“mawidge is a dweam ….

…. wiffin a dweam,” says The Impressive Clergyman in “The Princess Bride.”

Ah, yes. It’s a dweam, awwight.

In honor of last weekend’s nuptials of my blog buddies, WordGirl and Teflon from MoltenThought — and because they decided to take my suggestion to have a “Virtual Wedding Shower” — here are my “virtual” contributions to the happy couple, now honeymooning in Ireland. Perhaps you’ll sense a theme. AND sense that I know absolutely NOTHING about my theme. But I am stubbornly undaunted by my ignorance, which is a hallmark of the truly ignorant.

So here we go.

Well, lovebirds, start your day with a little bit ‘o’ this. Uh, don’t get up. Someone can bring it to you, I’m sure:

irish breakfast tea

Along with that, goes this, of course:

lucky charms

And don’t worry. I learned years ago that that creepy leprechaun can’t really see you.

Later, you may find yourself wanting an energizing snack. These looked good to me:

oh ryans

Now, actually, I believe these have absolutely no potato in them at all. They are coconut creme and cinnamon and … well, one would ASSUME potato-free. But coconut has heaps of healing properties and cinnamon is some kind of antioxidant, so even though this is, well, candy, I’m sure it’s tremendously good for you. Let’s face it. Someone has to look after your health at a time like this. I’m sure you’re not.

Let’s see. I think I have another little snacky for you. Hang on. Okay! I think I got yer potatoes! They’re “crisps” of SOMETHING, so I’m guessing — POTATOES!


Have them with a wee bit ‘o’ this:


And don’t you worry your tired little heads. I’m buyin’. And apparently, sparing no expense. Holy Moly! Turns out, this stuff is tres expensive, with each bottle having its own serial number and whatnot. Wow. Such extravagance. I either really like you or have my own reasons for getting you drunk. Watch your pockets. My hands are small, but lightning fast.

Now, sightseeing can be SO exhausting, don’t you agree? And we all know how HOT it is over in Ireland, especially right now …. you know, this time of year and all, what with the humidity and “the heat, MY GOD, the HEAT!”

At least this is what I’ve always heard and what my public education taught me. I mean, am I wrong?

I imagine you’ll need a refreshing shower after a day of such enervating activities. So take your pick:


This is some kind of Irish Wool Fat Soap. I’m both repulsed by the name and mesmerized by little Fiona Bo-Peep and her perky bonnet and the cozy cottage on the hillside. But don’t let Fair Fiona’s loving hand on the wee woolly lamb fool you. Oh, no. Because after she’s done stealing his wool fat and making a batch of pretty, fatty soap, you can bet she’s gonna be making a big ol’ pot ‘o’ this.

Yummy! Have it with a pint of this:

Wait. Sorry. I forgot. The other refreshing soap. Well, there’s always a classic:

 irish spring

You just might be needing an icy blast about now. 😉

Now, how about a movie starring that great Irish actor, Peter O’Toole:

I’m inordinately fond of “Lawrence of Arabia,” “Lion in Winter,” and “My Favorite Year.” Just some ideas for when you’re tired of sightseeing.

Or maybe you’re not tired.

Now, let’s not forget the great Irish actresses. For instance, who doesn’t love that Rosie O’Donnell:

Really, what to say except that I’m inordinately grateful that she quit her show and got her face OUTTA MINE and never sullied a Peter O’Toole movie by being IN a Peter O’Toole movie.

Then I thought this was rather nice and might remind you of The One who knits you together:

And finally, you lovebirds, this traditional Irish blessing, from me to you:

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
May the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand.

Oh, wait. This guy wants in on it, too:

Well, seems it’s not an event until Lord of the Pants shows up. So sorry. He insisted. Don’t worry. I kicked him hard in the groin with my own freakishly fast feet, so they’ll be no Flatley Foot Flailing at THIS wedding.



17 Replies to ““mawidge is a dweam ….”

  1. This post started off brilliant (LOVE the Princess Bride) and continued on in its brilliance. Makes me want to have a wedding shower just to see what you’d come up with for me! Too fun!

  2. Well, ASM — Get working on that third member of your family and I’ll see what I can do! We’ll have a different shower around here. 😉

  3. Augh! Are you rushing me Tracey? Although, I would LOVE to see what kind of Guatemalan/Welsh/Texan things you’d have in mind for me. And the future little bambino.

    But give me time for now, and I will make sure to let you know the day there is an “Amstaff Pup”.

  4. You just had to go and trump the rest of us Virtual Shower contributors with this post didn’t you? 😉


    (And extra props to you for using a Lucky Charms box with a Star Wars promo on it. My inner geek approves!)

  5. Sorry, Alex! Your comment got moderated!

    And, well, since the “Virtual Shower” was my idea, I had to do it up REAL GOOD! 😉

  6. –smacks self on forehead–

    Doh! I TOTALLY forgot you came up with idea, Tracey!

    Makes me think back to the old days, taking those color-coded SRA tests that were designed to determine/enhance kids’ reading comprehension.

    Methinks I should be taking them again right about now. I’ll start with one of the tougher ones…like the Aqua level.

    If no one knows what the heck I’m talking about, I apologize….

  7. No, Alex, I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about. I loved SRA! Wasn’t “Gold” the highest level?

    ‘Course, I don’t remember what the “S” and the “A” stand for — but I’ll wager the “R” stood for “Readin’.”

    “Standard Reading Achievement”?
    “Scholastic Reading Achievement”?
    “Subpar Reading Aptitude?”

    Oh, what the heck was it? Anyone?

    (Hey, Moltenthought, yes, honeymoon away, chippies. We got THINGS to discuss, here!! 😉 )

  8. I am so happy someone else knows what I’m talking about. I believe Gold was high, and I remember Aqua being sort of in ther middle, where it got a little more complex.

    I will utilize magic Google powers to remember what the acronym stood for, though “Subpar Reading Aptitude” sounds good enough if you ask me. lol.

  9. “Science Research Associates”? Are you sure?!

    Okay. Wait. I just checked it out. Looks like that’s it; it just looks really different. I didn’t see any Gold level … or Aqua level.

    And I wasn’t even right about the “R”.

  10. Seriously though. This KICKS. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. What an awesome homage. We don’t deserve it. When I have more time, I’m gonna’… do something to show you how much I appreciate all this cool, hilariuos, quirky work. Can’t think now, though. Brain is still in Ireland. With the cows. And the sheep. And the brown bread. Wheatabix. Tea. Bulmers Cider. Fresh cream butter. Peat fires. *siiiigh* Ireland.

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