the box of embarrassing doodles

I just keep finding the worst stuff in our house. We have GOT to move!

Okay. From about 10 years ago. I doodle to soothe myself, which is better than my previous self-soothing method of sucking my thumb with my sock monkey Funny Baby’s tail wrapped around it.

Damn. I miss that Funny Baby.

Oh, so anyway, yeah, from about, oh, 10 years ago.

Oh, I remember these guys The hapless couple, Lester and Ida. They are married. They are miserable. Ida has a bad perm and 17 guinea pigs that she sews little clothes for. Lester has sunken smoker’s cheeks — you put that cigarette OUT around the pigs, Lester! — and a crush on a sassy waitress who drives through his tollbooth every day.

Their house smells. The smoke. The pigs. The musty bitterness.

Poor Lester.

Poor Ida.

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7 Replies to “the box of embarrassing doodles”

  1. I don’t know what that is on her forehead, AS. It does look like she is hiding a tattoo or something with that Ogilvie home perm.

    If she got a tattoo — oh, how do you spell that word? two t’s, one t?? — she did so without my knowledge or permission.

    She’s a real upstart.

  2. I was kind of disturbed that your doodles have such an elaborate life surrounding them … until I realized that I did exactly the same thing but called it “gaming.”

  3. Both poor souls have seemingly droopy left eyes… maybe they’re lazy eyes… hard to tell. And maybe Ida is Hindu, that would explain the forehead tat, although it has a peace symbolish look to it so maybe she is a hippie throw back with funkadelic tattoo.

  4. I dunno, Cullen. As an actor, I’ve been used to always creating, you know, a life for characters, so I just did that here a bit, I guess.

    Brian — Yeah, it does look like a peace symbol, actually, but I have no memory of drawing it. It makes her funnier to me somehow.

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