more of tracey’s church notes

Oh, hurrah! I discovered more notes from our time at Maybe but really Not On Your Life Church.

These are just my notes. MB doesn’t weigh in, which is a real shame. So the pastor’s preaching and I’m talking to myself in this notebook like a weirdo.

I really would NOT have fit in at this cult …. er, church. I mean, I’m a weirdo, but not their kind of weirdo. My brain is just not washable enough.

So here I go, dissecting the church AT church. Probably our second week there.

~ Nearly every man here is wearing a short-sleeved shirt, either a polo or a light cotton, all in pale pale almost non-colors. They don’t tuck them in so their bellies are covered. Ugh. It almost seems like a uniform here. Pale ghosts of people.

~ The sleeves on those cotton things stick out at the elbows like little pup tents. Ick. Come worship the Lord! Sartorial castration — no extra charge! It’s a room full of Homers.

~ If they were all naked, they’d look better.

~ I should rethink that.

~ Basically, they all look kind of pasty and weak in their Easter-egg clothes. I’ve never been more turned off in a room full of men.

~ Oh, the words between the songs at worship: “I believe there are people today struggling with guilt about not getting things done.” Hm. Really, Peaches? Pretty safe bet, isn’t it? Holy Spirit not really swinging out in omniscience with THAT one, is he? Why bother? So you can get up and look godly with a no-brainer? Boo-bye.

~ Every song is a dirge. Am I dead?

~ Ugh, P-Geist! He’s praying and he CANNOT just say “Amen.” He is literally droning, “in the name of the glorious, beautiful, powerful, amazing Father …. Amen.” No need to butter up the Almighty, Crackie. God’s not impressed.

~ TOO MUCH TALKING!! (ed.: Sorry. I was clearly losing it.)

~ The pastor is asking, “What’s the background noise of my heart?” Uh …… Guns ‘n’ Roses?

~ I really don’t see myself hanging out with these people.

~ Also, don’t come up and introduce yourself and let ME hold up the entire conversation.

~ Why does everyone want to know how we found out about the church?? EVERYONE has asked us. WHO CARES?? We’re here. Is this a marketing thing?

~ Why do they all talk about John Piper? “Do you know John Piper?” “Have you read John Piper?” They seem very worshipful about … John Piper! John Piper!! JOHN PIPER!! Calm down, Homers. And roll your sleeves.

~ He’s now talking about joy in a room full of the glummest people I’ve ever seen.

~ “Dripping with mirth.” Oh, I BEG you to please stop saying that.

(Seems I had issues from the get-go, doesn’t it? Well, you could call it issues or, uh, critical thinking skills. Let’s go with the second one, shall we?)

7 Replies to “more of tracey’s church notes”

  1. “’What’s the background noise of my heart?’” Uh …… Guns ‘n’ Roses?”

    Dying of laughter. What kind of question IS that? I think mine is “whoosh-whoosh.”

  2. You’re not familiar with John Piper??!!

    …um, me neither, and it turns out he grew up right here in Greenville SC.

    …and “Dripping with mirth” is the worst metaphorically phrase I’ve heard in years… At least, I HOPE it was said metaphorically (i picture a Beevis or Butthead type character drooling and saying “Heh, Heh… Heh, Heh”)

  3. If it was a church full of Homers they must have had donuts. So it couldn’t have been that bad. Just kidding, you know.

    Seriously, your thoughts on the on-going prayer crack me up! That has always bothered me. Who are they really praying to anyway? Or, trying to impress with all of their big words?

  4. The background noise of my heart is Madonna.

    Like A Virgin
    Express Yourself
    Get Together

    Yeah, the whole catalogue really.

    Sheila, I think the only thing you, Tracey and I “drip” with is condescension.

  5. JFH — I WAS vaguely aware of John Piper. I just wasn’t aware I was supposed to worship him.

    sheila — Yes, if I ever see or even HEAR of you “dripping with mirth,” I am loading my gun.

    Kathi — Yeah, where WERE the donuts? Only cookies. And I hate long-ass public prayers. It’s a show. Cut to the chase.

    Cara — It’s not that we DON’T have mirth, it’s that we don’t call it that and we definitely don’t drip with it.

    So what do we call it? ANNNYTHING but that.

    We are not Santa.

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