the obsession ramps up

In the inbox tonight, from the adorable sarahk:

Subject: I can’t handle my obsession.
From: “sarahk”
Date: Wed, January 7, 2009 6:45 pm
To: “” Priority: Normal

I just can’t, Tracey. I can’t. I’m trying to rein it in… because I know that as soon as I start writing about it, I won’t be able to stop. It’ll be like Twilight year on mountaineer musings. I’ll start writing fanfic and writing fake scripts for a fake Twilight TV show on Snark Raving Mad. I’ll build an Edward robot and sleep with his ice cold arm around me and he’ll smolder at me with butterscotch eyes!

I feel like you, Sheila, and I should meet at a neutral location, maybe Forks or something (yes! I’ve Googled all the locations in the books! They’re real!), and just let it all out. I could be gone for a year, and Frank wouldn’t notice as long as I left him enough video games.

“You are my whole life now.” WHO SAYS THAT?! He dazzles me.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Every time I read this, I cry with laughter all over again. It is insane. WE are insane. “He dazzles me.” Hahahahaha.

And, sarahk? Uhm …… I Googled Forks, too. I lived in Seattle, as I think I’ve mentioned here, so it sounded vaguely familiar, but yes, I Googled, too. Because, uhm, I need it to be real. Everything. All of it. This is all completely normal and not in any way a psychotic break.

Today, I confessed my obsession on the phone to my (older) sister, waiting for her to mock me. Instead, she squealed in delight and said, “Oh, thank GOD! I haven’t told anybody I read them because I felt so stupid! I had to borrow the books from (my nephew’s) girlfriend — and she’s 16!”

Hahaha. My poor sister. “Uhm, can I please borrow book 2 now, girlie?”

We are now making a date to get together to discuss the whole ridiculous saga. See? Twilight: Bringing people together. Healing the world.

Well, you know what? “Blessed be the tie that binds” as the old hymn goes.

(Yeah, yeah, I know that’s about Christian fellowship. Now, sh!)

Mania. It’s total mania. I know. But it’s fun. What’s wrong with that? I NEED me some fun right now.

18 Replies to “the obsession ramps up”

  1. Haaaaa. It is so AWESOME that you also googled it! Obsessed googlers, we are.

    I want to take the Edward who lives in my head (he looks like David Boreanaz, c. 1997), put myself in a movie pose picture with him, and you see where I’m going here but I’ll spell it out… Put all the right words in place on it and print out a life-sized movie poster and hang it in my entryway so anyone who enters my house will understand what the one topic of conversation will be.

  2. :::still staying out of it…::::

    However, I may have to send my wife over to your book n’ brew club. She tore through these books like a Ronco knife through a tin can.

  3. Okay! Okay! I am going to read them. Maybe I will go out and buy them today. Between my invisible internet friends, and my real life friends GUSHING (there can be no other word), I simply have no choice. I must understand this obsession that captivates you all.

  4. sarahk — Hahahahahaha! I didn’t Google Volterra before, but NOW I just did. Lame-o. Also, Edward doesn’t look like David Boreanaz in my head. I’m not sure WHO he looks like. Pattinson looks pretty good, but …. okay, I have issues with his nose. It’s too … smushed looking at certain angles.

    NF — You are so NOT staying out of it, that’s what’s cracking me up! Admit it; you’re in it — if only as a mild-mannered observer of our collective insanity. Our obsession fascinates you. It DOES. You have to admit it! 😉

    Oh, and tell your wife she’s welcome in our club any time.

    MM — Yes, you must read. Love ’em or hate ’em, at least you’ll know what’s making the rest of us blissfully break with reality.

  5. At the risk of losing some of my manliness I will enter in and say you ladies are cracking me up. The loss of manliness comes from the admition that I just finished book three and am looking for a copy of book four to borrow. So far no squeals from me, but I need closure on the story. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    I am enjoying the books as a mindless read but have found that I enjoy your banter more. The thirteen year old girly has come out in the lot of you. I can hear the squeals from here in Oregon where the movie was filmed by the way. Yeah Oregon.

  6. nightfly, you may as well just pick up your wife’s set and settle in. Give into the obsession!

    Maggie, yay! You can’t stop the obsession, Mal.

    Brian, I’m sorry, but you’re placing us one year older than we are. We’re definitely twelve. Tweeners, if you will.

  7. I was waiting for the Cullen thing to happen!!! LOL!!!

    #1 FAQ at the bookstore: Where is Twilight?
    #2 FAQ: Where are “the rest” in paperback?
    You guys do not know how crazy the phenomenon is until you have someone screaming at you, as you stand in the bookstore customer service center, over their cell phone, about how they “can’t! wait! that! long!” for “Eclipse” to come out in paperback.

    Girlfriend, it’s a mere $9 more to read it now. Deal with it.

  8. Kate P — Exactly. If you really cannot wait, you WILL buy it in hard cover. You will cringe a bit at your frothing obsession, but you WiLL do it. I have to question a person’s level of commitment to Twilight if they balk at that. If they balk, they do not love.

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