carmen louis cicero

I love these ….. from Carmen Louis Cicero, who has an exhibition called “Things that Happen in the Moonlight” at the June Kelly Gallery in New York City from October 4 – November 6, 2007.

Aren’t they moody and noir-y and fun? I love how I feel like I’m witnessing something subversive. It feels like it’s happening right now — like the pieces are moving, not still.

Truro Nights

Tracer of Lost Persons

The Escape


Just what is this hunched-over figure in the hunched-over car doing in the shadows of the dead of night?? What is going ON?? Something good. Something baaad. I want to know! I think I need a feature-length film noir animation from this artist now, please.

boo-bye, b*heme

Our last day of business was Friday. We spent the rest of the weekend moving ALL. THE. STUUUUFFFF.


Basically, I’m tired and grumpy and blank. More about the whole dealio later — when I feel less disjointed.