tale to tell

Oh, dear pippa. Do I have a tale to tell. I’ve waited a long long time to tell it.

The end of the whole sordid story of what happened at Maybe Church.

Remember that? I left everyone hanging once the “lookers” and “lurkers” from Maybe Church arrived. Well, stay tuned. I have much to tell. Much I haven’t told. Much I’ve debated whether I ever would tell on this blog.

But I’ve decided I will. It’s all written already. It was all written long long ago.

So. Get ready. I’ll finally share everything with the people I always wanted to share it with anyway: the people who were there with me from the beginning of the whole lame-ass deal.

There will be a sort of “introductory” post coming in the next few days and then the actual “church” posts will be password protected because I still have a reasonable yet lingering paranoia. If one can have a reasonable paranoia, then I have it.

Please email me for the password if you’re interested.

That said, if you’ve never commented here before or never made yourself known to me in some way that would lead me to feel comfortable with you, I can’t give the password to you. To be honest, if I get an email from you and don’t have the slightest clue who you are, I just can’t do it. I’m sorry to have to make that choice but I have to make that choice. This is something I want to share/discuss with people I recognize, people who have been and are my friends here. I just need to feel safe about it. I hope you can understand.

So. Pippa.

Let the insanity begin.

(I will still be posting other non-church posts in the meantime because I understand this topic won’t necessarily be interesting to everyone. Besides that, there are a lot of church posts to cover. A lot. Gird your loins, everyone.)

7 Replies to “tale to tell”

  1. I totally get the paranoia. I haven’t told anyone I work with about my blog, but a few weeks ago my boss mentioned “my flowchart” and I just about had a heart attack, until I realized she was actually talking about a flowchart I made for work. I haven’t really posted anything that bad, but I have told a few work stories and I get paranoid that somehow someone I work with will find out about it. It’s hard, you either have to keep your blog completely anonymous or tell the people you want to know about it with the risk that everyone will eventually find out about it.

  2. NF — Hahahaha. You saw that comment from Jeremy? Where do these people COME from?? I was in a mood that night — when I responded to him.

    I mean, be pro-Mark Driscoll if you want. Whatevs. But don’t come on here scolding the rest of us for a differing opinion. Sheesh. Weenie.

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