Here’s how it went:
Carrie belted. Bo rocked. Vonzell blubbed. And Blonde Harry Potter was also there.
Then, in the untelevised portion of the show, I sang “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.”
Moist, muffled sobs rose from the darkness of the house. Lighters sparked in unison. And Ol’ Simon, in an unprecedented move, jumped to his feet, ripping his tighty-tighty T shirt and exposing a chest white like the whitest, brightest spotlight.
Blinded, anxious, I waited for the comments.
Randy said: Yo-yo-yo, T. You worked it out, duuude. I was totally wi’choo. You in da dawg pound, now.
Paula said: Wowww …. you know …. it was amazing because I felt like I was on that boat …. with all the waves and the Gitche Gumee and everything …. and …. gadda baboo do da (sniff) …. Have you ever heard the word “marvenomenal”? Well, you’re marvenomenal. You truly are …. you are a gift ….(sniff)
Simon said: Fabulous performance. Horrible image.
Guess he didn’t like my sailor outfit. Hmph.