so they charge for that now?

I saw this link to an iVillage article on another blog —

Breastfeeding Rates Are Up — but They Vary Widely from State to State

— and that is literally what I thought, pippa: So they CHARGE for that now??

I sat there with a furrowed brow for a little too long to be considered any kind of competent person and then it hit me: “Ohh. The number of women who do it, not the price per boob.”

Uhm. I kid you not. I said that to myself, in my head. As if those are two real things that one would seriously analyze when discussing breastfeeding: the number of women who do it vs. the price per boob from state to state.

Well, the economy IS worrisome. Save your pennies, babies. Don’t swallow ’em.

In my defense, I took a Tylenol PM last night and it’s possible I’m still deep deep asleep.

You know, let’s just go with that. The other possibilities are too discouraging.

11 Replies to “so they charge for that now?”

  1. Don’t laugh – apparently some bodybuilders have bailed on the old raw eggs shake (a la Rocky) and now drink human breastmilk. Probably started with a guy with a nursing wife sneaking a little of the refrigerated extra, but now, well, I’ve heard of women who freeze and sell whatever extra they have. So… yeah… the “going rate” is actually a valid interpretation.

    I really wish I were just making this up, but crazy trumps reality yet again. Just do yourself a favor – if you google it, be advised that a lot of the threads that discuss this sort of thing on bodybuilding sites are even more juvenile than you could possibly imagine. You must be cautious.

  2. I have to admit, it took me a minute to get this! I heard on one of our afternoon radio shows the other day that a restaurant in Europe was using breast milk for dishes on their menu. That just seems weird to me.

  3. “…I heard on one of our afternoon radio shows the other day that a restaurant in Europe was using breast milk for dishes on their menu.”

    How the heck do they obtain an ample supply of that?! Never mind, I don’t want to know.

  4. It should be added to that big song in Oliver where all the vendors come out and ply their wares. “Who will buy my sweet red roses. two blooms for a penny?” “Knives, knives to grind, any knives to grind?” “Ripe strawberries, ripe!” “Breastmilk over here, breastmilk, 10 pence for two quaaarts…”

  5. When I was breastfeeding my daughter, she never learned to latch on and could only take a bottle. So, I pumped. You’d be surprised at how much milk the body produces. And, how flat as a pancake your breast can get. It was one of the freakiest things I’ve ever experienced in life.

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