christmas question of the day 5

Okay. A fun one:

Were you ever in a Christmas pageant? And, if so, what part did you play?

Now, I want all the JUICY details.

If you were the donkey’s butt, I want to know!

If you got severe, bug-eyed stage fright, give it up!

If you bawled hysterically, you’d better tell!

If you were a 6-year-old Virgin Mary diva, come on, spill it!

And if you wet your pants and left a sad little puddle — well, I GUESS you can keep that to yourself.

Details, people, DE-TAILS! ;-0

the best thing about today

My Beloved’s birthday.

Beloved —

How glad I am that you’re here.

How blessed I am that you’re here with me.

I can’t help but wonder just how many women are lucky enough to light up whenever their husband walks through the door, to laugh nearly every time he opens his mouth, to hear the words “I love you” EVERY DAY, to spend their lives with their absolute favorite person in the world?

Well, this girl, for one.

You overflow my heart.

I love you.


christmas question of the day 4

What movie’s Christmas celebration would you most like to have attended?

All right. I’m answering this one right here — and my answer’s pretty specific: The Christmas day dinner at Scrooge’s nephew’s house — BUT — specifically, the one depicted in the 1951 version of “A Christmas Carol” starring Alastair Sim, the single greatest cinematic Scrooge ever.

That scene at the end of the movie where he goes to his nephew Fred’s house — it KILLS me. He’s redeemed and changed and brand new, but his nephew doesn’t know that yet. Earlier in the movie, he mocks Fred’s unabashed love of Christmas and rudely rejects his invitation to dinner. So when he stands anxious and vulnerable on that doorstep, he does not know, really, what reaction may await him. He only knows which one he DESERVES.

And Alastair Sim is, quite simply, genius in this moment. Well, in the entire film, but THIS moment just …. transcends. There is a look of such shame and remorse in his eyes, a certain tilt of his head, he is now humility incarnate, when Fred’s wife answers the door and he says to her (I’m paraphrasing, unfortunately), “Can you ever forgive an old fool?” And when he’s welcomed with wide open arms, it’s too much to behold, really. His eyes grow wide with wonder, like a child’s, and every time I see it, I feel new again, too.

In the story, Dickens says, “He was at home in five minutes.” I love that.

I’d want to be at THAT gathering, that celebration of redemption.

“Wonderful party, wonderful games, wonderful unanimity, won-der-ful happiness!”

Sigh ……

And if you’ve never seen this version of “A Christmas Carol,” I exhort you to rent it this year; you WILL NOT regret it.

the new christmas carols you need to know

My Beloved taped this for me last night. A “holiday” sketch on Saturday Night Live featuring the “NBC Peacock Singers, singing, in the spirit of diversity and fear, an all-inclusive medley for EVERYONE.”

Learn the words, now. You don’t want to mumble or stutter about when you go caroling this year.

Here ya go:

Silent Night

Silent night, regular night
All is calm, all is bright
‘Round the fire, mother and child
Random infant, religiously neutral
Sleep in comfortable beds
Sleep in comfortable beds

Away in a Barnbox

Away in a barnbox
No bib for their lunch
The donkey and camel
On straw they will munch
The stars in the sky
Shine down ‘cuz it’s night
The lamb and that donkey
Just got in a fight

Tuesday Night

O Tuesday Night
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night to watch TV and play cards

Fall on your knees
And do a jigsaw puzzle
Just stay inside tonight
It’s half past nine
Just stay inside
Feelin’ fine


The Hallelujah Chorus
(sing it with me now, EVERYBODY!)

How ya doin’
How ya doin’
How ya doin’
How ya doin’

Everyone clear?

christmas question of the day 3

All right. For your Satidday affernoon —

If you could go back in American history to experience Christmas dinner and conversation with a typical family of that day, which of the following years would you want to go back to and why?’

a. 1620, the year the Mayflower arrived

b. 1787, the year the Constitution was signed

c. 1863, midway through the American Civil War

d. 1899, the turn of the century

christmas question of the day 2

Just one today. No one reads blogs on weekends, right? Actually, if anyone reads this and answers, I’ll be shocked. Oh so pleasantly! 😉

But I really like this question:

— If you could somehow give one of the following intangible gifts to every living person in the world, which one would you choose — hope, joy, love, or peace?

Hmm ……

……. and hmmmmm ……..

christmas question of the day

I have a book of Christmas questions, just meant to be fun or to generate discussion. It’s now December 1st, so I thought I’d put one (or more) of these questions up each day until Christmas. Answer whichever ones you like.

Today’s questions:

— What is your favorite Christmas sound?

— You must choose between caroling for a children’s hospital or a convalescent home. Which one would you choose and what reason would you give for your choice?