I was with a friend of mine yesterday and we were discussing — again — Resort Dude’s Kissing Moratorium for Jesus. She can’t quite get past it.
At one point she said, “I just don’t know, Tracer. It’s like sexual anorexia or something.”
I basically fell out of my chair laughing. If you could hear her voice — my friend with her light-as-air Marilyn Monroe voice — saying “sexual anorexia.”
I’m laughing just typing this.
I hope she really calls you Tracer because that’s five shades of awesome.
I wonder what she’d call it when married people don’t have sex… LOL
Cullen — She really does call me Tracer. It’s her special nickname for me.
I agree, Tracer is five shades of awesome.
GraD–That’s like being lactose-tolerant but avoiding dairy anyway. /lame attempt