the best christmas survey ever

In the continuing spirit of minding my own business, which is my life, I offer up this Christmas Survey which I insist you do:

(Copy and paste into the comments)

1. Opening presents: Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?

2. What do you do with all the paper as it’s being ripped from presents? What about the ribbon?

3. Do you take turns opening presents or is it a free-for-all?

4. Does someone act like Santa, passing out presents?

5. Do you play Christmas music in the background whilst opening presents?

6. I have just given you a gift of socks. Tell me what you say to make me believe you like them, you really like them.

7. Do you like egg nog?

8. Are there any other kinds of nogs that you’re aware of? If not, why not just call egg nog “nog” if it’s the only nog there is?

9. Are there any pre-dinner drinks or snacks available at your house on Christmas and, if so, what are they?

10. What do you wear for Christmas dinner? If you wear elastic pants and admit it, please know I admire you deeply and may very well fall in love with you. Please do not panic.

11. If you’re not hosting the dinner, do you assist in the pre-dinner prep?

12. If so, have you ever considered starting to play with the nearest child immediately upon your arrival at said Christmas dinner, causing him or her to REQUIRE your delightful company up until the very moment dinner is served thereby making it impossible for you to leave the little angel’s side and assist in the kitchen lest a loud, unsightly tantrum ensue? I’m just sayin’ is all. I myself would not do this, oh no, but I would not judge you should you decide to give it a whirl.

13. What’s for Christmas dinner? Along that same vein, what time should I be there?

14. Do you have a kiddie table and will I be forced to sit there?

15. Who is tipsy at your Christmas dinner, besides me, of course?

16. Is there something that is tradition at your Christmas dinner that you cannot stand or simply do not understand?

17. Turkey: White meat or dark meat?

18. Turducken: I know what it is. I need to know why it is. Please enlighten.

19. Cranberry sauce: yea or nay?

20. What happens after dinner? Napping? Squabbling? Frolf?

21. What’s for dessert?

22. What’s the best Christmas dessert, in your opinion?

23. Now that it’s dessert, who is snockered? You can tell me.

24. How many pieces/helpings of dessert do you have? Just know that whatever number you tell me, I will double it in my head to get closer to the truth, ‘mkay, Peaches?

25. Will Christmas carols be sung loudly and off-key, ad nauseum, until baby Jesus cries?

26. Will you be forced to pose for photos at some point by someone making their giddy artistic vision your immediate personal burden?

27. Finally … Christmas day exit strategy: What’s yours?

27 Replies to “the best christmas survey ever”

  1. 1. Opening presents: Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?

    One Christmas Eve, the rest Christmas morning

    2. What do you do with all the paper as it’s being ripped from presents? What about the ribbon?

    Paper goes right into a trash bag, ribbons are saved

    3. Do you take turns opening presents or is it a free-for-all?


    4. Does someone act like Santa, passing out presents?

    Yes. The youngest person, usually

    5. Do you play Christmas music in the background whilst opening presents?

    Sometimes. More frequently now that we have satellite and they have the Christmas music channel

    6. I have just given you a gift of socks. Tell me what you say to make me believe you like them, you really like them.

    Depending on the type of socks, I could very well really like them. I always seem to need socks. “Thanks, Trace! I always need socks!”

    7. Do you like egg nog?

    Yes, both leaded and unleaded

    8. Are there any other kinds of nogs that you’re aware of? If not, why not just call egg nog “nog” if it’s the only nog there is?

    I am only aware of one kind of nog

    9. Are there any pre-dinner drinks or snacks available at your house on Christmas and, if so, what are they?

    Not really. We’re not formal dinner people

    10. What do you wear for Christmas dinner? If you wear elastic pants and admit it, please know I admire you deeply and may very well fall in love with you. Please do not panic.

    Depends on the circumstance. If we have company, I’ll wear jeans. If it’s just us, sweat pants

    11. If you’re not hosting the dinner, do you assist in the pre-dinner prep?

    Hmm. Not usually. J-Mom often will though

    12. If so, have you ever considered starting to play with the nearest child immediately upon your arrival at said Christmas dinner, causing him or her to REQUIRE your delightful company up until the very moment dinner is served thereby making it impossible for you to leave the little angel’s side and assist in the kitchen lest a loud, unsightly tantrum ensue? I’m just sayin’ is all. I myself would not do this, oh no, but I would not judge you should you decide to give it a whirl.


    13. What’s for Christmas dinner? Along that same vein, what time should I be there?

    Usually ham or smoked pork shoulder. We tend to do a late lunch/early dinner — 3 or 4 p.m.

    14. Do you have a kiddie table and will I be forced to sit there?

    When we get together with the entire family, yes, there’s a kiddie table. Forced? No. Allowed? Absolutely.

    15. Who is tipsy at your Christmas dinner, besides me, of course?

    Most of my family are tea tottlers (totlers, totalers, forget it), so you don’t see the tipsy too often.

    16. Is there something that is tradition at your Christmas dinner that you cannot stand or simply do not understand?

    Not really

    17. Turkey: White meat or dark meat?

    Dark meat, though I’m not a big fan of turkey.

    18. Turducken: I know what it is. I need to know why it is. Please enlighten.

    Because it is awesome. Cajuns come up with the best ideas for food.

    19. Cranberry sauce: yea or nay?

    Oh yes.

    20. What happens after dinner? Napping? Sqaubbling? Frolf?

    Conversation, sometimes game play (Scrabble, of course)

    21. What’s for dessert?

    Chocolate pie

    22. What’s the best Christmas dessert, in your opinion?

    J-Mom’s chocolate pie

    23. Now that it’s dessert, who is snockered? You can tell me.

    No one

    24. How many pieces/helpings of dessert do you have? Just know that whatever number you tell me, I will double it in my head to get closer to the truth, ‘mkay, Peaches?

    Depends on how much dessert is available. One piece of pie usually, but if there are many selections, I’ll get a small piece of two or three different kinds.

    25. Will Christmas carols be sung loudly and off-key, ad nauseum, until baby Jesus cries?


    26. Will you be forced to pose for photos at some point by someone making their giddy artistic vision your immediate personal burden?


    27. Finally … Christmas day exit strategy: What’s yours

    Surgery, this year

  2. 1. Opening presents: Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
    … a little of both. Christmas Eve when i visit the folks on my Dad’s side of the family, and the rest the next morning at Ladybug’s folks.

    2. What do you do with all the paper as it’s being ripped from presents? What about the ribbon?
    … we save the neat ribbon and any gift bags; we toss the rest as we go.

    3. Do you take turns opening presents or is it a free-for-all?
    … more turn-based than real-time.

    4. Does someone act like Santa, passing out presents?
    … usually.

    5. Do you play Christmas music in the background whilst opening presents?
    … there’s Christmas music most of the time: meals, presents, etc. etc.

    6. I have just given you a gift of socks. Tell me what you say to make me believe you like them, you really like them.
    … actually, I probably DO really like them. I never seem to have enough socks and I hate it when my feet feel cold.

    7. Do you like egg nog?
    … very much.

    8. Are there any other kinds of nogs that you’re aware of? If not, why not just call egg nog “nog” if it’s the only nog there is?
    … actually, I think “nog” is the modifier, not the noun; there aren’t different types of nog, there are different types of egg product: egg nog, egg cream, etc. Then again, my wife makes a nog punch which is maybe 25% nog, and 75% other fun things like kahlua and ice cream and coffee.

    9. Are there any pre-dinner drinks or snacks available at your house on Christmas and, if so, what are they?
    … they are endless. We Italians graze before we sit down for the actual meal. The items depend on who’s cooking and what sounds interesting while we’re planning.

    10. What do you wear for Christmas dinner? If you wear elastic pants and admit it, please know I admire you deeply and may very well fall in love with you. Please do not panic.
    … we tend to dress decently; not quite church best but it’s an occasion and there’s usually lots of relatives to look nice for. Breakfast on Christmas morning is our slouch-around shlubby-looking time.

    11. If you’re not hosting the dinner, do you assist in the pre-dinner prep?
    … sure do. Everyone volunteers to bring a dish.

    12. If so, have you ever considered starting to play with the nearest child immediately upon your arrival at said Christmas dinner, causing him or her to REQUIRE your delightful company up until the very moment dinner is served thereby making it impossible for you to leave the little angel’s side and assist in the kitchen lest a loud, unsightly tantrum ensue? I’m just sayin’ is all. I myself would not do this, oh no, but I would not judge you should you decide to give it a whirl.
    … we’ve got a dearth of adorable children in the family right now – the youngest of any of the cousins is 15. In a few years this may be a viable strategy.

    13. What’s for Christmas dinner? Along that same vein, what time should I be there?
    … to which course do you refer? There’s usually some atnipasta and other hors dourves, some digestion, then a turkey, and more digestion, there’s usually a lasagna or some other pasta (Italians, remember?), and then yet more digestion and probably a nap, and then pastries and coffee. Basically, show up any time after noon and you will need a wheelbarrow to get back to your car.

    14. Do you have a kiddie table and will I be forced to sit there?
    … see above. Even if we did, no, we would make room for you with the rest of us, and force you to talk about grownup stuff for about three minutes – or until someone quoted “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians,” whichever came first.

    15. Who is tipsy at your Christmas dinner, besides me, of course?
    … we’re not inclined to the tipsy; at least, not through tasty beverage. I am pretty much permanently tipsy through natural causes, and especially at holidays.

    16. Is there something that is tradition at your Christmas dinner that you cannot stand or simply do not understand?
    … nothing comes to mind.

    17. Turkey: White meat or dark meat?
    … dark, thanks!

    8. Turducken: I know what it is. I need to know why it is. Please enlighten.
    … Infinitely Recursive Poultry. If anyone could answer this I’m sure a shadowy government conspiracy would chase them across the snow-covered streets, with thrills, twists, and a truly cockamamie plot device; tragically killing the wise older mentor and a couple of wassailers, before finally indulging in a pointless set-piece in front of the tree at Rockefeller Center, in which we discover the shocking, shocking truth about Frank Perdue’s secret island experiments, funded by Butterball and Aflac.

    19. Cranberry sauce: yea or nay?
    … yea.

    20. What happens after dinner? Napping? Sqaubbling? Frolf?
    … is ‘frolf’ a hobbit or a Muppet?

    21. What’s for dessert?
    … Italian bakery goods, pies, and snitched leftover turkey scraps while no-one’s lookin’.

    22. What’s the best Christmas dessert, in your opinion?
    … I’m on record as favoring my Mom’s creme puffs, which were a holiday staple all the years we were kids. I may break out the old recipe this year and restart the tradition.

    23. Now that it’s dessert, who is snockered? You can tell me.
    … I can’t. Remember that shadowy conspiracy? There’s enough left for a sequel to The Turducken Code. It’s called The Snockered Syndrome. We’ve got Denzel Washington and Charlize Theron. THIS Christmas, it’s PERSONAL.

    24. How many pieces/helpings of dessert do you have? Just know that whatever number you tell me, I will double it in my head to get closer to the truth, ‘mkay, Peaches?
    … mmmm, peaches…

    25. Will Christmas carols be sung loudly and off-key, ad nauseum, until baby Jesus cries?
    … we do this at our parish a few days before Christmas. I don’t know if Baby Jesus cries, but I usually do.

    26. Will you be forced to pose for photos at some point by someone making their giddy artistic vision your immediate personal burden?
    … well, reverse it – I’m the giddy artistic one, and everyone else just wants me to put the blergin’ camera DOWN already for crying out loud.

    27. Finally … Christmas day exit strategy: What’s yours?
    … exit strategy? Usually we just peter out and sleep for a while.

  3. 1. Opening presents: Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?

    Christmas morning! My brother and SIL let their kids open one present on Christmas Eve so they’ll shut the eff up, but I say MAKE THEM WAIT.

    2. What do you do with all the paper as it’s being ripped from presents? What about the ribbon?

    I say throw it away.

    3. Do you take turns opening presents or is it a free-for-all?

    Oh, you know it always STARTS as a one-at-a-time thing but then descends to a free-for-all.

    4. Does someone act like Santa, passing out presents?

    Yeah, usually my mom.

    5. Do you play Christmas music in the background whilst opening presents?

    No. Are you supposed to?

    6. I have just given you a gift of socks. Tell me what you say to make me believe you like them, you really like them.

    I LOVE THEM!!! JUST WHAT I NEEDED!!! /insert random squee

    7. Do you like egg nog?


    8. Are there any other kinds of nogs that you’re aware of? If not, why not just call egg nog “nog” if it’s the only nog there is?

    I’m not aware of any. Why are you overthinking this? ENJOY THE NOG.

    9. Are there any pre-dinner drinks or snacks available at your house on Christmas and, if so, what are they?

    I don’t have Christmas dinner at my house, we go to my in-laws, where this always angst and drama available for consumption.

    10. What do you wear for Christmas dinner? If you wear elastic pants and admit it, please know I admire you deeply and may very well fall in love with you. Please do not panic.

    At my in-laws, I wear a sour expression with jeans and a sweater. At the years we’re at my parents, we dress up. Like civilized people.

    11. If you’re not hosting the dinner, do you assist in the pre-dinner prep?

    Um, no.

    12. If so, have you ever considered starting to play with the nearest child immediately upon your arrival at said Christmas dinner, causing him or her to REQUIRE your delightful company up until the very moment dinner is served thereby making it impossible for you to leave the little angel’s side and assist in the kitchen lest a loud, unsightly tantrum ensue? I’m just sayin’ is all. I myself would not do this, oh no, but I would not judge you should you decide to give it a whirl.

    No, but I have irritated my kids when they were babies so they’d get fussy and I’d have to take them out. And I’m not sorry.

    13. What’s for Christmas dinner? Along that same vein, what time should I be there?

    At my in-laws, ham and accoutrements. At my parents, turkey and stuffing and all that. Or we go out for Chinese food.

    14. Do you have a kiddie table and will I be forced to sit there?


    15. Who is tipsy at your Christmas dinner, besides me, of course?

    No one at my parents. They don’t drink and we don’t drink around them. At my in-laws, however, my FIL drinks enough for everyone in the free world.

    16. Is there something that is tradition at your Christmas dinner that you cannot stand or simply do not understand?

    That stupid gravy with the eggs in it. That shit is nasty.

    17. Turkey: White meat or dark meat?

    White. (Racist!)

    18. Turducken: I know what it is. I need to know why it is. Please enlighten.

    I have no answer, but it’s good.

    19. Cranberry sauce: yea or nay?

    From the can, yea. That whole berry crap? Nay.

    20. What happens after dinner? Napping? Sqaubbling? Frolf?

    We go to the movies when we’re at my parents’ house. The years we’re here we go home and wash the cigarette smoke out of our clothes.

    21. What’s for dessert?

    Pecan Pie.

    22. What’s the best Christmas dessert, in your opinion?

    My Chocolate/Bourbon Pecan pie.

    23. Now that it’s dessert, who is snockered? You can tell me.

    See No. 15

    24. How many pieces/helpings of dessert do you have? Just know that whatever number you tell me, I will double it in my head to get closer to the truth, ‘mkay, Peaches?

    Um, two?

    25. Will Christmas carols be sung loudly and off-key, ad nauseum, until baby Jesus cries?


    26. Will you be forced to pose for photos at some point by someone making their giddy artistic vision your immediate personal burden?

    No. I don’t allow photos of me to be taken. I’m like a vampire that way.

    27. Finally … Christmas day exit strategy: What’s yours?

    “Digestive distress”: Sheldon from Big Band Theory

  4. 1. Opening presents: Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
    Since there are no kiddies around, we open on Christmas Day, after everyone decides to get the hell out of bed, and not before baby brother and his beloved decide to show up at the house. Soooo, usually late afternoon.

    2. What do you do with all the paper as it’s being ripped from presents? What about the ribbon?
    -Paper gets trashed, ribbon is saved

    3. Do you take turns opening presents or is it a free-for-all?
    Take turns.

    4. Does someone act like Santa, passing out presents?
    My mom has always been the one to pass the gifts around; she gets great joy doing that.

    5. Do you play Christmas music in the background whilst opening presents?

    6. I have just given you a gift of socks. Tell me what you say to make me believe you like them, you really like them.
    I love socks, and am always needing more, especially dress socks. So, “Thank you so much, I really love these.”

    7. Do you like egg nog?
    Ehh, I can take it or leave it.

    8. Are there any other kinds of nogs that you’re aware of? If not, why not just call egg nog “nog” if it’s the only nog there is?
    Egg is the only nog I know of, which is fine with me, considering where nog comes from. According to a cousin of mine who is older and whom I considered much wiser than me when I was a young’un, “Nog comes from out of the bog.”

    9. Are there any pre-dinner drinks or snacks available at your house on Christmas and, if so, what are they?
    Not really, we pretty much just wait until the main event.

    10. What do you wear for Christmas dinner? If you wear elastic pants and admit it, please know I admire you deeply and may very well fall in love with you. Please do not panic.
    If it’s just immediate family, I’ll wear jeans. If we have guests, I’ll put on khakis and a collared shirt.

    11. If you’re not hosting the dinner, do you assist in the pre-dinner prep?

    12. If so, have you ever considered starting to play with the nearest child immediately upon your arrival at said Christmas dinner, causing him or her to REQUIRE your delightful company up until the very moment dinner is served thereby making it impossible for you to leave the little angel’s side and assist in the kitchen lest a loud, unsightly tantrum ensue? I’m just sayin’ is all. I myself would not do this, oh no, but I would not judge you should you decide to give it a whirl.
    -That already happened to me this year at Thanksgiving with my 10 yr old cousin. He wanted(demanded) to play videogames in my room, and I agreed. (You poor, ignorant fool.)
    One highlight was when I asked him if I could take a break, as the soup course was being served. He asked(demanded), “Are you bringing the soup back up here?”
    No, I will eat at the table like an adult.
    “Will it take long?”
    I don’t know.
    “How many bowls do you think you’ll eat?”
    My God….

    13. What’s for Christmas dinner? Along that same vein, what time should I be there?
    -A tremendous antipasto, containing a great variety of charcuterie, roasted bell peppers, Italian cheeses and barrel-cured olives.
    -a soup course
    -Rack of lamb or prime rib
    -all the trimmings you can imagine
    Tracey, you can show up any time you like. Hopefully, you and MB would make it for dinner, but if not, we’ll says ya’s a plate!

    14. Do you have a kiddie table and will I be forced to sit there?
    No kiddie table, but if there is more company than usual,
    the “older” company sits in the dining room and the “kids” eat in the kitchen! Sit wherever you like. 😉

    15. Who is tipsy at your Christmas dinner, besides me, of course?
    Me, my brothers, and baby brother’s fiance. And fiance’s best friend, if she’s here.

    16. Is there something that is tradition at your Christmas dinner that you cannot stand or simply do not understand?
    Not really. WEaiting for the food to finish cooking sucks, I’ll tell you that. lol

    17. Turkey: White meat or dark meat?

    18. Turducken: I know what it is. I need to know why it is. Please enlighten.
    I’m told it was invented in New Orleans, which is all the explanation I need. Everything is done on a grand scale down thar. Some chef was probably bored and decided to see if he could do it just to do it. Or maybe he was thinking, “How can I get away with charging exhorbitant amounts of money for everyday poultry?”

    19. Cranberry sauce: yea or nay?

    20. What happens after dinner? Napping? Sqaubbling? Frolf?
    Retire to the living room. Watch the fire. Talk. Laugh. Listen to the Christmas music. Maybe watch the tube. What is Frolf?

    21. What’s for dessert?
    Cakes, pies, pastries. Coffee.

    22. What’s the best Christmas dessert, in your opinion?
    I’ll go with cannoli. But how in the world do you make chocolate pie??

    23. Now that it’s dessert, who is snockered? You can tell me.
    No one, but a few of us are darn close, LOL.

    24. How many pieces/helpings of dessert do you have? Just know that whatever number you tell me, I will double it in my head to get closer to the truth, ‘mkay, Peaches?
    A slice of pie, two cannoli, and a slice of cake, if we got it. Lots of coffee.

    25. Will Christmas carols be sung loudly and off-key, ad nauseum, until baby Jesus cries?

    26. Will you be forced to pose for photos at some point by someone making their giddy artistic vision your immediate personal burden?
    -Abso-floggin’-lutely. Every blessed year, my friend.
    Who can figure mothers?

    27. Finally … Christmas day exit strategy:
    If we’re visiting somewhere else, whoever heads for the door first, i’m right behind them. 😀

  5. Cullen — I love how you’re “allowing” me to sit at the kiddie table. You have clearly discerned my proper place. Hahahaha.

    NF — Man, the FOOD. I am SO coming to your house. “Butterball and Aflac” — Hahahaha.

    “Frolf” is Frisbee Golf.

    YOU are the photographer/oppressor! YOU are! I am SHOCKED! But I still like you.

    Creme puffs?? I am boarding the plane right now.

    Lisa — Hahaha! I love you — taking me to task about the nog. “Why are you over-thinking this?” Hahahaha.

    Oh, and: /At my in-laws, I wear a sour expression with jeans and a sweater./

    That kills me, because, well, I SO understand.

    /I have irritated my kids so they’d get fussy/

    Hahahahaha! I can’t take anymore!!

    There is gravy WITH EGGS IN IT?? What the hell?? I could hurl just from reading that, you racist.

    Samuel — /Are you bringing the soup back up here? Will it take long? How many bowls do you think you’ll eat?/

    I am now cackling — thank God I’m alone!! A ten year old cross-examining you about soup consumption. “Please do not interrupt my fun with your silly soup eating.”

    Also, your dinner sounds delicious.

    Again, FROLF is Frisbee Golf! Am I the only one who knows this? Is this just a So Cal thing?

    And what’s up with the tags here — they weren’t working for anybody? Hm. Now I’m wondering is something’s wrong with thee olde blog.

    But — I’m LOVING everyone’s answers!!

  6. Although…. this is sort of fun. All the bold makes it seem like we’re in a big room with holiday music in the background, kids strewn everywhere, food cooking in anything that can hold heat, with beverage in hand, and all talking at the top of our lungs. Blogmas party at Tracey’s!

  7. I think I fixed it — using THE most labor-intensive method possible. I de-tagged Cullen’s entire answer, because … oh, I don’t know why!! Sorry, Cullen. I spaced it out so we can see your answers better.

    Okay. No, I do know why: I don’t know how to do tags! Okay. I said it.

    But I like NF’s explanation: We’re all just TALKING REALLY LOUD!

  8. “Strewn”, lol. Blogmas party, indeed! Sounds great to me.
    Yeah Tracey, little cousin is a pistol – and that was just one instance of his pistolness! It was an Excedrin headache/”Calgon take me away” kind of holiday. But I still love the little cuss. Because I’m just like Jesus.

  9. 1. Opening presents: Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Both

    2. What do you do with all the paper as it’s being ripped from presents? What about the ribbon? Recycle and reuse.

    3. Do you take turns opening presents or is it a free-for-all? Turns, turns, turns into a free-for-all.

    4. Does someone act like Santa, passing out presents? We make piles for each person. Teamwork.

    5. Do you play Christmas music in the background whilst opening presents? Sometimes. This year my kids will ask for Bingy Crosby I’m sure.

    6. I have just given you a gift of socks. Tell me what you say to make me believe you like them, you really like them. I don’t get this question, is there something wrong with getting socks? Socks are good.

    7. Do you like egg nog? MMM… Alpenrose Eggnogg is so yummy.

    8. Are there any other kinds of nogs that you’re aware of? If not, why not just call egg nog “nog” if it’s the only nog there is? Eggnog literally means eggs inside a small cup.

    9. Are there any pre-dinner drinks or snacks available at your house on Christmas and, if so, what are they? Christmas meat is always there. (outside of my family it is called teriyaki beef)

    10. What do you wear for Christmas dinner? My fanciest clothes that isn’t my wedding/funeral suit.

    11. If you’re not hosting the dinner, do you assist in the pre-dinner prep? We (meaning my wife) usually makes a dish to bring along and I just show up to eat.

    12. If so, have you ever considered starting to play with the nearest child immediately upon your arrival at said Christmas dinner, causing him or her to REQUIRE your delightful company up until the very moment dinner is served thereby making it impossible for you to leave the little angel’s side and assist in the kitchen lest a loud, unsightly tantrum ensue? As long as what they want to do is snack and watch football that would work for me.

    13. What’s for Christmas dinner? Along that same vein, what time should I be there? Meat and goodies. Pie (except pumpkin, yelck). Baby Jesus loved him his pie.

    14. Do you have a kiddie table and will I be forced to sit there? The kiddie table is open to all.

    15. Who is tipsy at your Christmas dinner, besides me, of course? For some odd reason alchyhaul isn’t invited to our Christmas dinner unless I’m hosting then I’d be the tipsy one.

    16. Is there something that is tradition at your Christmas dinner that you cannot stand or simply do not understand? Nope. Love it all.

    17. Turkey: White meat or dark meat? White, dark and covered in gravy.

    18. Turducken: I know what it is. I need to know why it is. Please enlighten. I have no words.

    19. Cranberry sauce: yea or nay? I just threw up a little.

    20. What happens after dinner? Napping? Sqaubbling? Frolf? Settler’s of Catan!!!

    21. What’s for dessert? My dad’s blackberry pie and my wife’s yummy peanut butter pie.

    22. What’s the best Christmas dessert, in your opinion? Everything but the pumpkin pie.

    23. Now that it’s dessert, who is snockered? You can tell me.

    24. How many pieces/helpings of dessert do you have? Depends on if there is chocolate stuff.

    25. Will Christmas carols be sung loudly and off-key, ad nauseum, until baby Jesus cries? We let Bing do the singing.

    26. Will you be forced to pose for photos at some point by someone making their giddy artistic vision your immediate personal burden? We do candids, except my brother who always knows were the camera is and has his pose on.

    27. Finally … Christmas day exit strategy: What’s yours? “It’s a long drive and the kids are tired – Love you all thanks for everything”

  10. Oh Tracey, Settler’s of Catan is a wonderful strategy game. We are hooked. If you like to play games it is one I highly recommend. The one thing I love about it is that the game area is made up of tiles instead of a fixed board so it is different every time you play. The general idea is that you are a settler and need to build settlements and roads by collecting commodities and trading them with the other players. It is a very interactive game for 4 – 6 players. It may sound a bit nerdy (and it is) but it is fun and challenging.

    Anyone else familiar with Catan?

  11. Brian — Sounds kind of interesting, even though I’m basically terrible at strategy games. I’m always like, “HERE I COME!” Very sly and sneaky, you see.

  12. I *love* this survey. Big raging candy-cane love.

    1. Opening presents: Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
    A couple on Christmas Eve at my cousins’, but actually most are opened Christmas night.

    2. What do you do with all the paper as it’s being ripped from presents? What about the ribbon?
    Paper either goes to cats for playing or in a trash bag. I tend to wear the ribbon around my neck or as a headband if it’s still tied.

    3. Do you take turns opening presents or is it a free-for-all?
    Take turns, youngest to oldest.

    4. Does someone act like Santa, passing out presents?
    Nope, we have our designated spots. My sister’s is suspiciously the largest.

    5. Do you play Christmas music in the background whilst opening presents?
    Heck, my family does nearly everything with music in the background.

    6. I have just given you a gift of socks. Tell me what you say to make me believe you like them, you really like them.
    “Oh my gosh, Tracey, I have got to put these on. Right. Now. Here, hold my old ones, will ya?”

    7. Do you like egg nog?
    If Silk Nog counts, then yes.

    8. Are there any other kinds of nogs that you’re aware of? If not, why not just call egg nog “nog” if it’s the only nog there is?
    Uh, maybe there’s a nog trademark we don’t know about and everyone’s afraid of being sued?

    9. Are there any pre-dinner drinks or snacks available at your house on Christmas and, if so, what are they?
    Usually, cheese and crackers. Sometimes a little sip of Canasta Cream if my parents remember to take a bottle out.

    10. What do you wear for Christmas dinner? If you wear elastic pants and admit it, please know I admire you deeply and may very well fall in love with you. Please do not panic.
    Dinner’s relatively normal compared with Thanksgiving, and pretty casual because we’ve all been up late the night before at my cousins’. I usually wear a nice top/sweater and either jeans or cords.

    11. If you’re not hosting the dinner, do you assist in the pre-dinner prep?
    Yes, unless dinner’s not ready when the youngsters arrive and I have to get them going with our Polaroid poster project.

    12. If so, have you ever considered starting to play with the nearest child immediately upon your arrival at said Christmas dinner, causing him or her to REQUIRE your delightful company up until the very moment dinner is served thereby making it impossible for you to leave the little angel’s side and assist in the kitchen lest a loud, unsightly tantrum ensue? I’m just sayin’ is all. I myself would not do this, oh no, but I would not judge you should you decide to give it a whirl.
    Uh, see previous answer(?)

    13. What’s for Christmas dinner? Along that same vein, what time should I be there?
    Oh, my gosh, this is a sticky question this year. In “olden days” it was ham, then my sibs declared they hated ham. Then it was lasagna, b/c that’s easy for Mom to make ahead. (Which I don’t eat b/c of my allergies, and man, I miss ham.) This year, my sister said no to lasagna, and because as baby of the family her vote counts eighty times, we’re still tossing around ideas at this point in time. I hope it’ll be ham. Hopefully around 4 if people show up on time. (Sorry you asked now?)

    14. Do you have a kiddie table and will I be forced to sit there?
    At Christmas, there’s not usually one, but it depends on how many grown-ups are coming. Christmas Eve is another story–there is a kiddie table, and the youngest “kid” is almost 26! And yes, I sit there.

    15. Who is tipsy at your Christmas dinner, besides me, of course?
    It depends on what is served–if it’s red wine, my mom’s quick to get a bit tipsy. I’ll admit I usually get a bit tipsy myself, just to deal with certain family members.

    16. Is there something that is tradition at your Christmas dinner that you cannot stand or simply do not understand?
    Yeah, holding dinner for people who are FAMOUS for not being on time. Somebody please fudge the dinner time so we can eat while it’s hot.

    17. Turkey: White meat or dark meat?
    No turkey at Christmas, but generally a little of both.

    18. Turducken: I know what it is. I need to know why it is. Please enlighten.
    Because we can do it?

    19. Cranberry sauce: yea or nay?
    Not usually with Christmas dinner, but I like it. Jell, not whole berry, please.

    20. What happens after dinner? Napping? Sqaubbling? Frolf?
    (A) We open presents, and (B) nobody on the East Coast calls it Frolf. Sounds like the missing hobbit.

    21. What’s for dessert?
    Christmas cookies and a big ol’ pot of coffee.

    22. What’s the best Christmas dessert, in your opinion?
    I’m happy as long as I get coffee, but I might push the limits of my food allergies and have a sesame cookie if my mom made them.

    23. Now that it’s dessert, who is snockered? You can tell me.
    We’ve all sobered up from the coffee. Sorry!

    24. How many pieces/helpings of dessert do you have? Just know that whatever number you tell me, I will double it in my head to get closer to the truth, ‘mkay, Peaches?
    Mmmmkay. One of my mom’s cookies, a few of the ones I made, and three cups of coffee.

    25. Will Christmas carols be sung loudly and off-key, ad nauseum, until baby Jesus cries?
    No, because we have awesome records like Captain Kangaroo’s Christmas to play. They make Jesus happy on His b-day.

    26. Will you be forced to pose for photos at some point by someone making their giddy artistic vision your immediate personal burden?
    Yes, if I bring the Polaroid camera for a little art project to keep the kids occupied, EVERYONE is forced to pose, usually by my oldest nephew!

    27. Finally … Christmas day exit strategy: What’s yours?
    My mom shoos me out of the kitchen and won’t let me do any more clean-up.

  13. 1. Opening presents: Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? It depends on where we are. When we’re home, we open Christmas Eve with Brian’s family and Christmas morning just us. When we’re with my family it’s Christmas Day.

    2. What do you do with all the paper as it’s being ripped from presents? What about the ribbon? Recycle or burn.

    3. Do you take turns opening presents or is it a free-for-all? Take turns.

    4. Does someone act like Santa, passing out presents? The kids usually distribute and put in piles in front of the receiver.

    5. Do you play Christmas music in the background whilst opening presents? Of course, and, Brian, it’s Bingo Cosby.

    6. I have just given you a gift of socks. Tell me what you say to make me believe you like them, you really like them. If they’re plain white, “OH, I really needed some!” If they’re fun with different colors and stripes and such, “Cool!”

    7. Do you like egg nog? I’m starting to like it more and more each year.

    8. Are there any other kinds of nogs that you’re aware of? If not, why not just call egg nog “nog” if it’s the only nog there is? All I know is that my kids think that “lite” eggnog is not as good as regular eggnog.

    9. Are there any pre-dinner drinks or snacks available at your house on Christmas and, if so, what are they? There are always snacks out!

    10. What do you wear for Christmas dinner? If you wear elastic pants and admit it, please know I admire you deeply and may very well fall in love with you. Please do not panic. Jeans and a sweater to my in-law’s. Their house is always cold.

    11. If you’re not hosting the dinner, do you assist in the pre-dinner prep? I love to cook, so I do what I can.

    12. If so, have you ever considered starting to play with the nearest child immediately upon your arrival at said Christmas dinner, causing him or her to REQUIRE your delightful company up until the very moment dinner is served thereby making it impossible for you to leave the little angel’s side and assist in the kitchen lest a loud, unsightly tantrum ensue? I’m just sayin’ is all. I myself would not do this, oh no, but I would not judge you should you decide to give it a whirl. Not usually, but I should try that this year.

    13. What’s for Christmas dinner? Along that same vein, what time should I be there? Depends on which house we’re at. It’s appetizers at the in-laws. My Mom makes a full dinner with way too much food. Mmmm…

    14. Do you have a kiddie table and will I be forced to sit there? We’re a mixed bunch.

    15. Who is tipsy at your Christmas dinner, besides me, of course? Like Brian said, no alcohol at his folks. However, at my parent’s someone usually brings wine. It would by my Aunt who gets tipsy and says things that are uncomfortable. Oh how I’ll miss that this year.

    16. Is there something that is tradition at your Christmas dinner that you cannot stand or simply do not understand? My family always has ravioli and Italian sausage with Christmas dinner. I love it!

    17. Turkey: White meat or dark meat? White. Dark is best used for leftovers.

    18. Turducken: I know what it is. I need to know why it is. Please enlighten. Ummmm…

    19. Cranberry sauce: yea or nay? Oh, yes. I prefer fresh over canned, but I’ll eat that too.

    20. What happens after dinner? Napping? Squabbling? Frolf? Dishes, sitting around, the talking gets a little quieter at my parent’s house. The games begin at the in-law’s.

    21. What’s for dessert? Berry pie at my in-law’s. My aunt’s (cough) cookies at my parent’s. Fortunately my Mom makes a mean dessert too.

    22. What’s the best Christmas dessert, in your opinion? Anything with chocolate.

    23. Now that it’s dessert, who is snockered? You can tell me. Usually one of my aunts. Then things get said, words fly, some aren’t speaking to each other for a long time. It’s loads of fun. That’s why we joined my parents in Hawaii at my sister’s last year. To avoid the family drama.

    24. How many pieces/helpings of dessert do you have? Just know that whatever number you tell me, I will double it in my head to get closer to the truth, ‘mkay, Peaches? 1-2 and I’ll probably sneak in a few cookies too (not my aunt’s though).

    25. Will Christmas carols be sung loudly and off-key, ad nauseum, until baby Jesus cries? Not usually. That’s reserved for church.

    26. Will you be forced to pose for photos at some point by someone making their giddy artistic vision your immediate personal burden? We do one every year, but they really don’t seem to turn out so well. Brian’s right about his brother, though. He seems to show up in each picture.

    27. Finally … Christmas day exit strategy: What’s yours? At Brian’s parent’s – “It’s late, we’ve got a long drive, the dog will need to go out and pee.” My family, we stay at their house, so the others leave. When they do we breathe a sigh of relief.

  14. 1. Opening presents: Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
    –Christmas Eve, because my daddy’s birthday is Christmas Day and we always celebrate then with a party for him that has nothing Christmas-related in it.

    2. What do you do with all the paper as it’s being ripped from presents? What about the ribbon?
    –Big black trashbag.

    3. Do you take turns opening presents or is it a free-for-all?
    –Everybody gets one and opens it all at the same time, then we do it again until it’s over.

    4. Does someone act like Santa, passing out presents?
    –Yes, usually one of the kids.

    5. Do you play Christmas music in the background whilst opening presents?
    –Yep! Usually Handel’s Messiah.

    6. I have just given you a gift of socks. Tell me what you say to make me believe you like them, you really like them.
    –“OMG these will SO keep my feet warm!!”

    7. Do you like egg nog?
    –No. My husband loves it, but I can live the rest of my life never having tasted it again.

    8. Are there any other kinds of nogs that you’re aware of? If not, why not just call egg nog “nog” if it’s the only nog there is?
    –I wouldn’t have a clue, not being a fan of the substance.

    9. Are there any pre-dinner drinks or snacks available at your house on Christmas and, if so, what are they?
    –Usually it’s homemade Christmas candy like peanut brittle and pralines and stuff.

    10. What do you wear for Christmas dinner? If you wear elastic pants and admit it, please know I admire you deeply and may very well fall in love with you. Please do not panic.
    –I almost always wear elastic pants. Being forty-something gives me the right.

    11. If you’re not hosting the dinner, do you assist in the pre-dinner prep?
    –Yes, because my mother guilts me into it. I never have any idea what she’s doing, and she won’t actually ASK me to do anything, she just expects me to osmotically KNOW what needs to be done next.

    12. If so, have you ever considered starting to play with the nearest child immediately upon your arrival at said Christmas dinner, causing him or her to REQUIRE your delightful company up until the very moment dinner is served thereby making it impossible for you to leave the little angel’s side and assist in the kitchen lest a loud, unsightly tantrum ensue? I’m just sayin’ is all. I myself would not do this, oh no, but I would not judge you should you decide to give it a whirl.
    –Oh, man… you just outed me.

    13. What’s for Christmas dinner? Along that same vein, what time should I be there?
    –Probably something fat-free and healthy, unfortunately. You’re welcome to show up, but I can’t guarantee we won’t have to sneak off later for a Whataburger.

    14. Do you have a kiddie table and will I be forced to sit there?
    –Definitely, we have a kiddie table, but we don’t want you to sit there because we want you to be snarky with us at the big-people table.

    15. Who is tipsy at your Christmas dinner, besides me, of course?
    –I’m hoping to be, myself. Maybe my dad.

    16. Is there something that is tradition at your Christmas dinner that you cannot stand or simply do not understand?
    –Anything fat-free. My mother and sister are obsessive dieters and the rest of us suffer in silence because mom’s the cook.

    17. Turkey: White meat or dark meat?
    Dark. I’m a flavah-gal. But sometimes mom just buys a turkey breast because it doesn’t have as much fat. 🙁

    18. Turducken: I know what it is. I need to know why it is. Please enlighten.
    Because we CAN. Kinda like Mt. Everest; it’s not for everyone, but some of us just have the need to do it. I’ve personally never tried it, but I would, particularly because duck is dark meat and will impart a tremendously lovely flavor to the rest of the dish. Can you detect a fat-related theme here yet?

    19. Cranberry sauce: yea or nay?
    Yea, if we’re having turkey

    20. What happens after dinner? Napping? Squabbling? Frolf?
    –Watching football on TV, avoiding uncomfortable topics

    21. What’s for dessert?
    Pecan pie, homemade candy

    22. What’s the best Christmas dessert, in your opinion?
    –my great-grandma’s candy recipe, called “Aunt Bill’s Brown Candy” … none of us knows who Aunt Bill might’ve been, but her candy is the bomb.

    23. Now that it’s dessert, who is snockered? You can tell me.
    –Hopefully several of us. On the sly, of course; my mom would have a cow if she knew we were nipping. heh

    24. How many pieces/helpings of dessert do you have? Just know that whatever number you tell me, I will double it in my head to get closer to the truth, ‘mkay, Peaches?
    –About a half of one, because I’m not that “into” sweets. I’ll probably eat sixty-three helpings of turkey or ham, though.

    25. Will Christmas carols be sung loudly and off-key, ad nauseum, until baby Jesus cries?
    –Carols will be sung, but we’re a very musical family and it will not be off-key and Baby Jesus will smile.

    26. Will you be forced to pose for photos at some point by someone making their giddy artistic vision your immediate personal burden?
    –Totally, yes. My mother.

    27. Finally … Christmas day exit strategy: What’s yours?
    –My husband won’t be with us at my mom’s, so “We have to go home and have Christmas with Dad” will be our convenient exit strategy. He has to work Christmas Eve until 2AM.

  15. Oh my gosh! I LOVE this survey!

    1. Opening presents: Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
    …Family gifts are on Christmas Eve. Santa comes Christmas morning (when there are small children in the family that is).

    2. What do you do with all the paper as it’s being ripped from presents? What about the ribbon?
    …toss it all! My grandma used to make us save ribbons and bows as a kid, and I can remember Christmas after Christmas with smashed, flattened recycled bows. I decided then and there my kids would get fresh perky bows. We do save gift bags, however.

    3. Do you take turns opening presents or is it a free-for-all?
    …we are fanatical turn-takers.

    4. Does someone act like Santa, passing out presents?
    …my dad or CO depending upon who is present at the time.

    5. Do you play Christmas music in the background whilst opening presents?

    6. I have just given you a gift of socks. Tell me what you say to make me believe you like them, you really like them.
    …I’ve got to be honest about something…I’m not very good at fake-liking presents. The good news is, I almost always like them for real.

    7. Do you like egg nog?

    8. Are there any other kinds of nogs that you’re aware of? If not, why not just call egg nog “nog” if it’s the only nog there is?
    …hmmmmmm. You pose an excellent question. Maybe we need to develop another kind of nog. Think of the potential here!

    9. Are there any pre-dinner drinks or snacks available at your house on Christmas and, if so, what are they?
    …not too much usually. Cookies or pretzels…maybe some Chex mix.

    10. What do you wear for Christmas dinner? If you wear elastic pants and admit it, please know I admire you deeply and may very well fall in love with you. Please do not panic.
    …we generally stay home, so it is usually pretty comfortable. I almost always wear a Christmas sweater and jeans.

    11. If you’re not hosting the dinner, do you assist in the pre-dinner prep?

    12. If so, have you ever considered starting to play with the nearest child immediately upon your arrival at said Christmas dinner, causing him or her to REQUIRE your delightful company up until the very moment dinner is served thereby making it impossible for you to leave the little angel’s side and assist in the kitchen lest a loud, unsightly tantrum ensue? I’m just sayin’ is all. I myself would not do this, oh no, but I would not judge you should you decide to give it a whirl.
    …I have not employed this strategy…but I think I should consider it.

    13. What’s for Christmas dinner? Along that same vein, what time should I be there?
    …as a kid it was always turkey. As an adult hosting Christmas, it is usually prime rib, however this year I have been talked into the traditional turkey. We usually eat around 3:00 or 4:00. Come on over any time!

    14. Do you have a kiddie table and will I be forced to sit there?
    …no kiddie table.

    15. Who is tipsy at your Christmas dinner, besides me, of course?
    …when I was growing up, my mom did not allow drinking on Christmas at all. Now-a-days that rule has been relaxed. No one ever gets too tipsy though. I guess maybe my Dad, but just a little.

    16. Is there something that is tradition at your Christmas dinner that you cannot stand or simply do not understand?
    …not really.

    17. Turkey: White meat or dark meat?
    …I’d prefer none. I’ll just eat side dishes, thanks.

    8. Turducken: I know what it is. I need to know why it is. Please enlighten.
    …I’m sorry what?

    19. Cranberry sauce: yea or nay?
    …yes, please.

    20. What happens after dinner? Napping? Sqaubbling? Frolf?
    …games, but not frolf. Whatever new board game or party game Santa has seen fit to bestow upon us.

    21. What’s for dessert?
    …cookies, pies (usually pumpkin, blackberry and cherry)

    22. What’s the best Christmas dessert, in your opinion?
    …I love Mexican Wedding cookies (which were never made for weddings in my non-Mexican family…only for Christmas).

    23. Now that it’s dessert, who is snockered? You can tell me.
    …if we were at my dad’s parent’s house, everyone.

    24. How many pieces/helpings of dessert do you have? Just know that whatever number you tell me, I will double it in my head to get closer to the truth, ‘mkay, Peaches?
    …well if you’re going to double it, then uhm, two?

    25. Will Christmas carols be sung loudly and off-key, ad nauseum, until baby Jesus cries?
    …yes, and with a karaoke machine…much to CO’s dismay.

    26. Will you be forced to pose for photos at some point by someone making their giddy artistic vision your immediate personal burden?
    …yes, in front of the tree before presents. That is the only way to get everyone to comply!

    27. Finally … Christmas day exit strategy: What’s yours?
    …I’m almost always at home. I don’t need an exit strategy so much as a “get out” strategy!

  16. GraD — Hahhahaha. You’re answers are cracking me up. Your mother expects you to “osmotically know” what you’re supposed to do. I SO get that. Hahahaha. And, I’m sure she’s a lovely — and apparently, thin — woman, but her fat-free obsession is wearing me to a nub! How can you have a fat-free Christmas??? We are SO going to Whataburger and I don’t even know what that is. Of COURSE you’re tipsy by the end.

    MM — You have a karaoke machine? That is brilliant. I’m jealous. I know approximately the city you live in — it’s on the way to my in-laws’, you know. Now I want to stop by and give that machine a spin myself. How fun!

  17. 1. Opening presents: Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?


    2. What do you do with all the paper as it’s being ripped from presents? What about the ribbon?

    In Jersey everything goes to the landfill.

    3. Do you take turns opening presents or is it a free-for-all?

    Turns. My Bride makes sure every gift is properly recorded for the thank yous.

    4. Does someone act like Santa, passing out presents?

    Daughter puts on her Santa hat and dishes ’em out.

    5. Do you play Christmas music in the background whilst opening presents?

    Of course!

    6. I have just given you a gift of socks. Tell me what you say to make me believe you like them, you really like them.

    My socks life needs all the help it can get!

    7. Do you like egg nog?

    If you define ‘egg nog’ as a delicious cake batter-flavored bourbon/rum delivery system, then heck yeah!

    8. Are there any other kinds of nogs that you’re aware of? If not, why not just call egg nog “nog” if it’s the only nog there is?

    I think there’s a Nog in LOTR somewhere…doesn’t he work in Bree?

    9. Are there any pre-dinner drinks or snacks available at your house on Christmas and, if so, what are they?

    Lots of wine, scotch and gin.

    10. What do you wear for Christmas dinner? If you wear elastic pants and admit it, please know I admire you deeply and may very well fall in love with you. Please do not panic.

    Depends. If we have non-family company I try to be reasonable; I think this year I may pull out the Mr. Jefferson linen shirt Revolutionary War outfit paired with the tartan vest from Castle Atholl.

    11. If you’re not hosting the dinner, do you assist in the pre-dinner prep?

    I try. The kitchen is where the food and booze are.

    12. If so, have you ever considered starting to play with the nearest child immediately upon your arrival at said Christmas dinner, causing him or her to REQUIRE your delightful company up until the very moment dinner is served thereby making it impossible for you to leave the little angel’s side and assist in the kitchen lest a loud, unsightly tantrum ensue? I’m just sayin’ is all. I myself would not do this, oh no, but I would not judge you should you decide to give it a whirl.

    I’d much rather be in the kitchen.

    13. What’s for Christmas dinner? Along that same vein, what time should I be there?

    I’m smoking a 15lb turkey over cherry. I’ll brine it tonight in an apple juice based brine tonight for 24-36 hours or so to enjuicify it. We’ll have mashed ‘taters and baked yams, some type of green vegetable, stuffing, and of course I’ve got a couple cases of wine lying about.

    14. Do you have a kiddie table and will I be forced to sit there?

    Nope, no kiddie table. Kids eat at the Big Table. The only way the little turds will learn to act like adults is to treat them like them.

    15. Who is tipsy at your Christmas dinner, besides me, of course?

    Everyone damn well better be, or I have failed.

    16. Is there something that is tradition at your Christmas dinner that you cannot stand or simply do not understand?


    17. Turkey: White meat or dark meat?

    I’m a white meat man. My Bride is a dark meat-er. We were made for each other.

    18. Turducken: I know what it is. I need to know why it is. Please enlighten.

    I made one of those one Christmas. It was…different. (And man was my kitchen ugly back then; thank God we re-did it.)

    19. Cranberry sauce: yea or nay?


    20. What happens after dinner? Napping? Squabbling? Frolf?

    Cleaning dishes and more wine.

    21. What’s for dessert?

    Apple pie, I think.

    22. What’s the best Christmas dessert, in your opinion?

    I’m not a real big dessert eater, but if you happen to pour me a nice glass of sauterne I’m yours.

    23. Now that it’s dessert, who is snockered? You can tell me.

    I better be.

    24. How many pieces/helpings of dessert do you have? Just know that whatever number you tell me, I will double it in my head to get closer to the truth, ‘mkay, Peaches?

    See #22

    25. Will Christmas carols be sung loudly and off-key, ad nauseum, until baby Jesus cries?

    No, we’re pretty in-key, in a low-key sort of way.

    26. Will you be forced to pose for photos at some point by someone making their giddy artistic vision your immediate personal burden?

    Perhaps one or two at the very most.

    27. Finally … Christmas day exit strategy: What’s yours?

    Since it’s at my house I can stumble off to la-la land any time I want…after I’ve done the dishes.

  18. Maggie – Your commandinmg officer comes over for Christmas?

    -Cullen, thank you for the chocolate pie link. I will look at it when I get home; I can’t view it here at work.
    Internet access is restricted big-time, but Tracey’s site circumvents the filters somehow, which speaks volumes about how profoundly great and awesome this site is!

  19. Tracey – stop on by! You and MB are totally welcome. I will fire up the tunes!

    Samuel – CO is my blog reference to my husband. It may not translate so well on Tracey’s blog. It actually stands for “Chosen One,” but I’m sure he’d LIKE to think it stands for commanding officer.

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