more snippets from the visit with the peep

Phew and phew! Niece Piper is now zipping her way home and MB and I are free to resume our grumpy geriatric lifestyle, i.e:

Enjoying a bowl of meaty prunes, 3:00.
Shaking fists at skateboarding hooligans, 5:00.
Collapsing into Craftmatic adjustable bed, 5:02.

And, you know, thank God. Finally, my antsy inner fuddy-duddy can soar once more. What can I say? I yam what I yam.

Oh, and please forgive me if I fall asleep mid word or mid sentence here. I am old. I am a fuddy-duddy. I need my strength for fist shaking. And collapsing over that bed rail isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Plus, I’m pretty sure I’m drunk.

All righty, pippa. More snippets from our visit with The Peep.

~ On Monday, we took the whippersnapper to The World Famous San Diego Zoo. And that IS the official name. S’true. It’s no mere zoo. It’s The World Famous San Diego Zoo, for pity’s sake. It’s like the Britney Spears of zoos: I mean, people are always snapping pictures, jostling for the right position, waving their arms, trying to get that lion or this grizzly bear to look at them, like some crazed animal paparazzi. There’s plenty of naked nether regions on display everywhere you look. Some animal is always skanking it up, gettin’ preggers (ahem, pandas, you mangy trollops). And people are always needing to take baby animals away from their mammas to be cared for by someone else.

See? Totally the Britney Spears of zoos.

~ And, speaking on behalf of the BS of zoos — in my official capacity as the person who called it the Britney Spears of zoos — allow me to say you simply MUST visit the BS of zoos if ever you are in San Diego. And if you’ve ever been here and haven’t seen the BS of zoos, then, well, you clearly have dysentery of the soul or you have onions for eyeballs or you are most likely an Oakland Raiders fan. Because really, really, it’s an amazing zoo. Gorgeous. Breathtaking. I could stay there for hours and never be bored. Every other zoo I’ve seen looks like an FFA goat pen by comparison.

~ Oh! Here’s something for you to try. A kind of science experiment, okay?

Go outside.
Fill a large bucket with water.
Stand on a stool with bucket of water.
Pour bucket of water out onto ground.
Meditate for a moment on the sacred knowledge that you are basically witnessing the volume and look and sound of an elephant’s pee.
Oh, and do the whole thing again in 5 seconds. Your pee bucket was just taking a break, Betty!
And this time, bring the kiddos out to see it, carefully explain about the volume and look and sound of an elephant’s pee, all right, and afterwards, bask in the glow of their eager thanks at receiving this sacred knowledge.
Be confident in sharing — knowing that I witnessed this whole dealio firsthand and would not steer you wrong because I care about you and science and truth, blahdie blah et ceterahh.
Oh, but instead of a bucket, it was a real live peeing elephant five feet away from me and I am traumatized forever because of my oldness and general fuddy duddyness.
Piper, on the other hand, is unfazed. Ah, youth.

~ Moments later, we stroll past the anteater enclosure. (Yes, anteaters. Did I not tell you this is a rightly World Famous zoo??) There is a khaki-clothed fellow strewing ants, I guess, around the enclosure for the eaters of the ants to eat. One assumes. And whose job is it to gather all those teeny tiny ants, one wonders. Anyhoo. I didn’t want to ask the khaki-clothed fellow what, exactly, he was strewing even though he was only a few feet away because, well, it seemed wrong somehow, like breaking the fourth wall of my personal Theatre d’Zoo or something. Facing us, very close by, was an anteater eating — sucking? It’s all so confusing when you really start to think about it — from a trough. I literally could have reached out and touched its Dustbuster snout thingy — and I’m just using the terms found in my handydandy zoo guide here — but again, that would have broken the fourth wall of my personal Theatre d’Zoo. And gotten me in trouble. And been gross. But while I stood there thinking how convenient it would be to have a Dustbuster anteater at my disposal with no need of time-wasting battery charging, another anteater waddled past the khaki ant strewer with great purpose, completely ignoring the strewage, and proceeded to mount the eating anteater. This abruptly ended my reverie about cool Dustbuster anteaters. Stupid horny anteater. MB turned and muttered to me, “Annnd, congress is officially in session ….” as he swooped his arms around Piper and me and led us away. Still, I couldn’t help peeking over my shoulder to watch as the khaki ant strewer continued his task undaunted by the in-your-face public anteater fornication. And you know those darn kids weren’t using a condom. Soon enough, there’ll be another hungry little anteater to strew ants for. Stupid horny anteater. I walked away feeling bad for the ant strewer and traumatized forever because I am old and fuddy duddly and I saw anteaters having sex, for pity’s sake!

Piper, on the other hand, is unfazed.

(More snippets later. Craftmatic, here I come!)

snippets on watching “enchanted” with the niece

We watched Enchanted Sunday evening — a completely adorable movie in every way. (I basically have a movie crush on James Marsden who plays Edward. Saw him in 27 Dresses as well and I just think he’s got a true comedic spark, a gift. There’s nothing he does in this movie that doesn’t crack me up.) But anyway, here was some of The Peep’s running commentary — things she just said to the movie itself while we watched:

“Well, sometimes, you know, when people go on dates, they just dance.”

“That dress is crazy!” (Of Giselle’s huge fairy tale wedding dress.)

“Hawkeye doesn’t know how to do that.” (Said with great dismay about the family dog’s inability to clean house like the helpful sewer rats and cockroaches of Manhattan.)

“She seems like a very nice almost stepmom.” (About Idina Menzel — she of the amazing pipes and cab-forward jaw — who plays McDreamy’s almost fiance.)

“She is even prettier in person than in the cartoon part!” (Of Amy Adams.)

“Of course it’s romantic; he’s a prince!” (On one character calling something “romantic.”)

Okay. I’m sorry. I’m copping out right here. These are the snippetiest snippets ever because I absolutely have to go to bed. Didn’t sleep last night worrying about whether she was sleeping. Or whether she was hot. Or cold. Or comfortable. Or lonely. Or eco-friendly. Or pH-balanced. Or PABA-free.

I mean, that PABA-free thing, man. I tossed and turned. Tossed and turned.

More snippets to come when I am no longer consumed and sleepless over pH and PABA.

we interrupt this blog game to bring you …

…. pictures from our trip to Zion in July!

I didn’t take them — my brother-in-law did — so they will actually be lookable.

(I was gonna say “watchable,” but these are pictures; not TV, not a movie. So if moving pictures can be labeled as “watchable” or “unwatchable,” why can’t a still picture can be called “lookable” or “unlookable”? It makes sense to me, but I am simmering here in 357-degree weather, a shiny flesh dumpling, so I may be experiencing some impairment.)

But still, we remain undaunted in the midst our mental incapacity.


Allow me to introduce you to ….. Fearless Girl!

She climbs vertical walls of protruding rocks!

She wears sweaty helmets and races ’round in bloaty-wheeled contraptions!

She allows strangers to wrap flimsy straps around her little bum and release her into the sky — at 30,000 feet!
(Uhm, hello, parental neglect. Good LORD!)

She bursts with joy no matter what she does or how she is abused by those who claim to love her!

She wears pink and hold hands with wild Banshees who also wear pink to lull Fearless Girl into complacency before they strike!

She wears paisley kerchiefs and holds the hands of giants, melting hearts everywhere!


And she makes me blaze with love.

the peep’s joke

Here’s how it went down when I did a silly new joke with her on vacation:

ME: Peep, will you remember me tomorrow?

PEEP: Yes!

ME: Will you remember me next week?

PEEP: Yes!!

ME: Will you remember me next year?

PEEP: Yes, Tee Tee!

ME: Okay. Knock-knock.

PEEP: Who’s there?

ME: Oh, nooo! You forgot me already!!

PEEP: Tee Tee!! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeeeeeeeeeee, etc.

Here’s how it went down when I tried it on the phone a month later, just to see if she remembered:

ME: Peep, will you remember me tomorrow?

PEEP: Yes. (giggling)

ME: Will you remember me next week?

PEEP: Yes!

ME: Will you remember me next year?

PEEP: Yessss.

ME: Okay. Knock-knock.

PEEP: (silence, then …) Tee Tee, I remember you! You can’t get me again!

Here’s how the joke went down when she tried it on her brother:

PEEP: Brother, do you fink you remember me now?


PEEP: Will you remember me later on?

BROTHER: What are you talking about? (He’s 15, what can I say?)

PEEP: What about in a year — will you remember me?

BROTHER: Probably.


BROTHER (sighing, it’s tough to have a 6-year-old sister): Who’s there?

PEEP: See? You don’t remember me!!! Hahahahahahahahaha! Right, Tee Tee?

ME (dying laughing): Uh-huh.

BROTHER: What are you two talking about?? I don’t get it!!

the peep hugs everyone!

Look at her — growing her big girl teeth! She is SO escited!

Her hugs are always tight and yet, somehow make everyone feel less sweaty, even on one of the hottest days in the whole of recorded history.

Extreme smushability follows.

Peep and Tee Tee


Peep and her grandpa


Peep and her cousin, The Banshee, who adores her


tooo long

The Peep: (running up to our car as I climb out) Tee Tee!

Me: (jumping out to grab her and hug her) Hi, Peeps! I am so excited to see you!!

The Peep:


So Piper. She freaked out the other day when she discovered the shrimp in her older brother’s aquarium wasn’t moving. And it was white, I guess. And kind of puffy. She ran for her mother, screaming, “Mama! Mama! The shrimp is dead! The shrimp is deaaaad!”

My sister rushed up the stairs and found Piper pointing frantically at the tank. “Look, Mama! Look at it!”

S peered into the tank and, sure enough, it looked “pretty much dead,” she told me. But she wanted to calm Piper down, so she started firing off random clueless suggestions: Do you think maybe he’s sleeping? Maybe he’s just tired? What do you think? Do you think he ate too much?

After this barrage of questions, Piper finally just said: “Mama, I’m only in kinnergarten. We don’t talk about shrimp that much.”


My niece Piper — who now has her own category on this here blog and rightly so — keeps a journal now.

Yes, it’s true. If you remember, though, she’s in kindergarten and doesn’t know how to write very well yet or, really, how to read very well yet; still, she has a journal and it makes my heart just blaze to even think of it.

Apparently, she wrote a bunch of stuff out recently and I imagine it was, well, fairly free form, so she was frustrated later when she went to (sorta) read it all back to herself.

So now — my sister takes down Piper’s journal as dictation. Which, again, makes my heart go all blazey.

Her latest installment was about her cousin-in-utero. (Sister-in-law is newly pregnant.) According to my sister, who dutifully took it all down, it went something like this:


I hope that Aunt A’s baby is healthy and comes out of her tummy okay. And I really hope that Uncle S will send me a picture of the baby. Also, I will give the baby some of my toys — but not the ones that aren’t safe for babies, okay?

Okay, kiddo. Annnything you say.

piper’s mom

A couple of my favorite pictures of my older sister, S.

My dad’s inscription on the back of this one: “(My mom) made herself a mohair jacket and with the leftover material, she made this one for S and trimmed it with rabbit fur.”

(Good job on all those details, dad. I’m impressed.)

I’m between giggles and tears on this one; it’s just precious to me. She’s the perfect little girl in her perfect party dress:


No in-between on this one. Just flat-out hysterics. Mom had this hair dryer from the Middle Ages or something that she used to torture our hair to girlie perfection. From a practical standpoint, I do believe it was also a vacuum cleaner.

It always seemed so rickety to me, with that huge hose flopping around aimlessly. But, man, once it was plugged in, that thing roared like an airplane engine, sucking your entire head into that blistering floral bag. As a bonus — I think mainly to keep us calm about our brains being sucked away — mom would always make us some nice Jiffy Pop. Which is a hilarious parallel image, if you think about it. Look at S’s face. She’s deaf at this moment, of course, from the din of the hair vacuum. And look at the droop of the bag at the bottom, as if her brain’s just plopped out into it. Hahahaha — I can’t write anymore. I’m dying, looking at this.
