“Come what maaaaaay …..”
(It’s pixellated again. Drat. I don’t know how to smooth it out. Looks better in person, I think. Ah, well. Cheap pencil, bad scan, operator error? I dunno. Last night, I gave myself 15 minutes and the corner of a paper to draw from image on movie DVD. Just little games I play with myself. Yo dee doh.)
Any guesses who it is? (I did give you a huge hint. I honestly can’t objectively say if it looks like her.)
Well, the “come what may” tells me that it must be Nicole Kidman as Satine in Moulin Rouge??
Whoever it is – it’s a haunting image. It looks like it could be a movie poster from the 40s.
Yes, Nicole Kidman as “Satine”!