“jessica” comments on “shiver”

Visitor “jessica” comments on my 60-second review of Shiver:

hey its not all about the sexual crap. Its interesting when you look beyond all that. I mean come on you get to see the inside look from a werewolves point of you. I dont know about you but i love wolves so… Its pretty hard to find a werewolf book these days. what with all these stupid vampire boks uh can you say boring oh puh-lease. and if you like things were there is blood and gore your reading the wrong book. I would know because i am a very sick person my self and if im sayings its a good book then thats saying something right then. so whatever yourself. hey everyone has their opipion and im not going to dis on yours but im just stating my own. so have fun hope ya read it again and see it from a differnt point of view. ~Running with the wolves – Shadow Celtic~

Hi, Jessica. I’m glad you love wolves. I, myself, am neutral about them, unless one were to try to kill me, then I’m sure I’d form an opinion very quickly.

I don’t think I mentioned any “sexual crap” in my brief review. But you’re right. That’s a good thing to remember in life, Jess: It’s not all about the sexual crap.

There are a lot of vampire boks, though, I agree.

Your right here, too: I do have my own opipion. So whatever myself. Im not entirely clear on your opipion, but whatever yourself. Or should that be myself? Im confused by the use of the reflexive pronoun and feel insecure about which way it’s supposed to flex here in the newfangled 21st century that baffles me so. I probably should have paid more attention in school. I might have learned this.

And yes, if you read around this blog, I am ALL about the blood and gore and sex. The banner gives that away, I’m sure. I even thought of naming the blog “Blood and Gore and Sex.” (Shut up, pippa. I’m not changing it.)

I’m sorry your a very sick person your self. Feel better, is what im sayings here. I do hope it’s not the dread acromegaly.

Thanks for hoping I’ll read it again; however, I feel it only fair to tell you, you should lose that, Crackie. I don’t think I need a differnt point of view. I’m fine with mine. Hope ya have fun too. Stay in school! Or, you know, go! ~ Generally avoiding the wolves – Shadow Crankypants


Is anyone else fearing for our future about now?

Indulging my inner gammie: Uh, WHAT are they teaching the kiddos in school these days???

Speling? Writting? Sexual crap?

I am so very old.

26 Replies to ““jessica” comments on “shiver””

  1. U fergot prufreding. Prufreding does not happen when you are a hothead teen in vehement disagreement with someone whose face you cannot see.

    She’s also defensive because you seem to like horses more than wolves.

  2. I’m gonna have my 2nd grade daughter correct her comments as an exercise on how NOT to write.

    Tracey, the “so whatever yourself” reflects a girl who is used to debates that the common rejoinder is: “Whatever”. Obviously, in this argument, it’s meaningless, but does reflect her peers debating style. I feel sorry for her. She actually wants to make rebuttal to your review, but is incapable of doing so due to poor (lazy?!) language skills. Poor Jessica probably has a locus of friends that respond to any contrarian “point of you” with the retort “Whatever!”.

  3. some people just kill me. you know…..if i didn’t like you, your blog, or whatever…..well….i simply wouldn’t read it let alone comment. i just don’t get it.

  4. JFH — But I thought we were all clear that the proper rejoinder here is “Whatevs.”

    I mean, isn’t this common knowledge? 😉

    I love that you’re having your 2nd grader go through it. Hahahahaha. Dying to see the results of that.

    Cullen — But again, it’s not all about the sexual crap, so you figure you’ve got to eliminate some of those. And then if you’re just someone — you know, like me — who only likes blood and gore, you have to eliminate even more of those until in the end, you’re left with maybe a dozen books about the inner thoughts of puppies or something.

    But whatever ourselves. I mean that sincerely.

  5. I am now becoming fixated on “whatever myself.” I’m so glad I came up with it. Thanks, Jess, for the inspiration.

    I want to sign all my correspondence that way now — lowercase is key here:

    whatever myself,


  6. I vote for “whateveryone”. It fits very nicely on a business card.

    Beyond the Pale

    It has a nice “Wire Paladin, San Francisco” vibe to it… Although maybe you could compromise on the title and change it to “Beyond the Blood and Gore and Sexual Crap.”

  7. hey. blood and gore and sex is an awesome title for the blog and i am finding i can respond much faster without use of the shift key and only an occasional use of punctuation. jessica may be on to something.

    whatever myself…uhm yourself…ourselves.

    i’m off to read stupid vamipre bok. down with warewolves.

  8. But again, it’s not all about the sexual crap, so you figure you’ve got to eliminate some of those. And then if you’re just someone — you know, like me — who only likes blood and gore, you have to eliminate even more of those until in the end, you’re left with maybe a dozen books about the inner thoughts of puppies or something.


  9. Lisa — Yes! “Whatever Ourselves.” That is IT!! Perfect.

    Someone write that down. That is now the official motto.

    (So, my vote, as per Kate P’s suggestion, is “whatever.”)

    NF — “Beyond the Blood and Gore and Sexual Crap” — hahahahahahaha! That’s better than the damn name I have. WHY are you all so clever???

    That’s it. You are all in SYC timeout. Somewhere. Into the Timeout TeePee with all of you smartypants. I decree it!!!

    Cullen — You too! TIMEOUT!

    Kate P — See my vote above.

  10. BTW, just to add fuel to the whatever, the second book in the series (coming this Summer) is titled “Linger.” Just added it to the library’s purchase list for next year (wish list is probably more like it when the new budget comes out).

  11. I just thank God there wasn’t the Internet when I was a teenager – because I sure as hell was writing OUTRAGED “letters to the editor” when some critic DARED to dis, oh, the latest Chevy Chase movie, or DARED to make fun of Eight Is Enough. I would read a review, and, trembling with rage, dash off a hand-written note and lick my little stamp and put it on the envelope and send it in to the local rag, FEVERISH with anger. Thank God none of that tripe was ever published. I am sure it was just as foolish and defensive as this poor girl’s note – which now will live on forever, due to Ye Olde Internet.

    I actually imagine the reporters at the local paper doing dramatic readings of my ridiculous letters over a couple brewskis after work, and howling with laughter.

  12. “…doing dramatic readings of my ridiculous letters …”

    Hey, that’s a great idea for a one woman show!… “Little Red’s Monologues”

    BTW, my daughter caught 20 errors, technically 18 because she thought werewolf was misspelled… She circled the words that were misspelled or next to a punctuation error. Therefore, I couldn’t count twice when she circled “im”, even though she told me she knew that there were two errors there.

    Other points:

    1) She knew that a sentence cannot start with a conjunction.
    2) She knew that a comma is required when a subject/predicate clause follows a conjunction

    Both of these discoveries were a surprise to me, seeing as she is only a 2nd grader.

    Bottom line- maybe we don’t need to fear for our future, Tracey.

  13. That’s awesome JFH. Where do you live? If my kids were in your school district, I’d feel confident enought to stop homeschooling!

    (Though I think modern usage brings into debate the whole starting a sentance with a conjunction rule.)

  14. JFH — Wow! Thanks for the report on how she did. I really WAS curious. Tell her I think she rocks! (How old is she? 7? 8?) WOW.

    But I do agree with Cullen on the conjunction thing. As you can see. Because I do this all the time.

    (Even though I berate myself for it, I cannot stop. It’s crack to me. Someone get help.)

    She IS technically correct, though, and knows more than most adults I know.

    VERY impressive, JFH’s smartypants daughter!

    Good for you! I give you a cyber high five! Can you tutor Jessica??

    Cullen — /Sentance. Wow./ Hahahahahahaha.

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