
‘Member when I told you I was taking my big nasty 2-day exam 2 weeks ago? And how I was all a’quiver with fear and, let’s face it, nausea?

All my friends who’d taken the exam recently had failed. The news was getting bleaker and bleaker. I was going to slit my wrists from anxiety.

My results were due today at 5 p.m., but they came in yesterday at noon, which was nice, actually. Caught me off guard. Spared me another 30 hours of anxiety.

And, well, I passed.

With High Honors.

Pippa, I got that email with my results and burst into tears. Then I ran around my house screaming and clutching my head like a fat crazy black lady who’s just won the Showcase Showdown on The Price is Right. If Bob Barker had been in the room with me, I swear I would have mowed him down. I’m not kidding. I was crying so hard, so blind with tears, I’m surprised I didn’t plow myself into a wall and knock myself out.

I called MB sobbing and — with 2 family members with cancer right now — I had to preface the news, “These are good tears. I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong, blah blah blah.”

The man had to pull his car over, he was laughing so hard, so happy for me.

“I knew it! I KNEW you’d do it!”

“I didn’t.”

“I did.

And on and on like that. I love that guy.

Frankly, thank God I passed. No WAY did I want to do THAT again. Shiver.

But is it wrong to say “Yay, me?”

Too bad.

Yay, me.

17 Replies to “yee-haw”

  1. “screaming and clutching my head like a fat crazy black lady who’s just won the Showcase Showdown on The Price is Right. If Bob Barker had been in the room with me, I swear I would have mowed him down.”

    LOL. For real.

    Congrats, lady! (Can you tell us what it was for now?)

  2. Thanks, everyone. I’ve calmed down somewhat today from my manic Price is Right episode. But, seriously, I worked my lily white bottom off, so I’m allowing myself to spend an entire weekend all PUFFED UP with unseemly pride.

    I got a perfect score (WHAT???) on the first section — the academic section — and a 96 on the practicum section. High honors is as high as it goes with them. Yowza. I’m still spinning about it.

    For the last two weeks, people have been asking me how I thought I did, and honestly, I didn’t feel good about it, but I didn’t feel bad about it either. I felt neutral. Nothing. I was so mentally spent by those 48 hours that I didn’t allow myself to be invested in the outcome. That helped me to put it out of my mind for the last two weeks.

    So yes! Everyone to the SYC for mulberry wine — STAT!

  3. Well YAY to you! I told you that you’d do fine and not to listen to the “many people don’t pass” which is usually what those who don’t pass want to believe. Major congrats for the “high honors” part; that’s truly an accomplishment!

  4. Definitely Yay You

    I’m sure many people don’t pass, but that’s all the more reason to bask in the glow of your Outstanding Success. 🙂

  5. Congratulations! We are SO very proud of you. High Honors? Doesn’t surprise us
    So glad for your happy outcome and that the stress is off!

  6. It is my staunch opinion that people SHOULD say “YAY ME!” whenever it is appropriate. Why wait for others to say it?? Well, this is an appropriate time. And by the way, “Yay YOU!!!”

  7. YAY YOU!!!!

    Also, I’m a big believer in tooting one’s own horn now and then. Sometimes it needs to be done. Plus… it’s your horn. It’s good that you know it’s special.

    I’m going to walk away from that awkward extended metaphor now. I’m just awful happy fer ya’

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