This morning, a courageous woman named Joann left a comment on my old post “some straights and some homos“. Because that post is now archived and because I wanted more people to read what she shared, I’m posting her comment here, front and center. I deeply respect people like her and dear Greg at What Attitude Problem who are willing to be so achingly transparent. Here is her comment:
I am a Christian, and for awhile after becoming one, I spoke very harshly against homosexuality. I was self-righteous about it in almost every way possible (the only thing I didn’t do was support hatred and violence). But guess what? I soon developed a homosexual crush on a female friend of mine named Nancy (who is also married), and I am only just now learning to overcome my self-righteous attitude concerning homosexuality. Go figure, huh? So, now I finally agree that there is absolutely nothing wrong with meeting and making friends with practicing gays and lesbians, as long as we remain just that, friends, and we don’t get all preachy and self-righteous about their behavior at them. In other words, kindness and friendship will go a longer way in encouraging gays and lesbians to change than if we preached to them and tried to enforce our own Christian beliefs on them. Believe me, I learned that the hard way recently, and that’s why I am glad that I’ve decided not to be so harshly judgmental anymore. After all, none of us Christians would like it if a gay man or woman came up to us one day and tried to convert us into homosexuals now, would we? So what right do we have in trying to convert them into Christians? None! Gays and lesbians are human, too, so I’m glad that we are finally accepting them and giving them the dignity and respect that they deserve.
As for my homosexual crush on Nancy? The good news is that I’m almost completely over it, thanks to God’s mercy, glory, and grace. The bad news? Even though I don’t have sinful sex dreams or fantasies about her anymore, and I no longer have the desire to sleep with her, I still have a lot of nonsexual dreams and fantasies about her, so I’m still struggling.
I may not be a homosexual anymore, but I’m not going to be so harshly against homosexuality anymore, either. Instead, every gay man and woman I meet will be treated with loving kindness, dignity, and respect by me, and I’ll even try to make friends with a few, too!
Amen. And amen. Thank you, Joann, for the blessing.