weekend snippets

MB to me:

“You’re like a bucket of popcorn shrimp! You just keep making me happy!”


Describing an old Beanhouse customer we saw on the boulevard:

“Ugh. He was the grumpiest man alive. Like he was made of onions or something.”


Baby Banshee, wondering where her cousin, Younger Nephew, is:

“Tee Tee, where dat guy dat goes wid da doggie?”


Submitting to “The Hypnosis Game” as played by The Banshee and Piper.

BANSHEE: Okay, Tee Tee. Watch this necklace.
TEE TEE: Okay.
BANSHEE: You’re getting sleepy, okay?
TEE TEE: Uhm, sure.
BANSHEE: Well, you ARE getting sleepy, Tee Tee!
TEE TEE: Yes, ma’am.
PIPER: When I clap my hands, you will wake up and you will be our servant.
TEE TEE: That’s a bummer.
BANSHEE: Tee Tee! You’re asleep!
TEE TEE: Yes, ma’am.
BANSHEE: And …… you won’t be our servant, you’ll be our …… BEAUTIFUL LADY!!
TEE TEE: Nice save, Banshee.

Piper claps her hands.

TEE TEE: What’s up?
BANSHEE: Now go get us some cake!

6 Replies to “weekend snippets”

  1. “Tee Tee, where dat guy dat goes wid da doggie?”–awww, it’s like a package deal. She likes them both.

    Sign me up for some of that hypnotherapy, because I want to be a Beautiful Lady, too!

  2. Kate P — Oh, that kid was totally working me. Hahaha. She ain’t no dummy. And Beautiful Lady was code for “servant” obviously.

    It was so cute. Baby Banshee followed YN everywhere. Up in his room, he played a game of “put various items/hats/headbands on the dog’s head” with her. She could NOT get enough of him and that dog.

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