in my inbox ………

“Fyi..tomorrow is “t” day for (Banshee Girl) at preschool! She decided on her own to take a picture of Aunt “T-T”…that’s the way she spelled it…because it would be a double “T”!”

(Signed, sister-in-law)

Because, pippa, obviously T stands for Tee Tee and all the little children need to learn this. Not tree or train or tomahawk.

Tee Tee.

Seriously, though, so cute.

(And, actually, Trace, the teacher might not like it if Banshee Girl were to bring in a tomahawk for T day, scaring the kiddos and all.)

On the other hand, who knows what that picture of me looks like??

I am now picturing all the little preschoolers sobbing into their mother’s arms at day’s end because of some horrible scary picture of “T-T.” Note to self: Fewer pictures of Tee Tee; more tomahawks.

2 Replies to “in my inbox ………”

  1. The only reason they’d be crying is because they don’t have an aunt like you. Clearly, Banshee Girl knows the other kids can’t possibly one-up Aunt T-T when it comes to items that start with a “T.”

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