you’d better be sure she’ll say yes

Dude proposes to his girlfriend center court at a Houston Rockets game. It does not ….. go well.

And the whole scene ends just like one in The Winter’s Tale …… exit, comforted by a giant gray bear.

That image is killing me.

23 Replies to “you’d better be sure she’ll say yes”

  1. Somebody handed him a beer upon his exit… nice. Poor guy. Lesson learned – you must be 100% confident she’s going to say yes to pull off the public proposal.

  2. hahahahahahaha The mascot with his arm around him!!!! Excellent excellent with the Winter’s Tale reference. Funniest stage direction in, certainly, Shakespeare – but I would say EVER.

  3. Oh I ache for them. How terrible. The look on her face…the horror of the situation for her as she just runs off the court. Then his utter bewilderment. Thank GOD for that beer! I think he probably needed a few more after that one.

    And the on-air commentatary…”He’ll probably get over that in 10 or 12 years.” At the earliest! I feel bad for his next girlfriend. There is no way she is getting a ring unless she buys it herself.

  4. The way the chick practically RUNS off the court in horror — it kills me. I mean, yes, poor dude, but you have to be SURE on something like that.

    Maybe her objection wasn’t to him but to the public nature of the whole deal.

    I wonder how he lured her, you know, ONTO THE COURT. Like, how do you casually get your girlfriend center court during halftime? What do you SAY?? She had to suspect something, right?

    MM — /I feel bad for his next girlfriend. There is no way she is getting a ring unless she buys it herself./

    Hahahahaha. So true!

  5. Oh man and you could see from her face from the second it all started that this was not good. You know what’s also not good? Her silver belt. There, I said it.

  6. And the way she covers her mouth as she walks off while the giant gray bear puts his arms out like “Come ON, Betty! Give the dude a break!”

    You know, I wouldn’t like this either. Just a heads up in case any of you were thinking of proposing.

  7. You know what’s also not good? The way the silver belt creates a weird boob cleft.

    Maybe that’s why she was pissed. She didn’t like what she was wearing and didn’t want judgy strangers (like moi) ogling her outfit.

  8. I suspect what Sheila said might be at least partly true.

    My mom sent me an article today about a guy who proposed by tying the (family heirloom) ring to a sand dollar on the beach. . . and the ring promptly tumbled down the cliff before the girlfriend saw it! They took it in stride (and fortunately his mom had insured the ring), which I think bodes well for them.

    But it really makes me wonder, why do some men equate romance with big unusual gestures?

  9. It depends on the gesture… and the lady, of course. I know someone who got his buddies to sneak into a drive-through Christmas display with a homemade proposal sign; he took her through on a date that night, and at the pre-arranged signal, they lit her up.

    At first she wondered which of the workers was pranking everyone until she realized, hey, that’s my name! She said yes, they took pictures – and then they dismantled the sign and got the heck out of Dodge (or was that in a Dodge?) before they were all arrested.

  10. That’s a great story (lighting up women aside) and I think I get your point–it works if the one doing the proposing really knows the person to whom he’s proposing, and it’s a personal gesture.

    (Do you need a hug from a cuddly sports mascot? I know someone who knows the Philly Phanatic.)

  11. I would PAY someone to read her lips and tell us what she said. That is awful. Poor dude. I hope she was stuck with a really expensive cab ride home.

  12. I don’t feel sorry for him at all. Good for her for not saying “yes” just to appease the crowd watching and then “taking it back” the second the cameras weren’t rolling.

    That’s the breaks.

    I love the idea of a big gesture for a proposal – I would be so into it if it was the right guy – you just better be sure of the answer, or get ready to be comforted by a giant bear in front of millions of people.

  13. I’m with Sheila. I don’t feel too sorry for the guy. He didn’t know her well enough to know she might not like that. The big gesture is one thing. The big gesture that thousands of people are observing is another thing altogether.

    In NF’s example, there probably weren’t 20,000 people watching this happen. That’s a huge part of it — for me. A guy could skywrite it for me and as long as I’m not being ogled by thousands in that moment, I’d be okay with it. Better spell my name right, though, or we’re through.


    Uhm, no, wiener.

  14. /I hope she was stuck with a really expensive cab ride home./ Good point Lisa. I hadn’t thought of the awkward ride home since they must have come to the game together.

    I read somewhere that they lured her out under the guise that she was searching blindfolded for an autographed ball. Boy was she disappointed, all she got was her “big moment” as fodder on the web.

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