i love the chargers, but i hate myself

Chargers 27, Bengals 24. With a butt-tightening last-second 52-yard field goal by Nate Kaeding. Nine wins in a row now. We win the AFC West and clinch 2nd place in the AFC playoffs. Or, well, wait. The Patriots (booo) won, so maybe not 2nd place sealed yet, but we definitely have a chance for a first-round bye.

I’m sorry. I know you’ll all hate me — I hate myself for it — but I have to post the Super Chargers song.

Because if you’re a Chargers’ fan, there’s usually heartbreak just around the corner, so we learn to enjoy it while we can.

Honestly, it is the dumbest, most infectious little team ditty ever.

The swine flu of team songs.

Oh, do enjoy, pippa.

Also: Chargers, your logo is the lightning bolt, not a horse. We are not “riding across the desert on a fine Arab charger.”

No. We are apparently being electrocuted.

Please get it straight.

Now, sing along, everyone!

15 Replies to “i love the chargers, but i hate myself”

  1. San D-ay-go Super Chargers
    San D-ay-go…

    Love this song. My first college roommate is a Chargers fan, too. Native New Jersey Philipino San Diego Chargers Fan is a lot to put on a business card, but my man don’t advertise…

  2. Yeah, they have been doing well! But it’s true that nobody likes to have their hopes dashed. Philly people totally get where you are coming from.

    At least your team’s song has soul. . . I still don’t get why the Eagles are supposed to “fly on the road to victory”–like, who needs a road when you’re flying???

  3. Kate P — Do all the teams have a song, I wonder? I didn’t know the Eagles had one. And, seriously, those lyrics make it sound like the eagle has to fly but, at the same time, follow the road.

    You’re an eagle! Fly loopdie loops to victory if you want!

    Chargers will just electrocute you. Or be electrocuted. (I’m still unclear on this principle.) But that’s why I prefer to watch from home. I think electrocution is involved.

  4. “When the Saints Go Marching In” and the U2/Green Day version of “The Saints are Coming” have both been replaced here by the Yin Yang Twins’ “Stand Up and Get Crunk”. It’s kinda infectious, too, even if you don’t know what “Crunk” means. Hopefully, this is a one season thing … unless they win the Super Bowl. We know heartbreak, too. The other teams mentioned here have at least gotten to the SB.

  5. Brian — Please do NOT tell me you are a Raiders fan!! It cannot be true!! They’re like ….. He Who Must Not Be Named in Harry Potter or something.

    No, Brian! NO! Root for the Seahawks, I beg you.

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! My head is twisting off my body!!!!

    Raiders, faders, can’t-make-the-graders
    Raiders, haters, miss-the-paraders
    Raiders, laters, turf masticaters.

    What the HELL, Trace??? You are whacked.

    Uhm, I’m trying to rhyme Raiders, I guess, and, in so doing, convince the misguided Brian of the error of his ways. Because we all know that people ALWAYS change their allegiances when you diss their team.

    Oh, I’m just full of the Christmas Spirit!!

  6. Tracey please don’t be a hater. I grew up in the bay area and my dad was a 49er fan so I rebeled and chose the other local team. What can I say? It was during the influential days of my upbringing. My nature lends towards loyalty so there I stay in the Silver and Black hoping for the day Al Davis passes and the team can be strong again.

    Seachickens!!! Never!!!

  7. Seachickens!! Hahahahaha!!! The poor Seahawks. They’re from my adopted hometown, so whenever the Chargers are breaking my heart, I switch to them for a couple of games. But they’re another hard luck team.

    Although probably more hard luck than the Chargers have been lately.

    The thing is if you’re a San Diegan, you’re SUPPOSED to hate the Raiders. You must. It’s in your blood.

    But hate YOU? No. NEVER. 😉

  8. Tracey, when I was in High School I worked for a store which had a yearly promotion and sold t-shirts that said “Raider Hater” on them. This came out a couple weeks before the Seahawks – Raider game. Everyone knew I was a Raider fan so the cut me some slack the day the Steve Largent came to our store and I was wearing my Oakland Raider Shirt. Steve loved it and I ended up being the only one to get my picture with him. Much to my dismay I didn’t get a copy of the photo as promised. But somewhere out there is a photo of Mr. Largent and a 6’2″ lanky HS kid with a grin as wide as Puget Sound. Heck, he was Steve Largent after all – who wouldn’t want to meet him.

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