
Do you know it’s something like 51 days to the Winter Olympics in Torino?!!

(Is anyone else keeping track here?)

How we will survive the wait? How will we be able to STAND watching Michelle Kwan compete again after she’s been robbed in 2 previous Olympics?! My fingernails aren’t long enough to survive all that biting and chewing. It’s too much, I tell ya. TOO MUCH.

She lost to a Tara and then a Sarah. So let’s hope there’s no one named Clara or Farrah or Cher-a or Zara. That spells doom for poor Michelle. And I can’t believe that I actually think that. That I actually think if some chippy skates out onto the ice and the announcer says, “Next skater …. Zara Dooshenko, Ukraine,” I will actually think to myself, “That’s it. It’s over. Michelle is toast.”

Does anyone even know what I’m talking about?

And does anyone care as much as I do?

16 Replies to “anyone?”

  1. More. So much more that I might need therapy.

    I can’t believe she’s doing this again. What has she got to prove? How old is she now? I know in skating years she’s like, 187 or something. I fear for her physical and mental health. I really do.

    I watch the couples and the female competition and secretly root for the Russians (at least I DID until they ROBBED us last go ’round. Did they ever indict those judges for that BS?!).

    But I can’t watch the men. I don’t know why, it’s a recent phenom. Maybe ‘cuz they all remind me a little too much of “Brokeback Mountain”, dunno’.

    And ice dancing is just wrong. Sorry. Don’t anyone knee-cap me in the parking lot. 😉

  2. I’m kind of more of an Olympics purist. I dislike almost all events that involve judging (the only exception I can think of is gymnastics, due to its strong historical ties to Greece). The subjectivity of it bothers me. The Olympics should be about who can run faster, throw farther, jump higher, lift more, shoot more accurately, etc. If it’s a competitive sport with refereeing and points-scoring, that’s ok, but some events seem to skirt the line (like Boxing – the scoring there looks a lot like judging to my untrained eye).
    The absolute worst offenders in the “lack of objectivity” category, of course, are the figure skating and ice dancing events. Oh, and rhythmic gymnastics. That’s just a joke.
    I can appreciate that this position might come across as arbitrary, or with a slight odor of double-standard. It might just be the case that I don’t like figure skating. But I think I know why certain events bother me, and I’m not just reacting in a knee-jerk manner. I think.

  3. Wow…olympics snuck up on me, is it that time already?

    -M@, you sound like my dh, he rants all the time about the subjectivity of the ice skater’s marks. I must be growing cynical, because lately, I tend to agree with him, you get one competitor who does perfect triples but isn’t as “artistic” so gets lower marks than one who doesn’t get the triples in, but has fancy footwork and more creativity…kwim?

    Still, I love to watch it, wish I could be there!

  4. The Winter Olympics? Is that all you have to worry about, Tracey? Must be all that Martha Stewart Apprentice you’ve been watching… 😉

    For the record, I haven’t even thought about the Winter Olympics. My wife did watch some figure skating show on Lifetime earlier in the week. Do I get partial credit? A bronze medal, perhaps?

  5. Well, Rev, I also worry about whether or not we’re going to go bankrupt.
    Or about my test results from the doctor. Or about finding a job.

    But, yes, I mostly worry about the Winter Olympics.

  6. Babe, you gotta’ share more often. You’re killin’ me with the “revelatory asides” over here.

    You know, you’re not botherin’ anybody when you put out a prayer request, dork. 😉 (‘Course then that invites all sorts of opinions and nosiness and advice, doesn’t it? Nevermind, I can see why you don’t share more. I probably wouldn’t either…)

    Still praying for you, though.


  7. Well, at least you’re branching out with your worries…

    Give up the worries, darlin’. A wise man once said, “Who, by worrying, can add one more hour to his life?” I think He makes a good point. But you know, He’s there to bear the burdens and your friends are around (here and there) to help you with the same.

    Merry Christmas. Praying…

  8. I really like you, Rev, so this pains me to say, but I’m familiar with what the wise man said and I wasn’t asking for advice. These are real concerns in our life with real weight. I know you mean well, but I was trying to make a point that I’m not simply a frivolous person who “worries only about the Olympics.” Please.

    I don’t talk much about the deepest concerns of my life here because I don’t think that’s generally what people want to hear. And some might say, “Oh, share it” (thanks, WG) but at some point they may grow weary of the weighty, hard, whiny topics. I understand. I would, too. We’re only human.

    I always think it’s easier to tell someone not to worry when one is not in the other’s shoes. I will endeavor to worry LESS, but won’t feel guilty if some worry creeps in.

    I know you mean well. Prayer is the best offer to give right now. Thanks.

  9. I’ve noticed sometimes on my own blog that because I pretty much write about movies and Cary Grant – people assume that that is my whole life. Weird. It’s just what I love to write about!!

    Now about the winter Olympics: I love the winter Olympics – and it’s almost like I have to gear up for them, in terms of clearing my schedule so I can see the events I want to see.

    I think my obsession began in 1980 with the whole Miracle on Ice thing – Ever since then, I have associated the winter Olympics with overwhelming emotion – more so, somehow, than summer Olympics. Don’t ask me why!

    Maybe I was a hockey player in a former life or something.

    And tracey – I really think that Michelle Kwan’s time has come and gone. I think she’s tried enough – and the younger skaters coming up are just … well … better. What do you think?? It pains me to say it – I know how much she wants it – but her last showing at the Olympics just lacked something – fire, drive, something!

  10. Red — Oh, you may be right about Michelle and I HATE that! ARGHH! Her last showing did lack that certain something. Was she too nervous or something? I don’t know.

    And I agree about the Winter Olympic “vibe.” It’s different from the Summer Olympics. Maybe because it’s cold and dreary outside when they’re happening. We huddle inside, watching, hoping to catch a glimpse of the miraculous in the midst of all the drear.

    Or maybe not. But they are more emotional for me, too. I’m more swept up in them, embarrassing as that may be to admit!

    And, btw, I love your Cary Grant posts.

  11. Right – maybe it’s because I imagine that I could hang out at the Olympic village in some cozy little ski lodge – Or maybe it’s just that I like winter sports better!

    I think Kwan had fired her trainer – is that right? Or no – she fired her coach. And she did the SAME routine she had done at the past Olympics (or the world champioinship?) – and she hadn’t won THEN either. Very bad move. The announcers were talking about it AS her routine was going on. It just showed that she didn’t have that competitive edge or something – she should have challeneged herself with a new routine. I think she started listening to herself as opposed to her coaches – and in her case it seems like it was a bad idea.

    The fact that I have so many obsessive opinions about Michelle Kwan’s ice-skating career mistakes (when I know virtually NOTHING about the sport itself) goes to show you how much I am into the Winter Olympics as well!!

  12. I’d forgotten that she did the same routine; you’re right. When she nails it, though, ANY routine, she is just magical. There’s no one like her, in my opinion. I mean, there are times when her skating can bring me to tears.

    I saw her skate to Eva Cassidy’s “Fields of Gold” after she lost — whichever Olympics it was — and she was breathtaking and heartwrenching and it sounds so stupid to describe FIGURE SKATING that way, but it was true!

    If she’s going for it again, she’d better BRING HER GAME!!

  13. Relax, Tracey. I meant no offense. I’m a pastor. I offer advice. That’s what I do. I also offered it in a bit of a light-hearted way, but I’m guessing you didn’t take it that way. Call it bad communication on my part — it’s not the first time I’ve screwed up.

    Sorry to touch a nerve. But as WG pointed out, those were some pretty big reveletory asides. I’ll be praying.

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