the mascot for the sudden yurt commune

The perfect psychedelic creature for our psychedelic caravan.

This is for real, pippa! Wonders never cease. Seriously. I love stuff like this.

(I think I see a future member of “The Club of Curious Friends.”)

Read the whole story about Pinky, the albino dolphin, found in a lake in Louisiana.

Oooh. Lisa lives closest; she can kidnap it for us. (Didn’t I read this in a Pat Conroy novel?)

Our mascot. She’s a beauty, ain’t she?

Oh, I just love my new life in our sudden yurt commune with the sleep-it-off trailer and the Joycean charades and the albino dolphin mascot.

10 Replies to “the mascot for the sudden yurt commune”

  1. Can I bring my watercolors and my ink? I know you’re the real resident artiste, but if I promise not to make a mess, can I paint too? I love pink dolphins… and I love our yurt commune. This whole thing just makes me HAPPY.

    Thank you.

  2. Oh I love her/him/it!

    On the subject of yurt communes, this from my facebook status:

    /Sarah loves the Twilight score.
    GraD: Me, too. I’m thinking of downloading the score from so I can play it on the piano myself.
    SarahK: Oh, that’d be cool! It’s a beautiful score. You could play it in our yurt commune in Lisa’s neighborhood whilst we emote from the books!/

    And then I came and saw we have a mascot. This day just keeps getting better, Tracey!

  3. GraD — Absolutely. Bring whatever makes you happy! You’re a painter!

    sarahk — this is all just part of your plan to get me on Facebook, I know it. Evil wench.

  4. I have an uncle with a Lake House in Lake Charles. We could take our traveling yurt down there and use it as a home base and jump in his pontoon boat and ride down to Calcasieu Lake.

  5. I keep wanting to put SPF on our mascot!

    P.S. Speaking of Facebook–Facebook people, please come to my blog to offer any and all advice about what to do because it appears the library is heading down that path and taking me with it.

  6. Part of me loves the Pink Dolphin perfectly just the way it is – as God made him – but a silly part of me actually wants to COLOR the Dolphin! Extravagant swirls and whorls of colors.

  7. I basically LOVE this whole yurt commune, with all of its members whether they be human, official and/or unofficial dogs or pink dolphins.

    When are we leaving. WHEN?

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