhm, I don’t know how to do that because I’m a dummy NOT a nutter — and BUY the book for a mere 14.96 BECAUSE OF THE COVER and then read it no matter what? And then post about it on your blog or in the comments here?? Who? WHO?? COME ON!

Who will join the official “Read a Book ‘Cause of the Purty Cover Challenge”?

We will dive in knowing nothing about it! We will dive in for a completely stupid reason! We will read and report back everything we’ve gained and lost and learned — all from judging a book by its cover!

Go somewhere else if you want something all erudite and smarty and deep. That’s not what this is about. NO! We will dive into the pretty pretty shallows and splash all around.

But, really, since it’s shallow, we will most likely just crack our brains open on the bottom.

Come on, Nightfly. You know you wanna.


And I swear. If you guys leave me hanging, I will post endless posts about court reporting school and steno theory and the worldwide employment opportunities for the newly minted stenographer.





by Susan G. Wooldridge.

16 Replies to “I will buy this book just for the cover”

  1. I bought this book on pre-order (arriving today – can’t wait!). Not for the cover specifically, but because the author wrote this amazing book called Poemcrazy that I’m nutty about. 🙂

    But, the cover IS definitely snazzy!

  2. Yes! That cover is AWESOME! And the premise sounds like something right up my alley. You may well just be doing us a favor by making us all bonk our noggins in the shallow end. 🙂

    I’ll put it on my Wishlist and see what happens. The Amazon Fairy has a way of zapping things to my door without my ever ordering them. (No, I didn’t just call my husband, Mr. Surprise Gift-Giver, a fairy — he has nothing to do with it — it’s MAGIC.)

  3. Very colorful, but I’m thinking we should get the guy from the Doan’s box to be twirling around with all those pretty scarves. That would be hot.

  4. Oh, and as an inside joke for the other Catholic readers, the first thing that really came to mind when I saw the cover was “liturgical dance.” Shudder.

  5. Okay. So. Jeannine is in. Because I’ve just decided that. And we understand, Jeannine, that it isn’t JUST the cover for you. Let’s just say it is, ‘kay? 😉 Read it and then post your thoughts on your cool cool blog. (I love your blog!)

    WG — Hm. You’re in, too. Maybe the MAGIC will happen soon.

    (See how I’m just randomly deciding that you guys are in — even though you’re avoiding like the plauge actually saying that you’re in? TOO BAD. YOU’RE IN. Because I rillyrilly don’t want to turn this into a court reporting blog. And you don’t want that either, trust me.)

    sarahk — Why do I think that you dance around like this anyway? 😉 So what’s the dealio? IN? OUT? Gluten-free? WHAT??

    Kate — Yeah, it’s like worship at my church — only more graceful. And pretty. And worshipful.

    And that Doan’s guy — poor thing. He’s in no shape for dancing, much less frolicking with scarves. But some day, SOME DAY, Kate, he WILL be better — after he gets some REAL drugs for that clutching back pain.

    So there’s always the hope of some eventual naked frolicking with scarves.

  6. I hate to break this to you, Tracey, but looking at that twirly lass on the book cover makes me wince. I screwed up my lower back at the rink on Sunday, and was given actual prescription-strength Happy Pills – and they do Diddly/Squat. (Well, squat is the wrong word in this context, I couldn’t touch my toes right now if they were cut off and handed to me.)

    Go to your local crunchy-fruity store and pick up something called Tiger Balm and apply topically. It will do more for your pain than anything else short of a Vicodin. Tiger Balm is like Vicks, only for the rest of the body – heavy menthol/camphor content. You can only use it for a few days at a time, and then a few days off, but it’s worth it to be able to tie one’s own shoes in the morning.

    Oh – yeah – you want I should read the book. Right now I’ve been writing tons thanks to my enforced leisure. Truthfully I’m scared that reading a book about freeing my creativity will make my already-free creativity lock back up. I listen to instrumental music to get myself going; lyrics distract me from what I want to say, and it’s shorter than a book. I can type while it’s going on. I want to join in the fun, but maybe I should wait until the well runs dry again?

  7. NF — No no no! I didn’t really expect you to read it. It seems like the total opposite of a Nightfly book to me! And your back — ugh, sorry. It sucks, no? Please be careful. Stay down. I can’t because of that damn coffeehouse I opened. Why oh why can’t it run itself?

    Pour yerself some decaf, Slappy. I have clutching back pain.

  8. Yup – it sucks. The clutching back pain, it is the opposite of fun. (Your description of it is perfect and I’m smiling, but I wish you weren’t speaking from experience!) What frustrates me more is the feeling that somebody stuck a pebble in the joint and I can’t quite bend properly. It feels like if I just stretched or wiggled exactly the right way that the pebble would pop out and I could MOVE again – even with pain, I want to be able to move.

    (Somewhere, the Ladybug just threw up in her mouth and didn’t know why.)

    Believe me, I’m not going to attempt to adjust my own spine – but Lordy, I WANT to. And send MB for the Tiger Balm! You live in Cali, you HAVE to have access to the stuff. You’ll look back in a couple of weeks and it will be worth it, especially when C the IC has a premonition that you hurt your back four days after you’re better.

  9. Aw, poor Doan’s guy. And Nightfly! (Nightfly, if you’re anywhere near Collingswood I know the perfect chiropractor for you. I think you have my e-mail or Tracey can give it to you.)

  10. It looks lovely – may I read it later?

    I have to finish “Forum” costumes by the 30th, so I a) don’t have time and b) don’t want to possibly experience retro-design regret brought on by expanded creativity. You know – where you’d like to change something at the very last minute b/c of a super great idea, but you can’t.*

    (*not professionally, just local community theater. Don’t want to sound like it’s frickin’ “Spring Awakening” or something.)

    Back Pain? Physical Therapy, people. I’m tellin’ ya.
    After two sessions, I was frolicking .
    This after literally months of off-and-on lower back pain.
    Everybody, feel better!

  11. So that’s YOU on that cover, Sal? Coolness!

    Kate – thanks for the offer. In fact, one of the players on one of the teams (I was reffing) is an OD and worked on me between periods, so I can agree with Sal. That got me this far.

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