where in the world

I love this: Maps you can create of where in the world you’ve traveled.

Here’s my World Map. (Um, it’s way down because I babble on and on here.)

Reminds me of two things: 1) I really want to travel more and 2) I really need to write some posts about my 2004 trip to Thailand. Oh, and I’m cheating there on South Korea. During the trip home, we had a LONGGG layover in Inchon — so long we were hoping to leave and see some sights while we waited. Nope. The price to escape the airport at Inchon was waay too high. Seriously, it was like they made you post bail or something. Forget you, Inchon.

And, right then, I remember the bad mood really kicked in.

Because, basically, I’d been up for 30 hours straight, been trapped in a torrential downpour in Bangkok right before the flight, and was now walking around in clothes that I’m pretty sure were starting to mildew. Oh, and one of our pastor’s bratty kids HIT me. This, of course, did not go unnoticed (ahem) by ME. Here I was, on a missions trip for our Lord, puffed up by my own rampant goodness, and I suddenly wanted to throttle a little kid. Trust me, you would’ve wanted in on that action, too. He was not a little kid; he was a little snot. And I STILL think that. I’m sure God understands. I mean, HE made ‘im. He knows. Oh, I remember before we even left on the trip — during one of our planning meetings where the holy terrors were engaging in blatant, unchecked floor-rolling, a practice I DETEST — My Beloved leaned in to me and whispered, “Those kids have international incident written ALL over them.” Haha!

(Although maybe he hit me because I smelled like a load of rotten laundry. I dunno. Whatever Snot’s reasons were …. he did NOT hit me again.)

Oh! I just remembered something else about that airport — sitting there in that modern, eerily empty space, peeking over the shoulder of a bizarre teenage kid who’d come on the trip with us. I am being kind when I say he was bizarre. He was not so much bizarre as he was BIH-ZARRE. When we wasn’t randomly flicking his pocket knife open-closed-open-closed, he was suddenly practicing aikido, and when he wasn’t suddenly practicing aikido, he was scribbling in his journal, and at this particular moment, he was scribbling in his journal, and I was, frankly, bored. So what was the harm in a little peek? This kid fascinated me because after two weeks of observing his behavior and that vacant, thousand-mile stare he had, I’d decided that one fine day he’s going to go Mosquito Coast on someone’s ass and I’ll be able to say Hey! — and I knew him when he was just a weird random knife flicker. Peeping over his shoulder, I could see his scrawl and I got a gander at THIS: “I dont know what to say. I am so filled with imosions.”

I jumped up, moved away. I was choking with laughter. From all the imosions, you see.

Oh, yeah. South Korea counts.

So — Yes! The map:

(Hmm … it doesn’t all fit. Why doesn’t it fit? Oh, well, this portion covers my world travels thus far anyway!)

create your own visited countries map

And my USA Map:

(Not enough room here either. Um, what’s missing from my USA travels here? Oh, Massachusetts.)

create your own visited states map

the divine lottery revisited — because I’m eeevil!

(A re-post.)

So a while back, I was riding in a car with a person I’ll call Plumcake. At a stoplight, while deep in discussion about something else, Plumcake suddenly gasped and delivered this raging non sequitur:

Look at that car — it has a ‘333’on the license plate! Oh, thank you, Lord!”

Hmmm. I looked at the car. It was just a car. I didn’t get it. I was NOT catching the fever. Or whatever she had.

She continued earnestly:

“The Lord has told me that whenever I see the number ‘333,’ it means He’s thinking about ME and loving ME.”

Umm, wha???

Clearly, Plumcake was joking or temporarily off her nut. I decided a solid, but noncommittal, response was the chuckle. What person, whether joker or nutter, could object to the chuckle? So I chuckled. Instantly, Plumcake threw a withering glare at me. It seemed she was utterly serious, I was 5 years old, and that chuckle was wrong, wrong, wrong! Shame on me! Duly chastised, I shut my mouth, too stunned to make a peep now. I sat in silence while she rhapsodized about ‘333.’

I thought this was an isolated incident, but since that moment I’ve heard her publicly gush over anything with 333: addresses, phone numbers, digital clocks. I was at her house one afternoon when the kitchen clock struck 3:33. I watched wide-eyed as Plumcake and The Plumcake Kids danced a little jiggedy jig of joy: “It’s 3:33! God’s thinking of me. Woo-hoo!” I, however, did not join in the jiggedy jig, nor did I feel the joy.

Frankly, I thought the whole hubbub seemed rather exclusionary, seeing as how God was apparently thinking just of Plumcake and there WERE other people in the room. Kinda rude, God.

And if God is in the numbers, I’m scared. Terrified, really. Because I ain’t good with numbers.

I’ve given some thought to Plumcake’s spiritual epiphany and I’ve got just a few niggling questions. First, why 333? I mean, why that number? Is “God in the number” because the three digits are identical? Is that the magic of it? And what would happen, Plumcake, if I just wrote 333 on a piece of paper? Would that mean God’s thinking of you or would that mean that I just wrote 333 on a freakin’ piece of paper?

But, wait, let’s not be too dismissive now. Maybe God is speaking this way. Maybe God IS in the numbers. So then what’s next? Story problems?

Oh. Sweet. Lord.

Just think of the ones ALMIGHTY GOD could come up with: “Two trains depart from Toledo. If one travels at the speed of a hummingbird’s wings, and the other, the speed of an eyelid blink, which one arrives in HELL first??”

Oh, the shivers. I’d be toast for sure. My utter incompetence with numbers would cement my spiritual doom forever and ever. I’m shiny with sweat just thinking about it.

But maybe it’s not story problems. Maybe it’s these numbers, as Plumcake says. So then does God speak exclusively through the identical three-digit number? And how do all believers get one of these? Because I don’t think there are enough of them to go ’round.

I mean, let’s count together, shall we:

000, 111, 222, 333 (Plumcake’s), 444, 555, 666 (uh, Satan’s), 777, 888, 999.

By my count, that leaves only 8 of these “God numbers” left over for the rest of us.

Wow. This is really rough. I’m sorry to tell you that God does not love you, nor is He thinking of you. Tough, tough break.

What is going on here?? Where are Christians getting these foolish, fairy-tale notions? Where? Please understand. Plumcake is a lovely(-ish) person. I don’t question that for a moment. What I question is superstition and fantasy creeping into believers’ hearts, weakening or replacing firm foundations. You may say, “Well, I don’t buy into these notions.” To that I say, “Thank God,” but there are enough Christians who do that we need to be concerned. Really concerned.

This concerns me too: I know a couple who dubbed their youngest child the “Resurrection Baby.” The husband had had an affair and in the midst of the traumatic fallout, they got pregnant. According to them, the baby was a “sign from God,” of the “resurrection” of their marriage. Wow. No pressure, baby. Mess that diaper. Spew those peas. Save that marriage.

One day, the husband blithely said to me, “Well, I guess this means I get to stay married now.” Really? Is that what the blessed baby means? Or does it perhaps mean a chance to avoid, to deny, the deep and abiding issues that brought your marriage to the brink? Or — does it perhaps mean that you deftly manipulated your broken and betrayed wife into bed — at least once? Why is that a sign from God? Given his flippant attitude, I questioned whether baby was, indeed, a “resurrection” or a deflection.

Has the God of the universe transitioned into the business of saying what we want to hear, of saying that which is facile, expedient, and small? Or have we become so immersed in our spiritual ADD and laziness that we want — no, need –– God to speak in ways that are facile, expedient, and small?

It seems The Word is no longer enough for us. Our souls are so hollowed by society swirling around us that we seek, not just instant gratification, but instant sanctification. The lifelong process is simply too wearisome, too burdensome. We need a God who speaks in newer, better, faster ways. We need a God who’s just more efficient. Please be easier to understand, God. Please speak to me right now, God. Please give me a “word” that makes things better for me, God. What we want from God diminishes the very idea of “God.” What we want from God diminishes our chances of becoming more like him. Still, we want it. And believe me, it’s astounding what “God” will say to a desperate, vulnerable mind. I’m adamant here … because I’ve been there. And back, thankfully.

God gave us the Word, His radical love letter to the world. He woos us to The Enduring Romance, but we settle for the quick, cheap thrills of “333” on the back of a car. He gave us His precious Spirit, but we still crave a sign, any sign, as long as it’s the one we want. His Word gives us a foundation, but we long for flights of fancy, for the whimsical escape of other, newer words. We are desperate for His love, but numbed to the bloodied, beautiful proof of it on the cross.

Just give me another sign, God. Speak a new word to me, God. Thanks for 333, God.

We have The Cross. We have The Word. We have The Holy Spirit.

What else do we need?

“Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of understanding.” Proverbs 9:6

AI: poorla’s notepad

Found in Poorla’s notepad tonight:

So … i always write a mental warmup before the show to clear my head:

aaaaadle eeeeedle oooodle iiiiiidle iiiiidol Ready!!

elliotts ears — can he hearZ with those earZ
they are SO funny …. hey is he a smurf??

chris + paula = luv4evR ….. tell your wife to BACKOFF!!

SOMIN! i mean SIMON!! he is such a ….. a …… um ……. what is that word ….. meanieass!

simon needs midol!
midol ryhmes with idol
and Midol – M = Idol wow. Think about THAT.

parises butt makes me hungry. Its a candy apple on a stick butt!

hey — is randy jackson related to MICHAEL jackson!!?? That would really freak me out.

i just remembered that time when michael thought i was webster. SO gross.

Shut up, Ryan! You are such a girl!! Yeah, your wearing suits now, but gimme back my blouses, lame-o!!!

taylor’s dancing reminds me of when i danced with that cat
hey!!!! he was a pretty cool cat but it’s really rude he hasn’t called me.

my Taylor Fat Cat — see the dancing jiggly belly? hee!

omigob ….. WHAT is happening?? CHRIS! The stage is on fire!!!!!

someone call my farmacist!!!



randy just told me thats the video projection. but maybe he’s just messin’ wich me. “straight up now, tell me,” dawg!! LOL!!! Man, I am in da dawg pound tonite!!

heeey, katherine — are you scrubbing the floor or something?? well, girl, you missed a spot!! ROFL!! Why am I always SO funny when no one hears it??

i really should have my own show.

hey, i was serious about the farmacist thing. and that is a totally weird word, like a farmer with a cist!! which is gross if you think about it. i hate farmers.

taylor just said lover. Did he mean love her? like he loves me?? ohgawd, not again. why does this always happen to me? They all fall in love with me and what am I sposed to do? …. those vitamins from my farmacist must make me totally irresistable or something!

Well, I guess I’m just 4eveR your girl!!

Damm!! U crack me UP, Paula!!!


I have several drafts I’m working on about our infertility struggles — or what I sometimes refer to as What to Expect when You’re Expecting to be Expecting. (Don’t steal my book title, haha!)

I’m just dashing this off before I head to The Beanhouse to say that when I write of these things, I’m writing of how I felt in the past. Sure, it’s the fairly recent past, but I don’t feel quite that same way now. No one can live in that intensity of grief for too long and LIVE. You can’t. You move on, out of sheer exhaustion, if nothing else. At some point, there becomes no choice. You must. Living any kind of life DEMANDS it.

So maybe it’s like the difference between a sound — a loud sound — like a gong — and the echo of that sound. I’m living in the echo. It’s not so fresh. It’s not the same constant clamor. It’s no longer those waves that seemed to drag through my entire body. No. Now, it’s the echo. I still can hear it. I still can feel it. But it’s more quiet, less intense; more manageable, less insistent.

But accessing those feelings isn’t hard at all. For the rest of my life, it will probably never be hard, even if it’s not fresh.

So again, PLEASE don’t feel you must say you’re sorry. I know you are.

I really, really do.