meryl streep, steve martin, and alec baldwin

So I happened to watch 5 minutes of “Entertainment Tonight” the other night — a show I never watch, NEVER, because I have Mary Hart issues and because, eh, I just don’t tend to watch these kinds of shows. But I happened to click on at precisely the right moment. Apparently, Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, and Alec Baldwin are filming some as-yet-unnamed romantic comedy by the writer of “Something’s Gotta Give,” a movie I loved so that bodes well. Besides, it’s Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, and Alec Baldwin, for Petesakes.

So “ET” is on set — minus Mary Hart, thank God — interviewing the three of them together and it is just impossible. Total mayhem. They simply cannot behave themselves and it’s killing me. They will not answer questions seriously. I mean, Steve Martin is notorious on that score and that’s part of why I love him, but somehow, pair him with Alec Baldwin and it’s hopeless. They are lost to civilized society, basically, and refuse to bow down to the niceties of an interview. Meryl Streep is dying, having to sit between them, red-faced with weepy laughter. So so funny. They have some bit between them on the set involving “memory” songs — songs like “Unforgettable” and “Try to Remember” which they proceed to sing as if they cannot for the life of them remember anything whatsoever. Streep squinches her face; Martin goes blank; Baldwin rubs his chin; they are all spontaneously looking off in different directions. “Trrrry to rememmmber ……” Hahahaha. It is insane. A five-second moment and I am undone. I’m easy, I guess. The visual of their sudden collective Alzheimer’s is just too much for me. I am gone. Brilliant and stupid, which is one of the very best kinds of brilliant.

But my favorite question and answer:

So, you three, any guilty pleasures as far as food?

There is a pause. They are all considering it with great care and THIS question they do answer, oh so very seriously. Of course.

Martin: Celery …

Baldwin: Melba Toast ….

Streep: …. Anchovy Paste.

Perfect timing. Perfect inflection. Completely unrehearsed. Genius. I keep reliving it and it makes me laugh all over again.

The movie is so far called, well, “Untitled Nancy Meyers Project.” Frankly, I don’t care what it is. I am there.

Oh, and happy birthday to Meryl Streep! Sixty years old today and still gorgeous, still a cinematic goddess. LOVE her.

10 Replies to “meryl streep, steve martin, and alec baldwin”

  1. I love Meryl Streep and Steve Martin. Alec Baldwin has gotten on my last nerve one too many times, but I’ll grant you that he’s talented, too.

    And who knew that Meryl Streep could SING?!? MammaMia may not have won any awards, but DANG GINA! She’s amazing in that! And I am horribly jealous of everyone who got to be in that production — I want to live on that island and frolic among boys singing “Does Your Mother Know?” too.

    But I will never EVER forget Streep in Sophie’s Choice or Bridges. Holy moly.

  2. I remember Meryl singing in Postcards from the Edge – she’s brilliant.

    Alec Baldwin is one of the funniest people out there. I’ve always loved him and it’s actually nice to see him find his niche. For a while there, he was a lost wandering leading man – because of his good looks as a younger man – but his sensibility really ISN’T that of a leading man. He’s snarkier than that, with more of an edge – so it’s SO fun to see him be able to utilize that. I get such a kick out of him. Did you ever see State & Main, tracey? the David Mamet flick about a film crew taking over a small town?

    WONDERFUL. Alec Baldwin plays the big jerk of a movie star – and it’s one of his funniest performances. Favorite line (to anyone who remembers the movie):

    “So THAT happened …”

    Like: anchovy paste, Meryl? Really??

  3. State and Main – that Sheila mentions – was WONDERFUL. And it is Baldwin doing what he does best – that sharp, snarky comedy.

    So anyway, as soon as I get home I am going to frantically google this interview and pray for video. It sounds GLORIOUS.

  4. GraD — Alec Baldwin has some interpersonal issues, obviously, but as I think I’ve said somewhere here before, I separate actors from their personal behavior in their private lives. I mean, people have to — or else just decide that they won’t participate in the Hollywood experience whatsoever because too many stars misbehave. Or whatever.

    For me, 30 Rock is one of the funniest shows out there and Alec Baldwin is HILARIOUS in it. (I’m also a huge Tracy Morgan fan. I mean, I have serious issues with him. He simply opens his mouth to speak and I start laughing. It’s just something in his VOICE, for me, that makes me lose it. I don’t even CARE what he says — I will laugh.)

    But, sheila, you’re right. The Alec Baldwin sensibility is comedic. He’s not a leading man — and I’m glad for his sake to see him know that and play against his “type.” Makes him even funnier for me.

    And no, I haven’t seen State and Main. Netflixing it!!

  5. Oh tracey tracey you are going to LOVE IT.

    Unlike a lot of other Mamet stuff, it has a really warm heart.

    This crazy jaded film crew infiltrates a small town – and it’s actually surprisingly moving how it all turns out. Philip Seymour Hoffman plays the screenwriter, who still believes he’s an “artist” – William Macy is the jaded director – Julia Stiles is the young waitress in the town who is starstruck by Alec Baldwin …

    I basically want to LIVE in that town, is what I’m saying.

    You’re gonna love it!!

  6. Oh and yes. I have a serious problem with tracy Morgan, too. It’s that constant sort of long-suffering look of harassment that’s always on his face – which just CRACKS ME UP.

    and yes: watching Baldwin and Tina Fey spar off each other (they’ve been friends for a long long time) – is just so much fun.

  7. sheila — Yeah, I tend to shy away from Mamet, generally — I’m probably not supposed to say that, but he doesn’t do it for me — but this sounds great. William H. Macy?? LOVE him, too.

    I didn’t know you also had Tracy Morgan issues! Hooray! I’m STILL laughing from an episode of 30 Rock two weeks ago — I think it was a rerun — where Tracy Morgan said this:

    “They do that a lot in movies! An Affair to Remember. Sleepless in Seattle. And that remake of An Affair to Remember that I was in… A Blaffair to Rememblack.”

    I can still hear exactly how he said A Blaffair to Rememblack. So insane. That title, his voice. Hahahahahaha.

  8. Tracey – it is kind of a cynical movie – but it ends up having this totally warm heart. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts. Also, it is HILARIOUS.

  9. Agreed on 30 Rock. Possibly even as funny as Arrested Development. For me and Tracy Morgan, it’s the way he moves his mouth. Every thing he says, his mouth is a comedian. Almost like a muppet or something the way he moves it. It cracks me up. He’s a genius. Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey, too. Genius.

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